CfP: AIR 2024

The AIR’2024 conference is going to be held in conjunction with the International Conference on Borderless Artificial Intelligence and Quantum Computing (BAIQC’2024) and the International Conference on Intelligence, Sustainability, and Innovation in Healthcare (ISIH’2024)

Relentless progress of Artificial Intelligence (AI) – AI has emerged as a transformative force, rewriting the possibilities of innovation and sustainability across diverse landscapes. The journey of AI progress has been marked by relentless advancements, propelling us into an era where machines not only mimic human intelligence but often surpass it. The relentless pursuit of algorithms and computational models has fueled AI’s ascent, enabling machines to navigate complex tasks, analyze vast datasets, and make decisions with a precision once thought to be uniquely human. From the realms of machine learning to natural language processing and beyond, AI has become a cornerstone in the architecture of innovation, permeating industries and reshaping the very fabric of how we approach problem-solving.

AI and innovation – At the heart of AI’s impact lies its symbiotic relationship with innovation. The ability to swiftly process information, discern patterns, and extrapolate insights has birthed a new paradigm of creative problem-solving. Whether it be in healthcare with predictive diagnostics, finance with algorithmic trading, or manufacturing with predictive maintenance, AI stands as the catalyst for breakthroughs that were once deemed fantastical. The synergy between human ingenuity and machine intelligence continues to propel us toward uncharted territories, fostering a culture of perpetual innovation. AI as steward of sustainability – Beyond the realms of innovation, AI has emerged as a steward of sustainability, offering solutions to some of humanity’s most pressing challenges. The marriage of AI with sustainability initiatives has given rise to a new wave of possibilities. From optimizing energy consumption and managing waste to revolutionizing agriculture practices and monitoring environmental changes, AI is at the forefront of the battle for a more sustainable and resilient planet.

Progressing with responsibility – As AI continues to evolve, the importance of responsible and ethical practices comes to the forefront. The pursuit of innovation and sustainability must be guided by principles that prioritize transparency, fairness, and societal well-being. Ensuring that AI technologies align with ethical standards becomes paramount as we navigate the uncharted waters of progress.

About the conference – At the AI Revolutions Conference (AIR-2024), we invite you to be part of a dynamic exploration, where cutting-edge technologies, visionary insights, and revolutionary breakthroughs converge. Join thought leaders, pioneers, and enthusiasts from across the globe as we unravel the limitless possibilities of AI. It is more than a conference; it is a rendezvous with the future. Let us ignite ideas, challenge norms, and revolutionize the way we perceive and harness the power of intelligence. From groundbreaking research to real-world applications, the AIR’2024 conference spans a spectrum of tracks, including:

  • AI Fundamental and Theories
  • AI and Sustainability
  • AI Transformative Applications
  • AI for Drones and UAS
  • AI and Education
  • Responsible AI

The AIR’2024 conference is going to be held in conjunction with the International Conference on Borderless Artificial Intelligence and Quantum Computing (BAIQC’2024) and the International Conference on Intelligence, Sustainability, and Innovation in Healthcare (ISIH’2024)


  • Paper Submission: June 10, 2024
  • Acceptance Notification: September 1, 2024
  • Final Manuscript Due: October 1, 2024
  • Conference: October 30 - 31, 2024


Authors are invited to submit full papers describing original research works in areas including, but are not limited to:

Track 1: Fundamentals and Theories

Chair: Jaafar Gaber (France)

  • Theoretical Advances in AI Algorithms
  • Machine Learning
  • Neural Networks and Deep Learning
  • Multi-Agent Systems
  • Statistical Learning and Probability in AI
  • Natural Language Processing (NLP) Theories
  • Symbolic AI and Knowledge Representation
  • Explainable AI (XAI)
  • Generative AI
  • Cognitive Architectures
  • Human-AI Collaboration and Augmentation
  • Reinforcement Learning Theories
  • Protocols and Communication
  • Collaborative Environments
  • Multi-user and Distributed Systems
  • AI and Digital Transformation
  • Mobile AI
  • Computer Vision
  • Simulation and Virtual Environments
  • AI in Design Thinking and Creativity
  • AI-driven Innovation Models
  • Swarm Intelligence and Collective AI
  • The Future of Human-Machine Interaction
  • Programming Languages
  • Integrations with emerging technologies

Track 2: AI and Sustainability

Chair: Tao Wang (France)

  • Circular Economy and AI
  • Eco-friendly AI Hardware Design
  • Green Computing: Sustainable Data Centers
  • Biodiversity Monitoring with AI
  • AI for Clean Energy Grids
  • Sustainable Transportation Solutions
  • Eco-labeling for AI Products
  • Climate Resilience and AI Applications
  • Water Resource Management with AI
  • Renewable Energy Forecasting with AI
  • Carbon Footprint Reduction Strategies
  • Smart Buildings and Energy Efficiency
  • Waste Sorting and Recycling Automation
  • Sustainable Manufacturing with AI
  • Eco-conscious Consumer Behavior Analysis
  • Climate Data Analytics
  • Natural Disaster Preparedness and Response
  • Green Supply Chain Management
  • Ocean Conservation with AI
  • Urban Green Spaces Planning
  • AI-driven Pollution Monitoring
  • Sustainable Tourism with AI
  • E-waste Recycling Innovation
  • AI and energy
  • AI in Environmental Monitoring

Track 3: AI Transformative Applications

Chair: Lamia Berrah (France)

  • Algorithmic Trading and Market Predictions
  • Inclusive Finance
  • AI for Financial Inclusion
  • AI for marine applications
  • AI in Public Health Management
  • Personalized Medicine and AI Diagnosis
  • Predictive Analytics in Epidemiology
  • Smart Infrastructure in Urban Development
  • Precision Agriculture and AI
  • AI-based Disaster Response and Recovery
  • AI in Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Response
  • AI-driven Climate Resilient Infrastructure
  • Smart Traffic Management with AI
  • Blockchain in Agriculture Supply Chains
  • AI for Earthquake Prediction
  • Remote Learning Optimization with AI
  • AI in Refugee Aid and Resettlement
  • Smart Grids and AI for Energy Distribution
  • Autonomous Vehicles
  • AI for Urban Planning and Construction

Track 4: AI for Drones and UAS

Chair: Nafaa Jabeur (Oman)

  • Sustainable Drone Fleet Management
  • AI-powered Urban Air Mobility Solutions
  • Innovative Air Traffic Flow Optimization
  • Green Technologies
  • AI-driven Weather Resilience in Air Traffic
  • Eco-conscious Drone Traffic Control
  • Sustainable Communication Networks
  • AI Drone-based Surveillance
  • Ethical AI in Emergency Response for Drones
  • AI for Precision Agriculture Sustainability
  • Human-Drone Collaboration
  • Eco-friendly Package Delivery with Drones
  • Sustainable AI-enhanced Search and Rescue
  • Sustainable Drone Operations
  • Inclusive and Sustainable Air Traffic Control
  • AI in Environmental Monitoring
  • AI for Wildlife Conservation
  • Responsible Innovation for Air Traffic Safety
  • AI-driven Noise Reduction
  • Autonomous Space Probes

Track 5: AI and Education

Chairs: R. Zantout | H. Nashash (Leb. | UAE)

  • AI and student innovation
  • Adaptive Learning Platforms
  • Personalized Tutoring with AI
  • Smart Classrooms and AI Integration
  • Automated Grading and Assessment
  • Virtual Reality (VR) and AI in Education
  • AI for Learning Disabilities
  • Gamification and AI
  • Predictive Analytics in Education
  • Ethical Considerations in AI Education
  • AI-Enhanced Content Creation
  • Chatbots and Virtual Assistants for Students
  • AI for Early Childhood Education
  • Language Learning with AI
  • AI and Educational Research Measuring
  • Educational Outcomes with AI
  • Education Accessibility with AI
  • Responsible AI Education and Training

Track 6: Responsible AI

Chair: Samia Gamoura (France)

  • Fairness and Bias Mitigation in AI Algorithms
  • Responsible AI Governance and Regulation
  • Privacy-preserving AI Technologies
  • Ethical Considerations in AI Decision-making
  • Trustworthy AI: Building User Confidence
  • Explainable AI for Ethical Decision Support
  • AI for Social Justice and Inclusion
  • Combating AI-generated Misinformation
  • AI-driven Cybersecurity Threat Intelligence
  • Secure AI Deployment
  • AI Accountability and Liability
  • Human Rights and AI
  • Algorithmic Transparency and Accountability
  • AI in Law and Legal Ethics
  • Bias Detection and Mitigation Tools
  • Cross-cultural Ethics in AI
  • Digital Ethics in Virtual Environments
  • Algorithmic Accountability in Criminal Justice
  • AI for Mental Health Ethics
  • Responsible Data Management in AI
  • Human-centered AI Design

Selected papers will be invited for publication, in the special issues of selected international journals. More details will be available soon.



IEEE Conference Publishing Services (CPS) will publish the proceedings. Please prepare your manuscripts in accordance to the CPS guidelines. Please, refer to CPS guidelines for more information.

Paper format and submission

Authors must submit high quality, original contributions that have not been published or presented for publication elsewhere. All submissions will be judged on the basis of originality, contribution to the field, technical and presentation quality, relevance to the conference, and relevance to the technical scope of the IEEE. All papers must have a strong ICT scope (theory, development and application).
Papers should be prepared using the IEEE 2-column conference style. They are limited to 8 pages maximum and 6 pages minimum including references.
Papers submitted must meet the specifications of the IEEE template (Word, Latex, and Overleaf users).
Papers must be submitted electronically in PDF format through easychair.

Paper indexing

Submitted papers will follow peer-review procedures. Those accepted and presented at AIR 2024 will be submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore and the IEEE Computer Society Digital Library subject to meeting IEEE’s quality standards. Upon acceptance into IEEE Xplore®, the conference publication is submitted by IEEE CPS for indexing through INSPEC, EI’s Engineering Information Index, Scopus, Compendex, ISI Thomson’s Scientific and Technical Proceedings, ISTP/ISI Proceedings, etc. Content accepted in IEEE Xplore® will be made available to the IEEE CPS indexing partners.

Guidelines for Artificial Intelligence (AI)-Generated Text

As per IEEE rules, “The use of content generated by artificial intelligence (AI) in a paper (including but not limited to text, figures, images, and code) shall be disclosed in the acknowledgments section of any paper submitted to an IEEE publication. The AI system used shall be identified, and specific sections of the paper that use AI-generated content shall be identified and accompanied by a brief explanation regarding the level at which the AI system was used to generate the content.
The use of AI systems for editing and grammar enhancement is common practice and, as such, is generally outside the intent of the above policy. In this case, disclosure as noted above is recommended”.

More information about copyright, policies, and ethics

IEEE shall at all times be the sole owner of all rights in and to the papers published.

Authors are encouraged to check the following links for more information about IEEE submission policies and author ethics:

  1. IEEE Author Submission Policies
  2. IEEE Author Ethics
Submitted by Amy Karns on