Call for Participation: IEEE SMC-IT/SCC 2024


The joint conference IEEE Space Mission Challenges for Information Technology (SMC-IT) and IEEE Space Computing Conference (SCC) is seeking submissions to co-located workshops.

Mountain View, CA, USA  •  15-19 July 2024  •

The International Conference on Space Mission Challenges for Information Technology (SMC-IT) and the Space Computing Conference (SCC) gather system designers, engineers, computer architects, scientists, practitioners, and space explorers with the objective of advancing information technology, and the computational capability and reliability of space missions. The forums will provide an excellent opportunity for fostering technical interchange on all hardware and software aspects of space missions. The joint conferences will focus on current systems practice and challenges as well as emerging hardware and software technologies with applicability for future space missions.

Systems in all aspects of the space mission will be explored, including flight systems, ground systems, science data processing, engineering and development tools, operations, telecommunications, radiation-tolerant computing devices, reliable electronics, space-qualifiable packaging technologies. The entire information systems lifecycle of the mission development will also be covered, such as conceptual design, engineering tools development, integration and test, operations, science analysis, quality control.

Sponsored by: IEEE Computer Society - Technical Committee on Software Engineering and Technical Committee on Computer Architecture.

Topics of interest include (but are not limited to) space applications of the following:


Robotics, Cybersecurity, Networking, Memory and Storage, Advanced Ground Control, Data Analytics and Big Data, Fault-Tolerant Processing, Intelligent and Autonomous Systems, Augmented Reality/Virtual Reality and HCI, Manufacturing and Assembly of Large Structures, Advanced Computing for Novel Instruments and Improved Operations, Software Reliability for Mission-Critical Applications and Safety of Life.


Components, Radiation, and Packaging, Computing Architectures, Flight Data Processing, Avionics Systems, Machine Learning/Neural Computing, Crew Interfaces, Extreme Environments Computing, Distributed Computing, Infusion and adoption of industry standards for space applications. (The organization committee is considering to have a closed door session. If you might be interested in submitting work for that session, please contact the chairs at:

Submitted by Amy Karns on