September 24 - 27, 2024  |  Edmonton, Canada  |

The 27th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (IEEE ITSC 2024) is the annual flagship conference sponsored by the IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society (ITSS). It includes various invited sessions, workshops, tutorials, and regular paper submissions. The conference welcomes articles and presentations in the field of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), conveying new developments in theory, analytical and numerical (including high-fidelity) simulations, modeling, experimentation, advanced deployment and case studies, and results of laboratory or field operational tests. IEEE ITSC 2024 particularly invites and encourages prospective authors to share their recent work, findings, perspectives, and developments as related to implementation and deployment of advanced ITS applications. Accepted papers will be submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore subject to meeting IEEE Xplore’s scope and quality requirements.

Topics of Interest

The topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Machine learning and deep learning in ITS
  • Control & state estimation theories with applications to ITS
  • Networked control systems for ITS
  • Advanced road transportation management
  • Communication and network in ITS
  • Air and rail traffic management
  • Social transportation
  • Connected and autonomous vehicles-Resilience of networked land/aerial vehicular systems-Security, privacy and safety systems in ITS
  • Parallel transportation systems
  • Automated driving systems (ADS) - safety and reliability-Traffic theory for ITS-Human factors in ITS-Management of corner events in ITS
  • Intelligent mobility and intelligent logistics
  • Naturalistic driving datasets
  • Parallel driving and parallel testing
  • Social cognitive autonomous driving
  • Safety of the intended functionality (SOTIF) in ADS-Advanced vehicle safety systems
  • Driver and traveler support systems
  • New trends in ITS
  • Smart cockpits
  • Shared mobility
  • Education in ITS
  • Public policy, regulatory and societal issues in ITS 


Complete manuscripts in PDF must be submitted electronically. 

Detailed instructions for authors can be found on the conference website: 

Organizing committee 

General chair: 

  • Ehsan Hashemi, University of Alberta, Canada 

Program chair: 

  • Jonas Mårtensson, KTH, Sweden 

Publication co-chairs: 

  • Mohammad H. Mamduhi, Univ. of Alberta, Canada 
  • AbolfazlLavaei, Newcastle University, UK 
  • Ting Bai, KTH, Sweden 

Invited sessions co-chairs: 

  • Nathan van de Wouw, TU Eindhoven, Netherlands 
  • Chen Lv, Nanyang Technology University, Singapore 
  • Hong Wang, Tsinghua University, China 

Workshops and tutorial sessions co-chairs: 

  • Hamid Taghavifar, Concordia University, Canada
  • Yechen Qin, Beijing Institute of Technology, China 

Finance chair: 

  • Brendan Morris, University of Nevada, USA 

Publicity co-chairs: 

  • Ahmed Hussein, IAV GmbH, Germany 
  • Neel P. Bhatt, U of Texas at Austin & Univ. of Alberta 

Industry co-chairs: 

  • Karim El-Basyouny, University of Alberta 
  • Silvia Siri, University of Genova, Italy 

Chair for Diversity & Inclusion: 

  • Cecilia Caterina Pasquale, University of Genova, Italy 

LOC –Competitions & Awards: 

  • Xin Xia, University of Michigan (Dearborn), USA 

Conference Deadlines: 

  • April 22, 2024: Proposals due for invited sessions 
  • May 01, 2024: Submission due for regular and invited session papers 
  • June 07, 2024: Proposals due for workshops &tutorials 
  • July 07, 2024: Decision notification 
  • July  31, 2024: Final paper submission deadline

Information for Authors

Manuscript Submissions

All submissions to ITSC 2024 will be handled via the Papercept/Paperplaza platform:

A link to the Papercept entry corresponding to ITSC 2024 is already available in the above link.

Prospective authors for all types of contributions to ITSC 2024 must submit the following information via Papercept/Paperplaza:

  • Type of Submission: authors should indicate, in the manuscript submission form, whether their work corresponds to a Regular Paper, Invited Session Paper, Workshop Paper, or Tutorial Paper. To this end, codes for Regular, Invited, Workshop, and Tutorial Papers will be announced soon in the conference website.
  • Title of the manuscript.
  • Short abstract of the manuscript (<200 words).
  • PINs of ALL co-authors of the manuscript: PINs can be sought or registered HERE.
  • Keywords: 1-3 conference-specific keywords that relate to the work that is submitted.
  • Manuscript file: PDF file (version 1.4 or higher) with all fonts embedded, in US Letter page size, searchable, and with no password protection. Final papers sent to be part of the program of the conference MUST be formatted according to the instructions provided HERE (shortcuts to preparing manuscript: LaTEX support and MS-Word support).
  • The expected length of the manuscript is 6 pages. A page charge needs to be paid if your final paper is over this page limit. A maximum of 2 additional pages is allowed, but at an extra cost per page (to be announced). The maximum number of pages is 6 + 2 (with additional cost) = 8.
  • To upload the final manuscript, at least one of the authors listed on the paper must register for the ITSC 2024.
  • If the paper is accepted, at least one of the authors listed on the paper must attend the conference and present the paper according to the scheduling decided by the conference’s Technical Program Committee. In the (rare) event that the presenter is unable to attend the conference for any reason, it is the presenter’s responsibility to ensure that the paper is presented by a qualified colleague.

IMPORTANT: Manuscripts generated by large language models (LLMs) such as ChatGPT are prohibited as submissions to ITSC 2024. We will allow papers for which LLMs are used for light-editing of the authors’ original manuscript, such as for spelling and grammar corrections. During the submission process, the authors will be asked to confirm/certify that their submission represents the personal writing of and preparation by the authors, and was not generated by any large language model, such as ChatGPT or similar.

All papers submitted through Papercept (Regular, Invited, Workshop, and Tutorial Papers) will be peer-reviewed. All the accepted papers, if they are presented at ITSC 2024, will be published in IEEE Xplore and eligible for the journal special issues arranged for the conference.

Please note that the submission deadline is set to May 1st, 2024.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Are the workshops/tutorials/special sessions in person or hybrid?.

All Conference Sessions will be held in person

  • What is the location of workshops/tutorials?

All Conference Sessions will be held in the Conference Venue. Particular room details will be provided once the program is defined, after the final decision on paper acceptance is made.

  • What the start/end time of the Workshop Day?

All workshops/tutorials will be held on first day of the conference September 24th. Schedule is yet to be defined, although there will be a morning slot for half day workshops, a lunch break, and an afternoon slot. Information regarding the schedule will be published shortly after the paper review process is finished.

  • I am a speaker of a workshop/tutorial, and will attend the whole conference. How can I proceed my registration?

Speakers (non-authors) have free registration to the workshops/tutorials, including coffee and lunch. Each WS/Tutorial organizer shall provide a list of the names of the organizer(s) and speakers to Workshop Chairs.

  • I only plan to attend the Workshop Day, how should I register myself?

Complete a One Day registration process in the corresponding category (organizer, speaker, author, ITSS Member) in the registration portal.

  • Who have free access to the workshops/tutorials?

Workshop Organizers and Speakers (non-authors), ITSS members, who have registered themselves for the Workshop Day.

  • I have free access to the workshops/tutorials (as an organizer, a speaker (non-authors) or an ITSS member), do I still need to register for the Workshop/Tutorial?

Yes, registration is mandatory. (Without registration, one shall not get catering services. We have to know the participant number for deciding catering and room size.)

  • Does my workshop registration including Welcome Reception ticket?

Yes, the Workshop Day includes a Welcome Reception the 24th

  • Where is my workshop/tutorial/special session slotted in the program?

All sessions will be scheduled after the review process is finished. Tutorials and Workshops will all be slotted during Sept. 24th. Rest of sessions will be slotted from September 25th to 27th.

  • Will every participant receive a certificate from ITSC 2024 after the event?


  • What is the deadline for finalizing the workshop/tutorial program?

Once the review process is finished, session authors will be notified and informed about the accepted papers for their session. They will have a period after that to build the session program. Programs should be submitted to organizers by July 30th.

  • Is there a possibility of my workshop being merged with another one?

Yes, this is a possibility if not enough papers are submitted/accepted for the a particular session. If this should be the case, authors and session proposers will be notified after the paper review process is finished.

Submitted by Amy Karns on