CS 3891 at Vanderbilt Example Car Data
These data are used to playback and test road algorithms using a full-sized vehicle in Ros.
Code is available from git at: https://github.com/jmscslgroup/vuCs3891QuickDemonstration
1. Create your docker image from the internal Dockerfile to this respository:
docker build --tag rosblank .
2. create the network to stream the bagfile
docker network create localros
3. Start up your docker container, with the name set for easy reuse later
docker run -it --rm --net localros --name master --env ROS_HOSTNAME=master --env ROS_MASTER_URI=http://master:11311 rosblank
4. start up the other container, which should have access to the ros master effectively
docker run -it --rm --net localros --name test1 --env ROS_HOSTNAME=ros2ascii --env ROS_MASTER_URI=http://master:11311 ros2ascii bash
then, inside that container run
rosrun ros2ascii radar2ascii