CPS-VO Test Project
Lead PI:
Katie Dey
Katie Dey

Currently serves as Research Project Manager for the NSF's CPS Virtual Organization (http://cps-vo.org/). The CPS-VO actively supports the formation and development of distributed research communities required by the demanding challenges of the massively multi-disciplinary, cyber-physical systems domain.

Dey also serves as project manager for the VU Science of Security (SoS) Lablet (https://cps-vo.org/sos/lablet/vanderbilt) funded by the NSA Science of Security and Privacy program. The SoS program promotes foundational cybersecurity science needed to mature the cybersecurity discipline and underpin advances in cyber defense.

Additionally, she manages an NSF Partnerships for International Research and Education (PIRE) grant which focuses on the Science of Design for Societal Scale Cyber-Physical Systems.

Dey has over a decade of experience in the coordination and execution of International Conferences, Principal Investigator Meetings, National Planning Meetings, and Workshops. She received her BA in 2006 from Washington Bible College in Washington, D.C.

Performance Period: 01/01/2024 - 01/01/2025
Award Number: 333333