To highlight the challenges at the intersection of space technologies and cybersecurity, USC CREST will organize a workshop on June 25th-26th 2024. The purpose of this workshop is to outline a national strategic roadmap to catalyze generational advances at the intersection of cyberphysical systems, space, and cybersecurity research and education. We will engage stakeholders of the cyber physical systems, security, and space research, sponsor, and customer communities. This will be the inaugural workshop in a series envisioned as taking place every other year, focusing on different technical disciplines within the space domain. <br/> <br/>The workshop will be organized along three areas: 1) Fundamental intellectual advances in theoretical and experimental methodologies and techniques, with focus on complex systems and human-computer interactions for space and cybersecurity; 2) New approaches to rapid and effective sharing of data and knowledge to accelerate multi-discipline and cross-organizational knowledge generation and community building; and 3) Advanced, accessible simulation, emulation and experimentation infrastructure capabilities. The workshop will facilitate experts and researchers to provide diverse viewpoints, technical perspectives, and cross-pollinate ideas. The report generated from the workshop will be widely distributed to spur additional ideas and conversations. Securing the space domain has strong impacts to our future national well-being.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
Performance Period: 05/15/2024 - 04/30/2025
Award Number: 2422664