Collaborative Research: CPS: Medium: Controlled Wastewater-Hydroponic Systems for Enhanced Nutrient and Water Efficiency via Coupled Real-Time Sensing and Data-Driven Technologies
zhaohui tong
Lead PI:
zhaohui tong
zhaohui tong
Dr. Zhaohui Tong is currently an associate professor in the School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology. She received a B.S. degree in Chemical Engineering from Changsha University of Science and Technology in China. She earned her first M.S. degree in Chemical Engineering, with a concentration in biopolymer synthesis at Tianjin University of Science and Technology in China. Under the guidance of Dr. Yulin Deng, she earned her Ph. D. and second M.S. degree in Chemical Engineering with a concentration in organic-inorganic nanocomposite synthesis, from the Georgia Institute of Technology in 2007. She had worked as a consulting engineer in the Energy and Chemical Division of Ch2mHill Engineering Ltd. for two years. In 2010 she joined the Agricultural and Biological Engineering Department at the University of Florida as an Assistant Professor in the Biological Engineering program and was promoted the associate professor in 2017. Tong’s research interests include the conversion of renewable resources to bioproducts (biochemicals, biomaterials, and biofuels), bioprocessing, sustainable process control, and modeling.
Award Number: 2413708