The formalization of system engineering models and approaches.
PDP 2015
23rd Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed, and Network-Based Processing (PDP 2015) March 4-6, 2015, Turku, Finland   General Scope
Submitted by Anonymous on June 24th, 2014
SAE 2015
The SAE 2015 World Congress assembles the best talent in the automotive industry; experts, management teams, engineers, and executives alike gather to collaborate and address current challenges, seek new windows for discovery and exploration, and promote the multitude of opportunities fundamental for a successful future. This year’s theme, Leading Mobility Innovation, expresses the dawning of a new day in the automotive industry. It is a call to arms, a challenge to all engineers, to create mobility for the future through innovative technologies.
Submitted by Anonymous on June 24th, 2014
DSM 14
Domain-Specific Modeling workshop at SPLASHCON 20/21 October 2014, Portland, Oregon, USA The workshop welcomes submissions that address Domain-Specific Modeling on practical or theoretical levels. Our main focus is on graphical domain-specific languages but we will also consider submissions on textual or other DSLs. Some of the issues that we would like to see addressed in this workshop are:
Submitted by Anonymous on June 12th, 2014
International Open Workshop on Synchronous Programming Centre CNRS Paul Langevin, Aussois, France The 21st International Open Workshop on Synchronous Programming (SYNCHRON'14) will be held in the Alps ski resort of Aussois, France, between November 30 and December 4, 2014.
Submitted by Anonymous on June 12th, 2014
STAF 2014
STAF 2014 Doctoral Symposium Call for Abstract Submissions Part of Software Technologies: Applications and Foundations 2014 University of York, UK,  21st - 25th July 2014.
Submitted by Anonymous on June 12th, 2014
MOVEP 2014
CALL FOR STUDENT ABSTRACTS & REGISTRATIONS NOW OPEN EXTENDED DEADLINE Summer School MOVEP 2014 11th School on MOdelling and VErifying parallel Processes 7 -- 11 July 2014, Nantes, France enquiries / submissions:
Submitted by Anonymous on June 12th, 2014
EWiLi'14, the 4th Embedded Operating System Workshop Aim and Scopes: EWiLi, the embedded operating system workshop, aims at presenting state-of-the-art research, experimentations, significant and original realizations that focus on the design and implementation of embedded operating systems in both academic and industrial worlds. Expected contributions include but are not limited to the following topics:
Submitted by Anonymous on May 19th, 2014
VtRES 2014
2nd Workshop on Virtualization for Real-Time Embedded Systems (VtRES 2014) in conjunction with the 19th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation ETFA 2014 Aim: The VtRES workshop provides a forum for researchers and technologists to discuss the state-of-the-art, present their work and contributions, and set future directions in virtualization for real-time embedded systems. Topics include, but are not limited to:
Submitted by Anonymous on May 19th, 2014
Conquering Complexity: Challenges and Opportunities
Submitted by Anonymous on May 19th, 2014
SAM 2014
The 8th System Analysis and Modelling Conference (SAM'14) co-sponsered by ACM, IEEE and the SDL Forum Society and in agreement with ITU-T Study Group 17 (responsible for ITU System Design Languages)
Submitted by Anonymous on May 5th, 2014
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