CPS PI Meeting 2011
The CPS Principal Investigator Meeting provides a forum for a wide range of stakeholders in academia, industry and federal agencies to review new developments in CPS foundations, to identify new, emerging applications, and to discuss technology gaps and barriers. The program of the meeting includes presentations about projects funded by NSF and other agencies, panels and discussion groups.
Notes from the BoF Session on Medical CPS at the 2011 NSF CPS PI meeting.

This presentation conceptualizes Model-Based Design of a cyber-physical system. Three stages of a system under design at various levels of detail are depicted. The designs are captured by models that have computational semantics based on the execution engine on a host platform. The implementation as generated code executes on a target platform. Because executable, the design can be explored, tested, and verified while at various levels of detail. This enables separation of concerns and so allows raising the level of abstraction in design.