Software tools for designing electronic systems.
SAE 2014
SAE 2014 World Congress & Exhibition In today’s automotive climate, the automotive community is increasingly called upon to think strategically and form unique relationships that expand the reach of the industry into a new era of collaboration.
Submitted by Anonymous on August 13th, 2013
Y2 Report
Mark Yampolskiy Submitted by Mark Yampolskiy on July 22nd, 2013
Mark Yampolskiy Submitted by Mark Yampolskiy on July 22nd, 2013
Y1 Report
Mark Yampolskiy Submitted by Mark Yampolskiy on July 22nd, 2013
State-of-the-art debugging techniques for equation-based languages follow a low-level approach to interface users with the complex interactions between equations and algorithms that describe cyber-physical processes. Although these techniques are useful for understanding the low-level behaviors, they do not provide the means for creating a system-level understanding that is often necessary during the early concept product design phase. In this paper, we present a novel debugging technique for equation-based languages based on a high-level approach to facilitate
Submitted by Arquimedes Canedo on July 12th, 2013


Submitted by Kevin Smyth on June 6th, 2013
PECCS 2014
4th International Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and Communication Systems PECCS 2014 will be held in conjunction with SENSORNETS 2014, PHOTOPTICS 2014 and PhyCS 2014.  Registration to PECCS allows free access to the SENSORNETS, PHOTOPTICS and PhyCS conferences (as a non-speaker).   UPCOMING DEADLINES Regular Paper Submission: July 30, 2013  Regular Paper Authors Notification: October 9, 2013  Regular Pape
Submitted by Anonymous on May 7th, 2013
DIFTS 2013
International Workshop on Design and Implementation of Formal Tools and Systems Portland, OR October 19, 2013 co-located with FMCAD and MEMOCODE
Submitted by Anonymous on May 7th, 2013
Submitted by Anonymous on May 7th, 2013
TSOS 2013
TSOS 2013 4th Workshop on Trustworthy Self-Organizing and Autonomous Systems September 9, 2013, Philadelphia, PA, USA Affiliated to SASO 2013 Seventh IEEE International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems Aim of the Workshop
Submitted by Anonymous on April 19th, 2013
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