The second edition of IM-CPS will bring together researchers from academia and industry with expertise relevant to cyber-physical systems. IM-CPS is a forum that facilitates the interactions between various disciplines like applied mathematics, computer science, control theories and other branches of engineering. Promoting inter-disciplinary research is a major objective of IM-CPS. Some priority topics include aerospace applications and air traffic control, embedded electronics, energy systems, symbolic verification, stochastic modelling and uncertainty understanding.
Janos Sztipanovits Submitted by Janos Sztipanovits on April 16th, 2012
This presentation conceptualizes Model-Based Design of a cyber-physical system. Three stages of a system under design at various levels of detail are depicted. The designs are captured by models that have computational semantics based on the execution engine on a host platform. The implementation as generated code executes on a target platform. Because executable, the design can be explored, tested, and verified while at various levels of detail. This enables separation of concerns and so allows raising the level of abstraction in design.
Pieter Mosterman Submitted by Pieter Mosterman on July 31st, 2011
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