HiPEAC 2024
The HiPEAC conference is the premier European forum for experts in computer architecture, programming models, compilers and operating systems for general-purpose, embedded and cyber-physical systems. Areas of focus and integration include safety-critical dependencies, cybersecurity, energy efficiency and machine learning. The HiPEAC 2024 conference will take place in Munich, Germany. Associated workshops, tutorials, special sessions, several large poster session and an industrial exhibition will run in parallel with the conference.
Submitted by Anonymous on July 20th, 2023
29th IEEE International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPADS 2023)
Submitted by Anonymous on July 20th, 2023
ACSAC 2023
The Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC) brings together cutting-edge researchers, with a broad cross-section of security professionals drawn from academia, industry, and government, gathered to present and discuss the latest security results and topics. With peer reviewed technical papers, invited talks, panels, national interest discussions, and workshops, ACSAC continues its core mission of investigating practical solutions for computer and network security technology.
Submitted by Anonymous on July 20th, 2023
29th Annual International Conference on the Theory and Applications of Cryptology and Information Security Asiacrypt 2023 will take place in Guangzhou, China on December 4-8, 2023. Asiacrypt 2023 is organized by the International Association for Cryptologic Research (IACR). Asiacrypt 2023 is organized by the International Association for Cryptologic Research (IACR). Original contributions on all aspects of cryptology are solicited for submission.
Submitted by Anonymous on July 20th, 2023
The ACM SIGPLAN conference on Systems, Programming, Languages, and Applications: Software for Humanity embraces all aspects of software construction and delivery, to make it the premier conference on the applications of programming languages - at the intersection of programming languages and software engineering.
Submitted by Anonymous on July 20th, 2023
RTSS 2023
44th IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS 2023)  The IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS) is the premier conference in the field of real-time systems, where researchers and practitioners showcase innovations covering all aspects of real-time systems including theory, design, analysis, implementation, evaluation and experience. RTSS’23, the 44th edition of the event, continues the trend of making RTSS an expansive and inclusive event, striving to embrace new and emerging areas of real-time systems research.
Submitted by Anonymous on July 20th, 2023
9th IEEE World Forum on Internet of Things (IEEE WFIoT2023) The 9th IEEE World Forum on Internet of Things (IEEE WFIoT2023) is the premier event of  the IEEE IoT Technical Community, a multiple Society initiative aggregating the wide expertise inherent to the IoT domain. This year, the theme for WFIoT 2023 is "The Blue Planet: A Marriage of Sea and Space”. We aim to recognize the increased importance that the Sea has in our daily activities and to signal the importance that Space has for our future as a sustainable society.
Submitted by Anonymous on July 20th, 2023
ACM/IEEE 26th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS 2023) October 1 - 6, 2023 | Västerås, Sweden | https://conf.researchr.org/home/models-2023 MODELS, the ACM/IEEE 26th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering Languages and Systems, is the premier conference series for model-driven software and systems engineering, and is organized with support of ACM SIGSOFT and IEEE TCSE. Since 1998,
Submitted by Anonymous on July 20th, 2023
ITSC 2023
2023 IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC 2023) The 26th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC 2023) is the annual flagship conference sponsored by the IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society. IEEE ITSC 2023 welcomes articles and presentations in the field of Intelligent Transportation Systems, conveying new developments in theory, analytical and numerical simulation and modeling, experimentation, advanced deployment and case studies.
Submitted by Anonymous on July 20th, 2023
14th Nullcon Goa Nullcon is an annual security conference primarily held in Goa, India. It is a unique conference that recognizes multi-talents of the Information Security industry and gives them a platform to share their findings with the community. Our objective is to find potential speakers that can showcase the next generation of offensive and defensive technology. Nullcon welcomes researchers and hackers around the world working on the 'Next Big Thing' to become a speaker via Call For Papers.
Amy Karns Submitted by Amy Karns on July 20th, 2023
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