IEEE DEST 2012 (June 18-20 2012, Campione, ITALY) has a track on Cyber Physical Energy Systems:
Submitted by Peter Palensky on April 16th, 2012
PECCS 2012
The 2nd International Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and Communication Systems Pervasive and embedded computing and communication is a paradigm that aims at providing trustworthy computing solutions and communication services all the time and everywhere. This entails the need for an interdisciplinary field of R&D that combines signal processing with computer hardware and software technologies, and utilizes and integrates pervasive, wireless, embedded, wearable and/or mobile systems.
Katie Dey Submitted by Katie Dey on April 16th, 2012
SAMOS is a premier and well-established conference on embedded systems organized annually since 2001. The conference brings together researchers from academia and industry on the quiet and inspiring northern mountainside of the Mediterranean island of Samos. It provides an environment where collaboration rather than competition is fostered. The conference considers new state-of-the-art mature research papers on all aspects of embedded processor hardware/software design and integration.
Katie Dey Submitted by Katie Dey on April 16th, 2012
The NASA Formal Methods Symposium is a forum for theoreticians andpractitioners from academia, industry, and government, with the goals ofidentifying challenges and providing solutions to achieving assurancein mission- and safety-critical systems. Within NASA, for example, suchsystems include autonomous robots, separation assurance algorithms for aircraft,Next Generation Air Transportation (NextGen), and autonomous rendezvous anddocking for spacecraft. Moreover, emerging paradigms such as code generation
Alwyn Goodloe Submitted by Alwyn Goodloe on April 16th, 2012
RTAS 2012 focuses on original systems and applications, case studies, methodologies and applied algorithms that contribute to the state of practice in the broad field of embedded and open real-time systems and computing. The scope of RTAS 2012 will consist of four tracks: Applications, Systems, RTOSs and Tools, Applied Methodologies and Foundations, Hardware/Software Integration and Co-design, and Wireless Sensor Networks.
Janos Sztipanovits Submitted by Janos Sztipanovits on April 16th, 2012
IPSN is a leading, single-track, annual forum on sensor network research. IPSN brings together researchers from academia and practitioners from industry to present and discuss recent advances in both theoretical and experimental research. Its scope includes signal processing, embedded systems design, information theory, networking and protocols, systems architecture, distributed algorithms, wireless communications, machine learning, and databases and information management.
Janos Sztipanovits Submitted by Janos Sztipanovits on April 16th, 2012
The CPSWeek brings together five leading conferences - HSCC, ICCPS, IPSN, HiCoNS, and RTAS
Janos Sztipanovits Submitted by Janos Sztipanovits on April 16th, 2012
SenSys 2011
The 9th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (SenSys 2011) is a highly selective, single-track forum for the presentation of research results on systems issues in the area of embedded, networked sensors. Distributed systems based on networked sensors and actuators with embedded computation capabilities allow for an instrumentation of the physical world at an unprecedented scale and density, thus enabling a new generation of monitoring and control applications.
Janos Sztipanovits Submitted by Janos Sztipanovits on April 16th, 2012
The major purpose of this symposium is to extend and endorse particular concepts that will generate novel research and codify resilience in next generation control system designs.
Craig Rieger Submitted by Craig Rieger on April 16th, 2012
Embedded Systems Week is an exciting event which brings together conferences, tutorials, and workshops centered on various aspects of embedded systems research and development. Three leading conferences in the area - CASES, CODES+ISSS, and EMSOFT - will take place at the same time and location, allowing attendees to benefit from a wide range of topics covered by these conferences and their associated tutorials and workshops.
Janos Sztipanovits Submitted by Janos Sztipanovits on April 16th, 2012
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