A body of knowledge containing laws, axioms and provable theories relating to some aspect of system security.
ICCPS 2016
7th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems (ICCPS 2016) held as part of CPS Week 2016 to be held in Vienna, Austria, from 11 to 14 April 2016.
Submitted by Anonymous on September 18th, 2015

Dear Colleague,

We would like to cordially invite you to contribute a book chapter to a forthcoming book entitled " Security and Privacy in Cyber-Physical Systems: Foundations and Applications", which will be published by Wiley (https://sites.google.com/site/wileycpsspbook/).

Cyber-physical systems (CPS) are engineered systems that are built from, and depend upon, the seamless integration of computational algorithms and physical components. Advances in CPS will enable capability, adaptability, scalability, resiliency, safety, security, and usability that will far exceed the simple embedded systems of today. CPS are subject to threats stemming from increasing reliance on computer and communication technologies. Security threats exploit the increased complexity and connectivity of critical infrastructure systems, placing the Nation’s security, economy, public safety, and health at risk. CPS blur the lines between infrastructural and personal spaces when they provide convenient access to public services or bridge the gap between personal property and public infrastructure. This blurring is being engineered into the Internet of Things (IoT), an important exponent of CPS. With IoT, personal CPS (like phones, appliances, and automobiles) bearing personal data can reach up into public infrastructures to access services. This connectivity can result in leakage of personal data with attendant privacy concerns. 

    The purpose of the book is to refine an understanding of the key technical, social and legal issues at stake, to understand the range of technical issues affecting hardware and software in infrastructure components, as well as the blending of such systems with personal CPS. This book will present the state of the art and the state of the practice of how to address the following unique security and privacy challenges facing CPS.

Call for Book Chapter Proposals
Chapter Proposal Submission by September 27, 2015.

Submission Procedure:
Please email your abstract (max. 500 words) by September 27, 2015 to cps.wiley@gmail.com.

Tentative Table of Contents – additions to the topics listed below are much welcome!


Part I: Foundations and Principles

Chapter 1. Cybersecurity and Privacy: Past, Present and Future

Chapter 2. The interplay of Cyber, Physical, and Human elements in CPS

Chapter 3. Adaptive attack mitigation for CPS

Chapter 4. Authentication and access control for CPS

Chapter 5. Availability, recovery and auditing for CPS

Chapter 6. Data security and privacy for CPS

Chapter 7. Intrusion detection for CPS

Chapter 8. Key management in CPS

Chapter 9. Legacy CPS system protection

Chapter 10. Lightweight crypto and security

Chapter 11. Threat modeling for CPS

Chapter 12. Vulnerability analysis for CPS


Part II: Application Domains 

Chapter 13.            Energy

Chapter 14.            Medical

Chapter 15.            Transportation

Chapter 16.            Physical Infrastructure

Chapter 17.            Manufacturing

Chapter 18.            Building

Chapter 19.            Agriculture

Chapter 20.            Robotics

Chapter 21.            Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

Chapter 22.            Smart Cities

Please provide the following points in your proposals/abstracts:
1. Title of the contribution,
2. Title of the chapter (of the tentative TOC) if the contribution refers to one of them,
3. Name of author, co-authors, institution, email-address,
4. Content/mission of the proposed article.

Authors of accepted proposals will be notified by the given deadline about the status of their proposals and sent chapter guidelines.

Full Book Chapter:
Complete chapters are required to be submitted to cps.wiley@gmail.com. Author could use LaTex or any word processing tools (MS Word, OpenDocument, etc.) while preparing the chapters. A book chapter is required to be 18 to 25 pages (8,000 to 10,000 words).

Please provide the following points in your contribution:
1. Chapter title
2. Author information (of all authors: title, first name, last name, organization, address, city, zip code, country, email address)
3. Abstract
4. 5-10 keywords
5. Text body
6. Bibliography

Important Dates:

·         Chapter Proposal Submission by: September 27, 2015

·         Author Notification by: October 11, 2015

·         Full Chapter Submission by: November 30, 2015

·         Review Results Returned by: December 31, 2015

·         Final Chapter Submission by: February 15, 2016

·         Anticipated Publication Date: Summer, 2016 


Houbing Song, West Virginia University, USA. <Houbing.Song@mail.wvu.edu>

Glenn A. Fink, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, USA. <Glenn.Fink@pnnl.gov>

Gilad L. Rosner, Internet of Things Privacy Forum, UK. <gilad@giladrosner.com>

Sabina Jeschke, RWTH Aachen University, Germany. <sabina.jeschke@ima-zlw-ifu.rwth-aachen.de>

General Announcement
Not in Slideshow
Houbing Song Submitted by Houbing Song on September 11th, 2015
CRTS 2015
8th International Workshop on Compositional Theory and Technology for Real-Time Embedded Systems (CRTS 2015) Collocated with RTSS 2015. San Antonio TX. USA
Submitted by Anonymous on August 25th, 2015
WRD 2016
10th HiPEAC Workshop on Reconfigurable Computing (WRD 2016) January 19, 2016, Prague, Czech Republic | http://www.fe.up.pt/wrc2016
Submitted by Anonymous on August 25th, 2015
ETAPS 2016
ETAPS is a confederation of several conferences, each with its own Programme Committee and Steering Committee. ETAPS is the most important and visible annual European event related to software sciences. Altogether, more than 500 researchers participate in this event every year.
Submitted by Anonymous on August 25th, 2015

Call For Papers

CPS Security & Privacy 2016 : Call for Book Chapter Proposals for Security and Privacy in Cyber-Physical Systems: Foundations and Applications (Wiley)

Submission Deadline Aug 31, 2015
Notification Due Sep 15, 2015
Final Version Due Nov 30, 2015     

Dear Colleague,

We would like to cordially invite you to contribute a book chapter to a forthcoming book entitled "Security and Privacy in Cyber-Physical Systems: Foundations and Applications" which will be published by Wiley.

Call for Chapters

Chapter Proposal Submission by August 31, 2015.

Submission Procedure:

Please email your abstract (max. 500 words) by August 31, 2015 to cps.wiley@gmail.com and indicate the specific chapter where your work best fits or propose your own topic relevant to the theme of the book.

Please provide the following points in your proposals/abstracts:

1. Title of the contribution,
2. Title of the chapter (of the tentative TOC) if the contribution refers to one of them,
3. Name of author, co-authors, institution, email-address,
4. Content/mission of the proposed article.

Authors of accepted proposals will be notified by the given deadline about the status of their proposals and sent chapter guidelines.

The topics of interest include but are not limited to:

Part I: Foundations and Principles

Chapter 1. Cybersecurity and Privacy: Past, Present and Future
Chapter 2. The interplay of Cyber, Physical, and Human elements in CPS
Chapter 3. Adaptive attack mitigation for CPS
Chapter 4. Authentication and access control for CPS
Chapter 5. Availability, recovery and auditing for CPS
Chapter 6. Data security and privacy for CPS
Chapter 7. Intrusion detection for CPS
Chapter 8. Key management in CPS
Chapter 9. Legacy CPS system protection
Chapter 10. Lightweight crypto and security
Chapter 11. Threat modeling for CPS
Chapter 12. Vulnerability analysis for CPS

Part II: Application Domains

Chapter 13. Energy
Chapter 14. Medical
Chapter 15. Transportation
Chapter 16. Physical Infrastructure
Chapter 17. Manufacturing
Chapter 18. Building
Chapter 19. Agriculture
Chapter 20. Robotics
Chapter 21. Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
Chapter 22. Smart Cities


  • Houbing Song, West Virginia University, USA (Houbing.Song@mail.wvu.edu)
  • Glenn A. Fink, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, USA (Glenn.Fink@pnnl.gov)
  • Sabina Jeschke, RWTH Aachen University, Germany (sabina.jeschke@ima-zlw-ifu.rwth-aachen.de)
  • Gilad L. Rosner, Internet of Things Privacy Forum, UK (gilad@giladrosner.com) 
General Announcement
Not in Slideshow
Submitted by Anonymous on August 2nd, 2015

ICCD 2015: Call for Special Sessions

The International Conference on Computer Design (ICCD) encompasses a wide range of topics in the research, design, and implementation of computer systems and their components. ICCD's multi-disciplinary emphasis provides an ideal environment for developers and researchers to discuss practical and theoretical work covering system and computer architecture, test, verification and security, design and technology, and tools and methodologies.

ICCD 2015 will be held in New York City, NY, USA (October 19-21, 2015).

Researchers both from academia and industry are invited to submit proposals for special sessions. A special session could consists of a set of individual presentations or a panel. The special sessions should aim at providing a complementary experience with respect to the regular sessions. Hence, sessions focusing on hot topics of interest to the community that may also go beyond disciplines traditionally represented at ICCD are particularly welcome.

The theme for ICCD 2015 is "Hardware and Embedded Security".
Organizers are encouraged to incorporate this theme into the rationale for their proposals.

Submission details:

A single PDF file including the following information:

  • Title of the special session.
  • Rationale of the need for the special session at ICCD. The rationale should stress the novelty of the topic and/or its multidisciplinary flavor, and must explain how it is different from the subjects covered by the regular sessions.
  • Short biography of the organizers.
  • List of three (3) contributed presentations (including titles, presenters, contact information of the corresponding presenter, and an abstract of each contribution). For panel proposals, list three to five panelists and their area of expertise.

Proposals are due on or before June 21, 2015 11:59pm and should be sent via e-mail to both ICCD-2015 Special Session Chairs:

  •    Luca Carloni, Columbia University, US, <luca@cs.columbia.edu>
  •    Christian Pilato, Columbia University, US, <pilato@cs.columbia.edu>

Each presenter of accepted special sessions will have the opportunity to submit a 4-page paper to be included in the proceedings.

Important dates:

  • Special Session proposal due: June 21, 2015
  • Acceptance notification: July 21, 2015
  • Camera-ready version due: August 22, 2015

For more information, contact the Special Session Chairs and visit the ICCD website: http://www.iccd-conf.org

General Announcement
Not in Slideshow
Submitted by Anonymous on May 26th, 2015
Katie Dey Submitted by Katie Dey on May 21st, 2015
S-CUBE 2015
S-CUBE - 6th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SENSOR SYSTEMS AND SOFTWARE The 6th EAI conference on Sensor Systems and Software is a single track forum for research on system development and software support for embedded sensing, broadly defined. This year the conference will be organized in conjunction with ‘IoT 360’ Summit and will be focused on the Internet of Things paradigm.
Submitted by Anonymous on April 6th, 2015
2nd International Workshop on Cyber-Physical Systems (IWCPS’15) E-mail: iwcps2015@fedcsis.org We would like to cordially invite you to consider contributing a paper to IWCPS 2015 - held as a part of the Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems (FedCSIS 2015).
Submitted by Anonymous on March 18th, 2015
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