The terms denote educational areas that are part of the CPS technology.
NSA-approved cybersecurity law and policy course now available online
Cyber Scoop
Shannon Vavra
August 27th, 2019
Anyone who is interested in cybersecurity law and policy can now take an online course that was partly shaped by National Security Agency.

MSCPES Workshop 2022
10th Workshop on Modeling and Simulation of Cyber-Physical Energy Systems
The workshop will be held as part of the Cyber-Physical Systems and Internet-of-Things Week, May 3-6, 2022
Technically co-sponsored by the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society
Workshop chairs:

MSCPES Workshop 2023
11th Workshop on Modeling and Simulation of Cyber-Physical Energy Systems
The workshop will be held as part of the Cyber-Physical Systems and Internet-of-Things Week 2023.
Technically co-sponsored by the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society


President Biden signed the K12 Cybersecurity Act which should strengthen the cybersecurity of US K-12 schools. This includes assessing the cybersecurity risks effecting K-12 schools such as securing information systems and protecting student and employee data. Other goals include developing guidelines for this sector to minimize risks, publishing an online training toolkit, and posting the assessment findings and recommendations online. All this effort will be under the direction of the CISA director.
The project called LotL, (Living off the Land), extracts features of specific commands and then classifies them as either good or bad commands and sets up a set of tags for follow-on detection by a decision tree. Lotl uses supervised learning and an open source dataset of real-world attacks to extract features of specific commands in a way inspired by the process that human experts and analyst might use.
Microsoft is working with community colleges to provide free training and resources to help ease the cybersecurity professional shortage. This includes training for faculty at 150 community colleges and scholarships to 25,000 students. By targeting community colleges, Microsoft believes they will also be diversifying the industry which is currently overwhelmingly male and white. The students at community colleges are 57% women and 40% minorities.