Independent procedures that are used together for checking that a product, service, or system meets requirements and specifications and that it fulfills its intended purpose.
IMCT 2016
INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MODEL TRANSFORMATION (ICMT) 2016 Co-located with Software Technologies: Applications and Foundations (STAF) 2016 July 4-8, 2016 in Vienna, Austria | | Overview
Submitted by Anonymous on November 3rd, 2015
DAC 2016
Design Automation Conference 2016 Austin Convention Center, Austin, Texas | June 5 - 9, 2016 |
Submitted by Anonymous on November 3rd, 2015
STAF 2016
Software Technologies: Applications and Foundations (STAF 2016) Software Technologies: Applications and Foundations (STAF) is a federation of leading conferences on software technologies. The participating conferences focus on practical and foundational advances in software technology covering a wide range of aspects including formal foundations of software technology, testing and formal analysis, graph transformations and model transformations, model driven engineering, and tools.  
Submitted by Anonymous on November 3rd, 2015
ICGT 2016
9th International Conference on Graph Transformation (ICGT 2016) Graphs are used almost everywhere when representing or modelling structures and systems, not only in applied and theoretical computer science, but also in, e.g., natural and engineering sciences. Graph transformation and graph grammars are the fundamental modelling paradigms for describing, formalizing, and analyzing graphs that change over time when modelling, e.g., dynamic data structures, systems, or models.
Submitted by Anonymous on November 3rd, 2015
TASE 2016
The 10th Theoretical Aspects of Software Engineering Conference (TASE 2016) TASE is an international symposium that aims to bring together researchers and developers from academia and industry with interest in the theoretical aspects of software engineering. Modern society is increasingly dependent on software systems that are becoming larger and more complex. This poses new challenges to current software engineering methodologies that need to be enhanced using modern results from theoretical computer science.
Submitted by Anonymous on October 19th, 2015
11th International Federated Conference on Distributed Computing Techniques The DisCoTec series of federated conferences is one of the major events sponsored by the International Federation for Information processing (IFIP). This year the main conferences, taking place in Heraklion, Crete, Greece on June 6-9, are:
Submitted by Anonymous on October 19th, 2015
IPDPS 2016
30th IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium PDPS is an international forum for engineers and scientists from around the world to present their latest research findings in all aspects of parallel computation. In addition to technical sessions of submitted paper presentations, the meeting offers workshops, tutorials, and commercial presentations & exhibits.
Submitted by Anonymous on October 8th, 2015
RAW 2016
23rd Reconfigurable Architectures Workshop Important Dates:
Submitted by Anonymous on October 8th, 2015
CREST 2016
CREST: 1st Workshop on Causal-based Reasoning for Embedded and Safety-Critical Systems Technologies Satellite event of ETAPS 2016 Topic
Submitted by Anonymous on October 8th, 2015
SPECIAL SESSION ON ON-CHIP PARALLEL AND NETWORK-BASED SYSTEMS (OCPNBS) On-chip parallel and network-based system design to achieve functionality with low energy-speed product requires larger device count SoC design, multi block function design methodology, architectures and energy evaluation schemes. Such systems, which are emerging as the architecture of choice for future high performance processors, require high performance interconnects which are necessary to satisfy the data supply needs of all cores.
Submitted by Anonymous on October 8th, 2015
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