Future Manufacturing (FM) PROGRAM SOLICITATION NSF 20-552 National Science Foundation Directorate for Engineering Directorate for Computer and Information Science and Engineering Directorate for Biological Sciences Directorate for Mathematical and Physical Sciences Directorate for Education and Human Resources Directorate for Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences
Regan Williams Submitted by Regan Williams on March 10th, 2020
CRITICAL INFORMATION FOR SUBMITTING FY 2013 CPS PROPOSALS: There are important changes that you will encounter as you submit your FY 2013 CPS proposal. It is very important that you pay careful attention to submit correctly, so as not to have yur proposal disqualified. We stronlgy advize that you submit your proposal early, so that if you do have problems, there will be time to recover.
1 1 Submitted by 1 1 on August 14th, 2012
The far-reaching impact and rate of innovation in the computing and information disciplines has been remarkable, generating economic prosperity and enhancing the quality of life for people throughout the world. But the best is yet to come!
Submitted by Anonymous on February 29th, 2012
Cyber-physical systems (CPS) are engineered systems that are built from and depend upon the synergy of computational and physical components.
Submitted by Anonymous on February 27th, 2012
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