Coordinating individual systems to function dynamically and simultaneously in all situations.
The conference has over the years become a leading international forum for providers, practitioners and researchers in reliable software technologies. The conference presentations will illustrate current work in the theory and practice of the design, development and maintenance of long-lived, high-quality software systems for a challenging variety of application domains. The program will allow ample time for keynotes, Q&A sessions and discussions, and social events.
Submitted by Anonymous on March 12th, 2014
5th Real-Time Scheduling Open Problems Seminar Madrid, Spain - July 8, 2014
Submitted by Anonymous on March 12th, 2014
JTRES 2014
The 12th International Workshop on Java Technologies for Real-time and Embedded Systems - JTRES 2014 MOTIVATION Over 90% of all microprocessors are now used for real-time and
Submitted by Anonymous on March 12th, 2014
3PMCES - Performance, Power and Predictability of Many-Core Embedded Systems DATE 2014 Friday Workshop The scope of the workshop is to address challenges of embedded portable software development on multi-core structures related to various performance aspects, power efficiency, correctness and reliability including aging. The workshop will present the current state of these efforts, achieved results so far, and will devise future ways of potential further enhancements.
Submitted by Anonymous on February 18th, 2014
HPCS 2014
The 2014 International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation Purpose:
Submitted by Anonymous on February 3rd, 2014
5th International Workshop on Modeling and Simulation of Peer-to-Peer and Autonomic Systems (MOSPAS 2014) As part of
Submitted by Anonymous on February 3rd, 2014
RTNS 2014
22nd International Conference on Real-Time Networks and Systems Versailles, France, October 8-10, 2014 RTNS is a friendly conference with a great sense of community that presents excellent opportunities for collaboration. The purpose of the conference is to share ideas, experiences and informations among academic researchers, developers and service providers in the field of real-time systems and networks. RTNS 2014 will be in Versailles, which is located close to Paris.
Submitted by Anonymous on January 31st, 2014
FMTV’ 14
1st Formal Methods for Timing Verification Workshop In conjunction with the 19th International Symposium on Formal Methods (FM 2014)
Submitted by Anonymous on January 31st, 2014
Submitted by Anonymous on January 22nd, 2014
EUC 2014
Welcome to EUC 2014! Embedded and ubiquitous computing is an exciting paradigm that promises to provide computing and communication services to the end users all the time and everywhere. Its systems are now invading in every aspect of our daily life and promise to revolutionize our life much more profoundly than elevators, electric motors or even personal computer evolution ever did.
Submitted by Anonymous on January 8th, 2014
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