The 10th Annual Workshop on Operating Systems Platforms for Embedded Real-Time Applications Developers of embedded Real-Time Operating Systems (RTOS) are faced with many challenges arising from two opposite needs: the need for extreme resource usage optimization (processor, energy, network bandwidth, etc.) on the one hand, and an the other hand also increasing demands for scalability, flexibility, isolation, adaptivity, reconfigurability, predictability, serviceability, and certifiability. Further, while
Submitted by Anonymous on April 2nd, 2014

Connected Vehicle Pilot Deployment Program; Request for Information


A Notice by the Federal Highway Administration on 03/12/2014





https://www.federalregister.gov/articles/2014/03/12/2014-05414/connected-vehicle-pilot-deployment-program-request-for-information Action



This notice is a Request for Information (RFI) and comments that will be used to help refine the plans for one or more pilot deployments, which combines connected vehicle and mobile device technologies innovations to improve traveler mobility and system productivity, while reducing environmental impacts and enhancing safety. The FHWA anticipates a procurement action for one or more pilot deployment concepts in 2015. The FHWA is issuing this RFI in collaboration with, and on behalf of, other agencies within the DOT, specifically the Federal Transit Administration, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), and the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology. Feedback and comments on any aspect of the RFI are welcome from all interested public, private, and academic entities. While all feedback is welcome, DOT is particularly interested in feedback on the questions provided in the last section of this RFI.


General Announcement
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Submitted by Anonymous on March 25th, 2014

Embedded Systems Week (ESWEEK) 2014
---      Call for Workshop Proposals

As in the previous years, ESWEEK 2014 (http://www.esweek.org) in
New Delhi, India will host several workshops on Sunday October 12th,
Thursday October 16th, and Friday October 17th. ESWEEK 2014 is
soliciting proposals for new and recurring workshops.

ESWEEK workshops are excellent opportunities to bring together
researchers from different communities to share their experiences
and to foster collaboration of new and innovative R&D projects. We
invite you to submit workshop proposals on any topic related to the
broad set of research and application areas covered the by three leading
conferences (CASES, CODES+ISSS, and EMSOFT) and symposium (ESTIMedia).

Details for the submission:
1. Proposals should be submitted at the latest by May 16th, 2014,
  17h00 EST
2. 2-page maximum PDF file, including the following information:
 * Title
 * Abstract (max 200 words)
 * Organizers with short bio and affiliation
 * List of topics to be covered
 * Workshop format
 * In case the workshop has been previously held, provide information
   on the dates, and number of attendees
 * For new workshops, the no of days (half-day/one-day/one day and half)
   and the expected number of participants

Please send your proposals by email addressed to Prof. Prabhat Mishra
(prabhat@cise.ufl.edu). Please write "[ESWEEK 2014] Workshop Proposal"
on the e-mail subject line.

General Announcement
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Submitted by Anonymous on March 25th, 2014

C A L L  F O R   W O R K S H O P    P R O P O S A L S

**** ACM SenSys 2014 ****
Memphis, TN, USA
November 3-6, 2014


The 12th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (SenSys 2014) is a highly selective, single-track forum for research on systems issues of networked sensing and actuation, broadly defined. Systems of smart sensors and actuators will revolutionize a wide array of application areas by providing an unprecedented density and fidelity of instrumentation. They also present systems challenges because of resource constraints, uncertainty, irregularity, mobility, and scale. This conference provides an ideal venue to address research challenges facing the design, development, deployment, use, and fundamental limits of these systems. Sensing and actuation systems require contributions from many fields, from wireless communication and networking, embedded systems and hardware, energy harvesting and management, distributed systems and algorithms, data management, and applications, so we welcome cross-disciplinary work.

Workshops will be held on Thursday, Nov 6, 2014.

The ideal workshop proposal should focus on a specific emerging research area that is of strategic and long-term interest to the Embedded Networked Sensor Systems community. Interdisciplinary efforts that can leverage the expertise in the SenSys community while reaching out to new application domains, emerging technologies, and data analytics expertise to solve real-world sensing problems, are particularly encouraged. Workshops could have a combination of relevant invited talks from experts in a field, together with research papers and demos in the area.

The proposal should be no longer than three pages, and should clearly provide the following information:
. name of workshop
. theme of workshop
. topic areas of interest (to define scope)
. name(s) and affiliation(s) of main organizer(s)/program chair(s)
. the name of the organizing committee member who will be the main point of contact
. names of potential program committee members
. tentative call for papers with workshop deadlines
. expected number of submissions and participants

The proposal should also specify if it will be a full-day or half-day workshop, and any logistical needs (demos/audio/video projection, etc). If the workshop has been held before, also include its history (number of submissions, number of accepted papers, and number of attendees).

Note that selection priority will be given to proposals arising from previously successful co-located workshops.

Please send proposals in PDF format to the Workshop Chair (davidboyleimperial.ac.uk) by 31 March, 2014.

Important dates:

Proposal Submission Deadline 31 Mar, 2014
Notification of Acceptance 14 Apr, 2014
SenSys 2014 Workshops 06 Nov, 2014

General Announcement
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Submitted by Anonymous on March 13th, 2014
Fourth Symposium on Foundations of Health Information Engineering and Systems (FHIES) & Sixth Software Engineering in Healthcare (SEHC) Workshop ===========================================================================================
Submitted by Anonymous on March 13th, 2014
De-CPS 2014
Workshop on Challenges and new Approaches for dependable and Cyber-Physical Systems engineering (Ada-Europe 2014) in cunjuction with the 19th International Conference on Reliable Software Technologies (Ada-Europe), 23 June 2014, Paris
Submitted by Anonymous on March 3rd, 2014
ETFA 2014
The 19th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation The aim of the conference is to bring together researchers and practitioners from the industry and academia and provide them with a platform to report on recent advances and developments in the newly emerging areas of technology, as well as actual and potential applications to industrial and factory automation.
Submitted by Anonymous on February 3rd, 2014
5th International Workshop on Modeling and Simulation of Peer-to-Peer and Autonomic Systems (MOSPAS 2014) As part of
Submitted by Anonymous on February 3rd, 2014
ASAP 2014
25th IEEE International Conference on Application-specific Systems, Architectures and Processors The 25th IEEE International Conference on Application-specific Systems, Architectures and Processors 2014 takes place June 18-20, 2014 in Zurich, Switzerland. It will be organized by IBM Research - Zurich and the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH)
Submitted by Anonymous on January 31st, 2014
FMTV’ 14
1st Formal Methods for Timing Verification Workshop In conjunction with the 19th International Symposium on Formal Methods (FM 2014)
Submitted by Anonymous on January 31st, 2014
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