Systems that determine, based on the principles of science, engineering and measurement theory, whether an artifact satisfies accepted, well-defined and measurable criteria.
ES Week 2014
Embedded Systems Week (ESWEEK) is the premier event covering all aspects of embedded systems and software. By bringing together three leading conferences (CASES, CODES+ISSS, and EMSOFT), two symposia (ESTIMedia and RSP) and several workshops and tutorials, ESWeek allows attendees to benefit from a wide range of topics covering the state of the art in embedded systems research and development.
Submitted by Anonymous on January 10th, 2014
RePP 2014
Reconciling Performance with Predictability
Submitted by Anonymous on December 19th, 2013
Software Certification Consortium - Workshop #12 October 28 - 29, 2013 - NRC Headquarters - Rockville, Maryland Registration
Submitted by Paul Joannou on October 29th, 2013

NRC invites the public to review and engage the issues layed out in their evolving draft research information letter (RIL)-1101 "Technical basis to review hazard analysis of digital safety systems".  Please join the discussion at the Assurance Case Research Group's online forum.  

General Announcement
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Luis Betancourt Submitted by Luis Betancourt on October 15th, 2013
The project aims at making cities "smarter" by engineering processes such as traffic control, efficient parking services, and new urban activities such as recharging electric vehicles. To that end, the research will study the components needed to establish a Cyber-Physical Infrastructure for urban environments and address fundamental problems that involve data collection, resource allocation, real-time decision making, safety, and security. Accordingly, the research is organized along two main directions: (i) Sensing and data acquisition using a new mobile sensor network paradigm designed for urban environments; and (ii) Decision Support for the "Smart City" relying on formal verification and certification methods coupled with innovative dynamic optimization techniques used for decision making and resource allocation. The work will bring together and build upon methodological advances in optimization under uncertainty, computer simulation, discrete event and hybrid systems, control and games, system security, and formal verification and safety. Target applications include: a "Smart Parking" system where parking spaces are optimally assigned and reserved, and vehicular traffic regulation. The research has the potential of revolutionizing the way cities are viewed: from a passive living and working environment to a highly dynamic one with new ways to deal with transportation, energy, and safety. Teaming up with stakeholders in the Boston Back Bay neighborhood, the City of Boston, and private industry, the research team expects to establish new collaborative models between universities and urban groups for cutting-edge research embedded in the deployment of an exciting technological, economic, and sociological development.
Trustees of Boston University
National Science Foundation
Christos Cassandras
Christos Cassandras Submitted by Christos Cassandras on December 11th, 2012
Anne Dyson Submitted by Anne Dyson on April 16th, 2012
The NASA Formal Methods Symposium is a forum for theoreticians andpractitioners from academia, industry, and government, with the goals ofidentifying challenges and providing solutions to achieving assurancein mission- and safety-critical systems. Within NASA, for example, suchsystems include autonomous robots, separation assurance algorithms for aircraft,Next Generation Air Transportation (NextGen), and autonomous rendezvous anddocking for spacecraft. Moreover, emerging paradigms such as code generation
Alwyn Goodloe Submitted by Alwyn Goodloe on April 16th, 2012
Embedded Systems Week is an exciting event which brings together conferences, tutorials, and workshops centered on various aspects of embedded systems research and development. Three leading conferences in the area - CASES, CODES+ISSS, and EMSOFT - will take place at the same time and location, allowing attendees to benefit from a wide range of topics covered by these conferences and their associated tutorials and workshops.
Janos Sztipanovits Submitted by Janos Sztipanovits on April 16th, 2012
MobiCPS 2010
MobiCPS 2010 - The 1st IEEE International Workshop on Mobile Cyber-Physical Systems The MobiCPS workshop is an international forum for researchers and practitioners to present innovative ideas and results on all aspects of mobile cyber-physical systems, including theoretical foundations, techniques and methods, tools and platforms, prototypes, and practical applications. Besides research papers, this workshop will feature Invited Talks and a Panel Discussion session.  
Submitted by Anonymous on April 16th, 2012

Cybersecurity Funding Opportunity

The US National Science Foundation's Federal Cyber Service (SFS) program has expanded funding for cybersecurity-related projects this year from $15M to $45M.  We are actively seeking good proposals which address curriculum, faculty development and/or applied research in cybersecurity, information assurance, digital forensics and computer security.

The proposal submission deadline is April 17, 2012. For more information read about the Capacity Building Track at or contact Sue Fitzgerald ( or Guy-Alain Amoussou (

Capacity Building Track: This track is open to all institutions of higher education.  The intent is to increase the production of high quality information assurance and cybersecurity professionals by providing support for efforts within the higher education system, as well as outreach to K-12 students with related interests. These efforts may take many forms, but must be designed to address one or more of the following:

  -  increase national capacity for the high-quality education of information technology professionals in cybersecurity-related disciplines,
  -  increase the number of IT professionals in cybersecurity-related disciplines,
  -  increase interest in information assurance and/or cybersecurity careers,
  -  accelerate the integration of information assurance, computer security, or cybersecurity knowledge in curricula across the STEM disciplines,
  -  promote the integration of research and education in information assurance, computer security, or cybersecurity,
  -  strengthen partnerships between institutions of higher education, government, and relevant employment sectors leading to improved educational opportunities in cybersecurity-related studies, or
  - increase the diversity of the cybersecurity workforce.

Capacity building projects may vary in size. A typical small scale project will request a total of $200,000 to $300,000 over a two to three year period. Large scale projects may not exceed a total of $900,000 and typically will extend over three to four years.

Projects which address the following topics are of particular interest in this competition:

  - development, deployment, and evaluation of information assurance, cybersecurity, and/or digital forensics curriculum guidelines leading to wide adoption nationally,
  - integration of information assurance and/or cybersecurity topics into computer science, information technology, engineering and other existing degree programs with plans for pervasive adoption,
  - development and extensive adoption of coordinated plans for pathways between two-year, four-year and/or graduate programs or development of accelerated ("fast track") programs which combine the bachelor's and master's degree in information assurance, cybersecurity, or digital forensics,
  - development of accelerated information assurance or cybersecurity degree or certificate programs for veterans, career changers, and non-traditional students,
  -  models for the integration of applied research experiences into information assurance, cybersecurity, or digital forensic degree programs,
  -  development of faculty expertise in information assurance, cybersecurity, or digital forensics with an emphasis on having a broad impact on faculty who lack training in these arenas,
  -  evaluation of the effectiveness of cybersecurity competitions, games, and other outreach and retention activities, or
  -  other innovative and creative projects which lead to an increase in the ability of the United States higher education enterprise to produce information assurance and cybersecurity professionals.

Although projects may vary considerably in the approaches they take, the number of academic institutions involved, the number of faculty and students that participate, and in their stage of development, all promising projects share certain characteristics.

Quality, Relevance, and Impact: Projects should address a recognized need or opportunity, clearly indicate how they will meet this need, and be innovative in their production and use of new materials, processes, and ideas, or in their implementation of tested ones.

General Announcement
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Mario Berges Submitted by Mario Berges on February 20th, 2012
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