Hardware architecture and a software framework, where the combination allows software to run.
ASAP 2014
25th IEEE International Conference on Application-specific Systems, Architectures and Processors The 25th IEEE International Conference on Application-specific Systems, Architectures and Processors 2014 takes place June 18-20, 2014 in Zurich, Switzerland. It will be organized by IBM Research - Zurich and the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH)
Submitted by Anonymous on January 31st, 2014
12th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Methods and Models for System Design (MEMOCODE'14) Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland, 19-21 October, 2014
Submitted by Anonymous on January 8th, 2014
ACSD 2014
14th International Conference on Application of Concurrency to System Design (ACSD 2014)
Submitted by Anonymous on December 19th, 2013
The 1st Workshop on Robotic Sensor Networks                     -  part of CPSWEEK -
Submitted by Anonymous on December 19th, 2013
DAC 2014
Design Methods for Automotive Systems and Software The automotive track has been created this year to bring together researchers and practitioners from the automotive domain with their counterparts from the embedded systems & software (ESS) domains.  This also includes those from the electronic design automation (EDA) space.
Submitted by Anonymous on November 11th, 2013
  DUHDe – 1st Workshop on  Design Automation for Understanding Hardware Designs March 28, 2014 – Friday Workshop at DATE 2014, Dresden, Germany
Submitted by Anonymous on November 11th, 2013
Optimizations are crucial to meet the performance, power and cost requirements that DSP and embedded systems have. The aim of the ODES workshop is to give the opportunity to researchers and practitioners working on this, to share their findings and get feedback.
Submitted by Anonymous on October 31st, 2013
The Center for Model-based Product Development (MODPROD) is an inter-disciplinary research center at Linköping University. It revolves around model-based tools and methods for cyber-physical systems, mechanical systems, electronic systems and software, and unified approaches for model-based design. This workshop brings together expertise in these fields to discuss state of the art and the way ahead.
Submitted by Anonymous on October 15th, 2013
WRC 2014
8th  HiPEAC Workshop on Reconfigurable Computing
Submitted by Anonymous on October 15th, 2013
RTAS 2014
20th IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium RTAS’14, the twentieth in a series of annual conferences sponsored by the IEEE, will be held in Berlin, Germany, as part of the Cyber-Physical Systems Week (CPSWeek) in April, 2014.
Submitted by Anonymous on October 15th, 2013
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