Systems able to process data as it comes in, typically without buffering delays.
IISA 2017
8th International Conference on Information, Intelligence, Systems and Applications (IISA 2017) The International Conference on Information, Intelligence, Systems and Applications (IISA) series offers a forum for the constructive interaction and prolific exchange of ideas among scientists and practitioners from different research fields such as computers, mathematics, physics, biology, medicine, chemistry, experimental psychology, social sciences, linguistics, and engineering having the goal of developing methodologies and tools for the solution of complex problems in artificial
Submitted by Anonymous on December 28th, 2016
ETFA 2017
22nd IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies And Factory Automation The ETFA conference series is the prime and largest IEEE-sponsored event dedicated to emerging technologies in industrial automation.
Submitted by Anonymous on December 28th, 2016
11th MODPROD Workshop on Model-Based Product Development The Center for Model-based Product Development (MODPROD) is an inter-disciplinary research center at Linköpings universitet. The center involves a number of companies as well as researchers from the Department of Computer and Information Science (IDA) and the Department of Management and Engineering (IEI).
Submitted by Anonymous on December 28th, 2016
ISORC 2017
20th IEEE International Symposium on Real-Time Computing (ISORC 2017) May 16-18, 2017 | The Fields Institute, Toronto, Canada |
Submitted by Anonymous on December 15th, 2016
WFCS 2017
13th IEEE International Workshop - Factory Communication Systems  Sponsors: IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (requested), Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway, and SINTEF, Norway The WFCS workshop is the largest IEEE technical event specially dedicated to industrial communication systems. The aim of this workshop is to provide a forum for researchers, practitioners and developers to review current trends in this area and to present and discuss new ideas and new research directions. Focus
Submitted by Anonymous on December 1st, 2016
4th IEEE Workshop on Real-Time Computing and Distributed Systems in Emerging Applications (REACTION 2016) Co-located with IEEE RTSS  Context and aims
Submitted by Anonymous on September 15th, 2016
CRTS 2016
9th International Workshop on Compositional Theory and Technology for Real-Time Embedded Systems (CRTS 2016) collocated with RTSS 2016 Background
Submitted by Anonymous on August 19th, 2016
ICPE 2017
8th ACM/SPEC International Conference on Performance Engineering (ICPE 2017)  Sponsored by ACM SIGMETRICS, SIGSOFT, and SPEC RG
Submitted by Anonymous on July 6th, 2016
10th Junior Researcher Workshop on Real-Time Computing (JRWRTC 2016) in conjunction with the 24th International Conference on Real-Time and Network Systems (RTNS 2016) Brest, France | October 19-21, 2016 |
Submitted by Anonymous on July 6th, 2016
21st International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems (ICECCS 2016) Overview
Submitted by Anonymous on July 6th, 2016
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