Cyber-physical systems (CPSs) and the Internet of Things (IoT) are converging towards a hybrid platform that is becoming ubiquitous in all modern infrastructures. The massive deployment of CPS requires comprehensive, secure, and reliable communication. The integration of complex and heterogeneous systems makes enormous space for the adversaries to get into the network and inject malicious data. To obfuscate and mislead the attackers, we propose DDAF, a deception defense-based data acquisition framework for a hierarchical communication network of CPSs.

State-of-the-art debugging techniques for equation-based languages follow a low-level approach to interface users
with the complex interactions between equations and algorithms that describe cyber-physical processes. Although
these techniques are useful for understanding the low-level behaviors, they do not provide the means for creating a
system-level understanding that is often necessary during the early concept product design phase. In this paper, we
present a novel debugging technique for equation-based languages based on a high-level approach to facilitate
Abstract:Current methods for modeling, analysis, and design of cyber-physical systems lack a unifying framework due to the complexity and heterogeneity of the constituent elements and their interactions. Our approach is to define relationships between system models at the architectural level, which captures the structural interdependencies and some semantic interdependencies between representations without attempting to comprehend all of the details of any particular modeling formalism.


This presentation conceptualizes Model-Based Design of a cyber-physical system. Three stages of a system under design at various levels of detail are depicted. The designs are captured by models that have computational semantics based on the execution engine on a host platform. The implementation as generated code executes on a target platform. Because executable, the design can be explored, tested, and verified while at various levels of detail. This enables separation of concerns and so allows raising the level of abstraction in design.