Designing and managing complex engineering projects over their life cycles.
CyberC 2016
8th CyberC - International Conference on Cyber-enabled distributed computing and knowledge discovery technically sponsored by IEEE, IEEE Computer Society, IEEE Big Data, IEEE SDN, IEEE CS Computer Society on Simulation, and IEEE ComSoc Technical SubCommittee on Big Data
Submitted by Anonymous on April 27th, 2016
MSWiM 2016
19th ACM*/IEEE*  19th Annual International Conference on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems (MSWiM 2016) *Pending Upon Approval
Submitted by Anonymous on April 27th, 2016
13th ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications (AICCSA 2016)  The ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications (AICCSA) is the premier conference covering all contemporary areas in computer systems and applications and hence it is an international forum for leading researchers and practitioners in this important and rapidly changing disciplines. AICCSA 2016, to be held in the lovely and highly vibrant city of Agadir in Morocco.  
Submitted by Anonymous on April 26th, 2016
FIT 2016
The Third  International Workshop on the Future of the Internet of Things (FIT 2016) in conjunction with The 11th International Conference on Future Networks and Communications August 15-18, 2016 | Montreal, Quebec, Canada | 
Submitted by Anonymous on April 26th, 2016


International Conference on Hardware/Software Codesign and System Synthesis (CODES+ISSS 2016)

October 2-7, 2016 | Pittsburgh, PA, US |

Researchers both from academia and industry are invited to submit proposals for special sessions to be held during the CODES+ISSS 2016 conference. The special sessions should aim at providing a complementary experience compared to the regular sessions and hence should include hot topics of interest to the Embedded Systems community that may also go beyond disciplines traditionally represented at CODES+ISSS. The special session could constitute either a thematic session containing individual presentations or a panel.

CODES+ISSS Program Chairs:

  • Andreas Gerstlauer, University of Texas at Austin, US
  • Andy Pimentel, University of Amsterdam, NL


  • Proposal submission:  May 1, 2016
  • Notification of acceptance:   June 10, 2016
  • Camera-ready version:  July 15, 2016

Submission Information

The special session proposal should include:

  • Title of the special session
  • Rationale of the need for the special session at CODES+ISSS. The rationale should stress the novelty of the topic and /or its multidisciplinary flavor, and must explain how it is different from the subjects covered by the regular sessions
  • Short biography of the organizers
  • List of 3-4 contributed presentations (including titles, presenters, contact information of the corresponding presenter, and an abstract of each contribution). For panel proposals, list three to five panelists and their area of expertise.

Proposals are due on or before May 1, 2016 and should be sent via e-mail (PDF or ASCII) to the Program Chairs, Andreas Gerstlauer ( and Andy Pimentel ( Proposals will be evaluated based on the timeliness of the topic and the qualification of presenters involved in the session. Participants of each accepted special session will have the opportunity to submit a single overview paper covering the main aspects of the session (the presenters will co-author this paper). Alternatively, each presenter will have the option of submitting an extended abstract of their presentation.

General Announcement
Not in Slideshow
Submitted by Anonymous on April 26th, 2016
EUC 2016
14th IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing (EUC 2016)  Paris, France | August 24-26, 2016 | In conjunction with DCABES 2016 and CSE 2016 by MINES ParisTech - Research University, CentraleSupelec and UFC/FEMTO-ST Institute Introduction
Submitted by Anonymous on April 26th, 2016
FTC 2016
Future Technologies Conference 2016 - FTC 2016 6-7 December 2016 | San Francisco, United States | Sponsored by HPCC Systems FTC attracts researchers, scientists and technologists from some of the top companies, universities, research firms and government agencies from around the world. The conference is predicated on the successful conferences by The Science and Information (SAI) Organization that have been held in the UK since 2013.
Submitted by Anonymous on April 4th, 2016
13th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO) In Cooperation with: AAAI, EUROMICRO, INNS, euRobotics AISBL, APCA and APNNA Co-Sponsored by: IFAC Sponsored by: INSTICC INSTICC is Member of: WfMC and FIPA Logistics Partner: SCITEVENTS
Submitted by Anonymous on March 25th, 2016
DSD '16
Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design (DSD)  The Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design (DSD) addresses all aspects of (embedded, pervasive and high-performance) digital and mixed hardware/software system engineering, down to microarchitectures, digital circuits and VLSI techniques. It is a discussion forum for researchers and engineers from academia and industry working on state-of-the-art investigations, development and applications.
Submitted by Anonymous on March 25th, 2016
Submitted by Anonymous on March 25th, 2016
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