Designing and managing complex engineering projects over their life cycles.

SIGBED Paul Caspi Memorial Dissertation Award

The Paul Caspi Memorial Dissertation Award is a new SIGBED award established in 2013. The award will recognize outstanding doctoral dissertations that significantly advance the state of the art in the science of embedded systems, in the spirit and legacy of Dr. Paul Caspi's work.

The SIGBED Paul Caspi Memorial Dissertation Award will be presented annually to the author of an outstanding dissertation in the area of Embedded Systems. The author of the winning dissertation will be invited to publish a dissertation summary in the ACM SIGBED Newsletter and to submit their work to the journal ACM TECS (Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems) for possible publication, after the normal peer-review process. The award will include an award certificate for the author and an honorarium of 2000 USD. A public citation for the award paper will be placed on the SIGBED web site.

Selection Process

The award is for an outstanding doctoral dissertation dated within one year preceding the nomination due date. A selection committee and a selection committee chair will be selected by the current SIGBED Executive Committee. A member of the current SIGBED Executive Committee will be one of the selection committee members. The committee chair shall adjudicate conflicts of interest, appointing substitutes to the committee as necessary. Dissertations supervised by a selection committee member are ineligible to be nominated. For purposes of continuity, committee members may remain on the committee for up to three years. The selection committee shall be no less than three persons in size.

Selection Committee

  •    Sanjoy Baruah
  •    Christoph Kirsch (Chair)
  •    Xenofon Koutsoukos
  •    Florence Maraninchi
  •    John Regehr
  •    Lothar Thiele

Nomination Process

Nominations will be solicited annually, via major mailing lists and web forums. Additionally, dissertation advisers of each eligible year will be contacted for solicitation of award nominations.

A nomination should consist of the following items:

  • Name, address, phone number, and email address of the person making the nomination (the nominator).
  • Name, address, phone number, and email address of the candidate for whom an award is recommended (the nominee).
  • A short statement (200-500 words) explaining why the nominee deserves the award.
  • Supporting statements from up to two persons in addition to the nominator.
  • The nominated dissertation in an English language version.
  • A list of the nominee's publications that were used as the basis of chapters in the nominated dissertation.
  • The CV of the nominee.

The selection committee will make a recommendation on the winner of the award to the SIGBED Executive Committee, which will approve and announce the final winner. SIGBED Executive Committee members who have conflicts of interest with any nominee will be excluded from the approval process. The primary selection criterion will be the quality of the candidate's work, with the aim to recognize outstanding doctoral dissertations. The selection committee may choose to issue no award in a given year. The award may not be given to multiple recipients.

General Announcement
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