NIST in partnership with DARPA, NSF and NASA is seeking to identify the new, long-term technology advances needed to make future US manufacturing competitive. This workshop is the first step in a series of events exploring the role of technology in America's manufacturing future.
Submitted by Anonymous on April 16th, 2012
This report, Ensuring American Leadership in Advanced Manufacturing, was prepared  by the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST) and the President’s Innovation and Technology Advisory Committee (PITAC). The report provides a strategy and specific recommendations for revitalizing the Nation’s leadership in advanced manufacturing. The proposed startegy has two main components: (1) Creation of a fertile environment for innovation so that the United States provides the overall best environment for business.
Submitted by Anonymous on February 1st, 2012
Key Enabling Technologies (KETs) are attracting strong interest at both Member State and European Union level, as they are seen as the route to new products, processes and services capable of generating economic growth and employment, and contributing to strengthening and / or rejuvenating existing European sectors. KETs will enable sustainable, smart and inclusive growth in Europe. In addition, KETs' follow-through applications will create the substantial jobs, growth and wealth required in our future European economies to remain competitive at global level.
Submitted by Anonymous on September 28th, 2011
Submitted by Anonymous on December 21st, 2010
Submitted by Anonymous on December 21st, 2010
Janos Sztipanovits Submitted by Janos Sztipanovits on November 10th, 2010
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