P. Tallapragada, J. Cortés Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Los Angeles, California, USA, 2014, to appear paper and matlab programs
Submitted by Pavankumar Tallapragada on August 12th, 2014
C. Nowzari, J. Cortés Proceedings of the American Control Conference, Portland, Oregon, USA, 2014, pp. pp. 2148-2153
Submitted by Pavankumar Tallapragada on August 12th, 2014
This paper describes a systematic approach for analyzing code reuse attacks and defenses. It was presented at RAID'13 Symposium and published in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) Volume 8145.
Hamed Okhravi Submitted by Hamed Okhravi on October 30th, 2013
State-of-the-art debugging techniques for equation-based languages follow a low-level approach to interface users with the complex interactions between equations and algorithms that describe cyber-physical processes. Although these techniques are useful for understanding the low-level behaviors, they do not provide the means for creating a system-level understanding that is often necessary during the early concept product design phase. In this paper, we present a novel debugging technique for equation-based languages based on a high-level approach to facilitate
Submitted by Arquimedes Canedo on July 12th, 2013
Below is the abstract from our original paper (Howes, Mezzino, Sarkesain), but its the distributed system architecture and the virtual organization for conducting cyber command and control / operations described in this paper that are relevant to CPSs - consider integration of cyber and kinetic operations (i.e., cyber and global missile defense)
Submitted by John Sarkesain on November 7th, 2011
Abstract:Current methods for modeling, analysis, and design of cyber-physical systems lack a unifying framework due to the complexity and heterogeneity of the constituent elements and their interactions. Our approach is to define relationships between system models at the architectural level, which captures the structural interdependencies and some semantic interdependencies between representations without attempting to comprehend all of the details of any particular modeling formalism.
Akshay Rajhans Submitted by Akshay Rajhans on August 10th, 2011
Abstract: Designing cyber-physical systems (CPSs) increasingly requires the use of multi-domain models throughout the development process. Ensuring consistent relationships between various system models is an important part of an integrated design methodology. This paper describes an architectural approach to reasoning about relations between heterogeneous
Akshay Rajhans Submitted by Akshay Rajhans on August 10th, 2011
Akshay Rajhans Submitted by Akshay Rajhans on August 10th, 2011
Akshay Rajhans Submitted by Akshay Rajhans on August 10th, 2011
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