Cybersecurity’s human adversarial engagement is often lost in discussions of cybersecurity. We discuss how defenders’ focus on technology unintentionally creates vulnerabilities which can be exploited by threat actors. In particular, we discuss how the convergence of cyber awareness training and defensive technologies is exploited by threat actors with devastating consequences.
Submitted by Robert Zager on September 7th, 2018
4th International Workshop on Requirements Engineering for Self-Adaptive and Cyber-Physical Systems (RESACS 2018) |
Submitted by Bastian Tenbergen on March 27th, 2018
Situational Awareness provides a user centric approach to security and privacy. The human factor is often recognised as the weakest link in security, therefore situational perception and risk awareness play a leading role in the adoption and implementation of security mechanisms. In this study we assess the understanding of security and privacy of users in possession of wearable devices. The findings demonstrate privacy complacency, as the majority of users trust the application and the wearable device manufacturer.
xavier bellekens Submitted by xavier bellekens on November 17th, 2016
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