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Go to Apps
(Our app is in 'shared with me')

Launch ‘jupyter-strym’ VICE app
- Analysis Info
- Name your analysis
- Add any relevant commentary
- Designate an output folder
- Parameters
- Input Files/Input Directory
- In our case: /iplant/home/community_data/commons_repo/curated/Bunting_Vehicle_Test_01_April2022
- https://de.cyverse.org/data/ds/iplant/home/shared/commons_repo/curated/Bunting_Vehicle_Test_01_April2022?type=folder&resourceId=62556300-c9f5-11ec-985a-90e2ba675364
- Output File
- Other Options
- Launch

Open Analysis
- Use e.g. Jupyter Notebook for analyzing data from input directory
- Strym python package can be used for CAN data analysis
- Create output files as desired

Terminate Analysis
Companion Video