Upload a File

A File can belong to the general CPS-VO portal / community or it may be associated with one or more groups. Submission of a file can be made through the Primary Menu (see Step 1 figure) or when within the context of a Group, the primary menu disappears, and group-specific file upload mechanism appear (details are provided in the following section). If a file is submitted through the primary menu then the audience by default will be for all site users unless the Audience is specifically marked. If a file is submitted through the group browser then the default audience is that group. In this case additional groups can also be marked to see the file so that the file is cross-posted in multiple groups concurrently.  Additionally, files may be marked Private so that only members of the group have access, or it can be checked as Public and thus visible to all site users.

 Upload a File -Video example

Submit a file from the global menu either as public for all CPS-VO users or to select groups

Figure 1: Upload File
Step 1: Go to the form for creating a file by clicking on "Upload File" under the "Collaborate" tab at the top of the CPS-VO home page.
Figure 2: Upload File
Step 2: Select the file you wish to upload by clicking the "Choose File" button and navigating to the file on your computer and selecting it. Fill out any relevant information describing your submission. Make sure to select vocabularies in the area to the right of the rich text editor (Topics, CPS Events, Document Type or source) that will help others find your file when searching for content. You may also type your own keywords.
Note: The default file extensions allowable include: doc, docx, exe, gif, gz, jpg, jpeg, json, msi, odp, ods, odt, pdf, png, pot, pps, ppt, pptx, py, tar, tgz, tif, tiff, txt, xls, xlsx, zip.
Use the "Groups" selector (located in the area beneath the rich text editor) to choose which groups you want your file to publish to and whether you want it to be publicly available in the CPS-VO Repository. Click the "Save" button to submit your file.

Upload a file within a group

 Upload a file within a Group - Video example

Select "Upload file" from the "Collaborate" toggle menu in the left sidebar of a group then follow the same instructions as uploading a file using the global menu.  Don't forget to tag the file with the appropriate taxonomy terms, if you want it to show up under the groups Files menu item (i.e.the group's virtual filesystem) .  Files uploaded from within the context of a group are automatically tagged as belonging to that group, thus you do not have to edit the Groups setting for these files unless you want to simultaneously post them to other groups as well.  

Upload multiple files within a group using the bulk uploader

 Bulk Uploader - Video example

Step 1: Go to your group file browser.
Step 2: Select a destination folder where you would like to upload your files and begin the upload process by selecting "Upload files".
Figure 5: Upload File Step 3: Drag and drop files from your desktop or select files from your file browser by clicking on "Add files". Click on "Start upload" to complete the upload process. As in the previous section, these files will automatically be tagged as belonging to your group. You will then be directed back to the file browser after your files are uploaded where you can individually edit the files and add other vocabularies.

Link to a term within a folder

Step 1: Determine the node ID of the group (which can be found by hovering over the “edit group button”).
Step 2: Select the gray “taxonomy button” to navigate into the list of group vocabularies.
Step 3: Select “list terms” to the right of its vocabulary parent to go to a list of its terms. 
Step 4: Scroll to the target term by navigating to that term in the taxonomy listing and hover over the linked name to determine its node ID.

Step 5: Provide a link to the term following this syntax: node/{groupid}/browser?target_term={termid}
The resulting content will appear as an open folder in the files section of the parent group. (i.e. http://cps-vo.org/node/724/browser?target_term=959
will take you to the open term/folder "medical device interoperability" in the files section of the medical group).