Review Recent News

CPS-VO provides access to news under the headings Federal Agency, Industry, Legislative and Noteworthy. The first three are searches of news items with specific labels indicating their context, and the latter is a list of items based on recency. Resulting searches with specific labels can normally be refined with options on the right hand side, such as narrowing the list with more tagging labels. Reading the News occurs in the following steps:

Step 1: Pull the curser over NEWS and select the desired news item type from the roll-down menu

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Step 2: If you selected Federal Agency, the Portal executes a search for all documents with the label 'government'.

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Step 3: Any NEWS item can be downloaded by selecting the 'Download' link under the item.

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Use the Download link to access the item and to save it to your local disk. Note the shaded 'Current search' box on the right side of the page. The box shows that the search for the Federal Agency NEWS items was done by Taxonomic Search; the taxonomy category was Document Source with the term 'government'. The Guided search section of the box allows further refining the search using the taxonomy category 'Topics' and 'Keywords'. Selecting any of these terms narrows the number of items. For example, by selecting the term 'Science Policy' under the topic list, 4 news items will be shown - as indicated by the (4) after the term.


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Note that the page does not show the news item itself but information about the item. The taxonomic terms that were attached to the document when it was uploaded are shown in the grey shaded window above the short explanation of the content. By selecting any of the terms, a general taxonomic search will be executed under the term (that will take you away from the NEWS).
An essential further service on this page is the Notification request. By selecting the 'Subscribe to: This post' and 'Subscribe to: Post by' links, you can sign up for receiving notifications via your email whenever someone posts a new comment to the item or the author of the news item posts another item on the Portal.