Program Agenda


Planning Meeting for the National NSF Workshop on Medical Device Innovation Using Cyber Physical Systems

July 18 and 19, 2012 | National Science Foundation

Proposed Agenda

July 18, 2012

8:15Continental Breakfast

Session 1: Welcome, Introductions, Logistics

Julian Goldman, Helen Gill


Session 2: Vision of Full Workshop and Plan for Day 1 of this planning meeting

Julian Goldman, Helen Gill

[This introduction will set the stage for the types of topics that will be discussed in the planning meeting, the intent of which is to populate the speaker and scientific/engineering topic list for the full workshop]


Session 3: Clinical Challenges & Opportunities - 3 speakers x 20 min + Q&A as panel

[Characterize technologies and suggest new application areas; looking for transformative change, not incremental]


Session 4: New Enabling CPS Technologies Sessions - 3 speakers x 20 min + Q&A as panel

[Characterize technologies and suggest new application areas; looking for transformative change, not incremental]

12:30Networking Lunch

Session 5: Brainstorming on "Outrageous Science"

[Intended to get the juices flowing - capture ideas on flipchart]


Breakout instructions and group formation

[Form affinity groups around topics from brainstorming and workshop summary; imagine what report of full workshop will look like - including timelines; define topic areas for workshop


Session 6: Four breakout groups meet in parallel to propose goals, objectives, topic areas, content of full workshop

[Group leaders, scribes, and facilitators to be finalized]
[1st day's breakouts may include more brainstorming]

3:30Session 7: Report back on proposed goals, objectives, topics, content of full workshop (15 min each) plus discussion

Plan for day 2

Julian Goldman

5:30Adjourn for the day

July 19, 2012


Session 8: Topic Speakers (up to 3 speakers x 20 min) TBD

[Topics relevant to breakouts / core technologies]


Re-form Breakout Groups (based on topic areas)

[Topic areas defined based on Day 1 results]

10:30Session 9: Four Breakout Groups meet in parallel
11:45Networking Lunch
12:30Session 10: Report back on proposed goals, objectives, topics, speakers, invitees, content of full workshop (15 min each)

Session 11: Finalize Workshop agenda, keynote speakers, session chairs, and implementation plan (moderator: Julian Goldman)

[Discuss approach: Call for Papers process, or invited speakers, or mix?]

3:00Meeting Adjourned

Download a copy of the agenda