Basic Info

Plain text

  • No HTML tags allowed.
  • Only images hosted on this site may be used in <img> tags.
The 'Summary' will be used when displaying this tool within search results
The graphic should be a simple, square image between 200 and 1100 pixels to a side, and should either include the tool name or leave space at the bottom of the graphic where we can overlay the tool name in white text. This image may be used in search results, on the node, or in views used for launching tools.
One file only.
500 KB limit.
Allowed types: png gif jpg jpeg.
Images must be larger than 199x199 pixels. Images larger than 1100x1100 pixels will be resized.
This graphic will override the default banner graphic at the top of the page.
One file only.
2 GB limit.
Allowed types: png gif jpg jpeg.
Checking this box uses the CPS-VO keys to connect to the destination server. If the destination server is the CPS-VO, or if you are using the CPS-VO to bridge accounts to a shared tool, you should check this box and leave the Tool JWT Key field blank.
If the remote tool supports JWT authentication, please enter the remote key here. The VO will pass on the username encrypted with the key to the destination.



Plain text

  • No HTML tags allowed.
  • Only images hosted on this site may be used in <img> tags.



Plain text

  • No HTML tags allowed.
  • Only images hosted on this site may be used in <img> tags.



Plain text

  • No HTML tags allowed.
  • Only images hosted on this site may be used in <img> tags.
This entity can be added to any number of groups.
For this value to be respected, this entity must be added to at least one group.


Revision information
Briefly describe the changes you have made.