Posters/Demos Listing



Odd #s present Day 1 - Tues, May 2nd 
Even #s present Day 2 - Wed, May 3rd

#Lead PI/ Alt Co-PresentersPoster TitleAward Number(s)
1Abbott, Jake (University of Utah)Dexterous Magnetic Manipulation of Non-Magnetic Objects with Stationary Electromagnetic Dipole-Field Sources2149585
2Ahumada-Newhart, Veronica (UC Davis, School of Medicine)Robot-Mediated Learning: Exploring School-Deployed Collaborative Robots2136847, 2024953
3Akbari Hamed, Kaveh (Virginia Tech)NRI: FND: COLLAB: Hierarchical, Safe, and Distributed Feedback Control of Multiagent Legged Robots for Cooperative Locomotion1924617, 1924526
4Ampatzidis, Yiannis (University of Florida) 
Presenter: Abhisesh Silwal
Collaborative Research: NRI: High Throughput Multi-Robot Weed Management for Specialty Crops1924925
5Argall, Brenna (Northwestern University)Interface-Aware Intelligence for Robot Teleoperation and Autonomy2208011
6Asada, Harry (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) 
Presenter: Emily Kamienski
Data Driven Dynamic Stability Modeling for Human Gait Analysis & Control of Assistive Devices2133072
7Boularias, Abdeslam (Rutgers University) 
Presenter: Mridul Aanjaneya
Robust and Efficient Physics-Based Learning and Reasoning in Degraded Environments2132972
8Atanasov, Nikolay (University of California San Diego)FRR: CAREER: Active Bayesian Inference for Collaborative Robot Mapping2045945
9Bai, He (Oklahoma State University)NRI INT: Safe Wind-Aware Navigation for Collaborative Autonomous Aircraft in Low Altitude Airspace1925147
10Barbalata, Corina (Louisiana State University)NRI:FND: Collaborative Mobile Manufacturing in Uncertain Scenarios​2024795
11Begum, Momotaz (University of New Hampshire)Robust Learning of Sequential Motion From Human Demonstrations to Enable Robot-guided Exercise Training1830597
12Bhattacharjee, Tapomayukh (Cornell University)NRI: Collaborative Research: Robot-Assisted Feeding: Towards Efficient, Safe, and Personalized Caregiving Robots2132846, 2132847, 2132848
13Bhattacharya, Subhrajit (Lehigh University)Topological Abstraction for Robot Path Planning2144246
14Bobadilla, Leonardo (Florida International University)Extending Autonomy in Seemingly Sensory-Denied Environments Applied to Underwater Robots2024733
15Bonato, Paolo (Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital) 
Presenter: Emily Kamienski (MIT)
A Handle Robot for Providing Bodily Support to Elderly Persons2133075
16Botta, Eleonora (University at Buffalo)Modeling, Design and Operation of Robotic Tether-Net Systems for Reliable Capture of Targets2128578
17Braun, David (Vanderbilt University)CAREER: Mechanically Adaptive Energetically Passive Robotics2144551
18Belta, Calin (Boston University)NRI: FND: A Formal Methods Approach to Safe, Composable, and Distributed Reinforcement Learning for Co-Robots2024606
19Cappelleri, David (Purdue University)NRI: Mobile Microrobots for Precision Medicine1U01TR004239-01
20Carpin, Stefano (UC Merced) 
Presenter: Konstantinos Karydis
Mobile Robotic Lab for In-Situ Sampling and Measurement2021-67022-33452, 2021-67022-33453
21Chen, Yufeng (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)Laser-Assisted Failure Recovery for Dielectric Elastomer Actuators in Aerial Robots2202477
22Howe, Robert (Harvard)Robust Grasping by Integrating Machine Learning with Physical Models1924984
23Choi, Changhyun (University of Minnesota Twin Cities)CAREER: Visual Manipulation Learning for Challenging Object Grasping2143730
24Daltorio, Kathryn (Case Western Reserve University) 
Presenter: Natasha Rouse
Stable Heteroclinic Channel-Based Movement Primitives for Robotic Control1850168
25Dames, Philip (Temple University) 
Monroe Kennedy III
Visual Tactile Neural Fields for Active Digital Twin Generation​2220866,​ 2220867, 2220868​
26Dames, Philip (Temple University)CAREER: Formalizing the Concept of Teamwork in Heterogeneous Multi-Robot Systems2143312
27Fitter, Naomi (Oregon State University) 
Presenter: Bill Smart
NRI: Robot-Assisted Longitudinal Physical and Cognitive Exercise Interventions for Older Veterans1R01AG078124-01
28Fitter, Naomi (Oregon State University) 
Presenter: Geoff Hollinger
NRI: FND: Assistive Child-Robot Interventions for Infants with Motor Disabilities2024950
29Frew, Eric (University of Colorado Boulder)Collaborative Research: NRI: Dispersed Autonomy for Marsupial Aerial Robot Teams2133141
30Fuller, Sawyer (University of Washington)Visual Flight Control for the Very Smallest Aerial Vehicles2054850
Furukawa, Tomonari (University of Virginia)
2021-67021-35975, 2021-67021-35976, 2021-67021-35977
32Gan, Dongming (Purdue University)Discrete Variable Stiffness Actuators with Fast Stiffness Switch for Safe Human-Robot Interaction2131711
33Ghaffari, Maani (University of Michigan)A Lie Algebraic Model Predictive Control for Legged Robot2118818
34Gheisari, Masoud (University of Florida)NRI: FND: Investigating the Safety Challenges of Co-Drones in Future Construction Workplaces2024656
35Gilbert, Hunter (Louisiana State University)NRI/Collaborative Research: Robust Design and Reliable Autonomy for Transforming Modular Hybrid Rigid-Soft Robots2133019, 2132994
36Girdhar, Yogesh (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution)NRI: An Ecologically Curious Robot for Monitoring Coral Reef Biodiversity2133029
37Gregg, Robert (University of Michigan)Collaborative Research: NRI: INT: An Open-Source Framework for Continuous Torque Control of Intuitive Robotic Prosthetic Legs2024237
38Grimm, Cindy (Oregon State University)Crafting Quality Law and Policy for Robotics2024872
39Gu, Yu (West Virginia University)Collaborative Research: NRI: StickBug an Effective Co Robot for Precision Pollination2022-67021-36124, 2022-67021-36125
40Gupta, Satyandra (University of Southern California)NRI: FND: Human-Guided Robot Teams for Manipulating Large Flexible Sheets in Manufacturing Applications1925084
41Ha, Sehoon (Georgia Institute of Technology)NRI: INT: Collaborative Research: Buoyancy-Assisted Collaborative Robots that are Cheap, Safe, and Never Fall Down2024768
42Ham, Youngjib (Texas A&M University)Human-Robot Interface for Extraterrestrial Construction2221436
43Heckman, Christoffer (University of Colorado Boulder)NRI: INT: Autonomous Restoration and Revegetation of Degraded Ecosystems2021-67021-33450
44Held, David (Carnegie Mellon University)CAREER: Self-supervised Representation Learning for Deformable Object Manipulation2046491
45Hereid, Ayonga (The Ohio State University)CAREER: Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning Framework for Safe Dynamic Bipedal Locomotion2144156
46Hermans, Tucker (University of Utah)Planning for Multi-Object Manipulation with Graph Neural Network Relational Classifiers2024778
47Hollinger, Geoffrey (Oregon State University)Sequential Stochastic Multi-Task Assignment for Multi-Robot Deployment Planning2103817
48Howard, Thomas (University of Rochester)CAREER: Inferring Minimal but Sufficient Environment Models from Natural Language and Semantic Perception2144804
49Pons, Jose (Northwestern University)Co3-Robot Controllers for Human-Like Physical Interaction and Enhanced Motor Learning2024488
50Hu, Boyi (University of Florida)Collaborative Research: NRI: Reducing Falling Risk in Robot-Assisted Retail Environments2132936, 2132937
51Hu, Xiaolin (Georgia State University)Collaborative Autonomy and Safety for Teamed Human - Unmanned Aircraft Systems in Fast Evolving Wildfire Environment2019-67021-29011, 2019-67021-28993, 2019-67021-28992
52Huang, Guoquan (University of Delaware)NRI: FND: Consistent Distributed Visual-Inertial Estimation and Perception for Cooperative Unmanned Aerial Vehicles1924897
53Jebelli, Houtan (Penn State)Understanding Underlying Risks and Sociotechnical Challenges of Powered Wearable Exoskeleton to Construction Workers2221167
54Jiang, Chao (University of Wyoming)NRI: FND: The Robotic Rehab Gym: Specialized co-robot trainers working with multiple human trainees for optimal learning outcome2024813
55Johnson, Aaron (Carnegie Mellon University)NRI: FND: COLLAB: Design of Dynamic Multibehavioral Robots1924723, 1924303
Kantor, George (Carnegie Mellon University) 
Presenter: Abhisesh Silwal
57Karydis, Konstantinos (UC Riverside)CAREER: Morphological Computation for Resilient Dynamic Locomotion of Compliant Legged Robots with Application to Precision Agriculture2046270
58Karydis, Konstantinos (UC Riverside)NRI: Integrated Soft Wearable Robotics Technology to Assist Arm Movement of Infants with Physical Impairments2133084
59Kavraki, Lydia (Rice University)Robotic Collaboration Through Scalable Reactive Synthesis 1830549
60Kennedy, Monroe (Stanford University)DenseTact 2.0: Optical Tactile Sensor for Shape and Force Reconstruction2142773
61Gu, Yan (Purdue University)CAREER: A Hybrid Filtering and Robust Control Framework for Legged Robot Locomotion on Dynamic Rigid Surfaces2046562
62Kim, Minjun (Southern Methodist University) 
Presenter: Yitong Lu
Magnetically Controlled Modular Cubes with Reconfigurable Self-Assembly and Disassembly2130775, 2130793
63Kobilarov, Marin (Johns Hopkins University)A Small Form Factor Aerial Research Vehicle for Pick-and-Place Tasks with Onboard Real-Time Object Detection and Visual Odometry1925189
64Krieger, Axel (Johns Hopkins University)CAREER: Advancing Autonomy for Soft Tissue Robotic Surgery and Interventions2144348
65Kroemer, Oliver (Carnegie Mellon University)Agile and Dynamic Interactions for Mobile Manipulation1925130
66Kumar, Mrinal (Ohio State University)COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH: NRI: Integration of Autonomous UAS in Wildland Fire Management2132798, 2132799
67Kuntz, Alan (University of Utah)NRI: Liquid-Solid Metal for Embodied Intelligence in Semi-Soft, Human-Collaborative Robots2133027
68Lee, Hyunglae (Arizona State University)User-Adaptive Variable Impedance Control of a Wearable Upper-Extremity Exoskeleton Robot with Safety Guarantees1925110
69Lee, Kiju (Texas A&M University)"CASS: Configurable, Adaptive, and Scalable Swarm of Aerial and Ground Robots for Collaborative Smart Agriculture"2021-67021-35959
70Leigh, Nancey Green (Georgia Institute of Technology)Barriers and Solutions for Small and Medium Sized Manufacturers' Collaborative Robot Adoption2024706
71Sharda, Ajay (Kansas State University)NRI: INT: COLLAB: Robotic Sense Identify and Manage Platform (SIMPL) for Site-Specific Pest Management1830574
72Lenzi, Tommaso (University of Utah)CAREER: Bio-inspired Multi-joint Design and Control of Wearable Robots2046287
73Leonessa, Alexander (Virginia Tech)ForceBot: A Robotic Platform for Body-Scale Human Physical Interaction in Embodied Virtual Reality2024772
74Levine, Sergey (UC Berkeley)NSF FRR: Robotic Learning with Reusable Datasets2150826
75Li, Zhi (Worcester Polytechnic Institute)Collaborative Research: NRI: INT: Transparent and Intuitive Teleoperation Interfaces for the Future Nursing Robots and Workers2024689
76Li, Beiwen (Iowa State University)NRI/Collaborative Research: Robotic Disassembly of High-Precision Electronics2132923, 2132773
77Li, Zhaojian (Michigan State University)NRI: INT: Soft Multi-Arm Robot (SMART) for Synergistic Collaborations with Humans2024649
78Liu, Karen (Stanford University)Differentiable and Expressive Simulators for Closing the Sim-to-Real Gap in Robotics2153854
79Pathak, Deepak (Carnegie Mellon University)Collaborative Research: NRI: INT: Scalable, Customizable, Robot Learning with Humans2024594, 2024675
80Losey, Dylan (Virginia Tech)Unifying Rigid and Soft Grippers for Assistive Eating2205241
81Lozano-Perez, Tomas (MIT)Flexible manipulation without prior shape models2214177
82Mahmoudian, Nina (Purdue University)NRI: Co-Robots to Enhance Motivation and Self-efficacy in Formal STEM Education2133028
83Malikopoulos, Andreas (University of Delaware)NRI: Addressing Safe Interaction Between Autonomous and Human-driven Vehicles2219761
84Matuszek, Cynthia (University of Maryland, Baltimore County)NRI: FND: Semi-Supervised Deep Learning for Domain Adaptation in Robotic Language Acquisition2024878
85Mazumdar, Anirban (Georgia Institute of Technology)Rapid Operator Awareness via Mobile Robotics (ROAMR), Customizable Human Safety using Mobile and Wearable Co-Robots1830498
86Mazzoleni, Andre (North Carolina State University)MAARCO—Multi-terrain Amphibious ARCtic explOrer2116216
87Miskin, Marc (UPenn)Electronically Integrated Microscopic Robot Swarms2221576
88Moore, Carl (FAMU-FSU College of Engineering/FSU)Shape-Based Remote Manipulation2221570, 2221571
89Mordohai, Philippos (Stevens Institute of Technology)Collaborative Research: NRI: INT: Cooperative Underwater Structure Inspection and Mapping2024653
90Moses, Melanie (University of New Mexico) 
Presenter: G. Matthew Fricke
Volcano Co-robot Adaptive Natural algorithms (VolCAN)2024520
91Murphy, Robin (Texas A&M University) 
Presenter: David Merrick
RAPID/Collaborative Research: Data Collection for Robot-Oriented Disaster Site Modeling at Champlain Towers South Collapse2140451, 2140528, 2140573
92Nguyen, Quan (University of Southern California)Decision-making Foundations for Human-supervised Legged Robot Teams2133091
93Nikolaidis, Stefanos (University of Southern California)NRI: FND: Improving Human-Robot Collaboration on Assembly Tasks by Anticipating Human Actions2024936
94Nikolaidis, Stefanos (University of Southern California)CAREER: Enhancing the Robustness of Human-Robot Interactions via Automatic Scenario Generation2145077
95Ohn-Bar, Eshed (Boston University)Towards Robust and Perceptual Inclusive Mobile Robots2152077
96Okamura, Allison (Stanford University)Computational and Interactive Design of Soft Growing Robot Manipulators2024247
97Ore, John-Paul (North Carolina State University)NRI: INT: Development of a Customizable Fleet of Autonomous Co-Robots for Advancing Aquaculture Production2021-67021-33451
98Papanikolopoulos, Nikos (CSE UMN)Cooperative Robotic Systems for Precision Agriculture and Plant Health Management2020-67021-30755
99Park, Hyun Soo (University of Minnesota) 
Presenter: Yasamin Jafarian
DroneOpticStudio Dense Reconstruction of a Moving Dynamic Actor2022894
100Ramezani, Alireza (Northeastern University)Design, Flight Control, and Autonomous Navigation of Bioinspired Morphing Micro Aerial Vehicles for Operation in Confined Spaces2142519
101Petersen, Kirstin (Cornell University)CAREER: Environmentally-Mediated Coordination in Natural and Robot Swarms2042411
102Poling, Bryan (Sentek Systems)Multi-Vehicle Systems for Collecting Shadow-Free Imagery in Precision Agriculture2020-67021-30756
103Poudel, Bed (Penn State University)Rumen Understanding Through Millipede-Engineered Navigation and Sensing (RUMENS)101339
104Quattrini Li, Alberto (Dartmouth College)CAREER: Resilient Low-Cost Robot Teams for Autonomous Aquatic Exploration2144624
105Quattrini Li, Alberto (Dartmouth College)Collaborative Research: NRI: INT: Cooperative Underwater Structure Inspection and Mapping2024541
106Ramos, Joao (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign) 
Presenter: Kris Hauser
NRI: FND: Immersive Whole-Body Teleoperation of Wheeled Humanoid Robots for Dynamic Mobile Manipulation2024775
107Realmuto, Jonathan (UC Riverside) 
Presenter: Jun Sheng
NRI: Adaptive Eearable Robots for Movement Assistance Via Bio-Inspired Sensorimotor Integration2221315
108Rekleitis, Ioannis (University of South Carolina)Collaborative Research.: NRI:INT: Cooperative Underwater Structure Inspection Mapping1943205
109Riek, Laurel (UC San Diego)TAILORED: Training for Independent Living through Observant Robots and Design1915734
110Sinapov, Jivko (Tufts University)CAREER: Learning and Sharing Transferable Grounded Object Knowledge 
for Collaborative Robots
111Sattar, Junaed (University of Minnesota Twin Cities)NRI : Enhancing Autonomous Underwater Robot Perception for Aquatic Species Management2220956
112Scherer, Sebastian (Carnegie Mellon University) 
Presenter: Micah Corah
DroneOpticStudio: Filming and Reconstructing Groups of Moving Actors in the Wild2024173
113Schimmels, Joe (Marquette University)NRI: FDN: Dexterous Manipulation Using Multi-Serial Manipulator Systems with Real-Time Compliance Modulation2024554
114Shen, Tao (Kent State University)Exploration of the Design, Dynamics and Control of Self-Decoupled, Cable-Driven Serial Robots2138903
115Short, Elaine (Tufts University)NRI: Mutually Assistive Robotics2132887
116Simaan, Nabil (Vanderbilt University)In-Situ Collaborative Robotics in Confined Spaces1734461, 1734360
117Song, Shuran (Columbia University)Hierarchical Representation Learning for Robot Assistants2132519
118Stein, Gregory (George Mason University)Fast and Reliable Online Retraining and Adaptation for Robot Planning Despite Missing World Knowledge2232733
119Steinfeld, Aaron (Carnegie Mellon University)FND: Mutually Aware Social Navigation1734361
120Sup, Frank (University of Massachusetts Amherst)NRI: FND: Natural Power Transmission through Unconstrained Fluids for Robotic Manipulation2024409
121Temel, Zeynep (Carnegie Mellon University / Robotics Institute)Dexterous Compliant Manipulation Using Delta Arrays2024794
122Tron, Roberto (Boston University)Unified Vision-Based Motion Estimation and Control for Multiple and Complex Robots2212051
123Tsiotras, Panagiotis (Georgia Institute of Technology) 
Presenter: Panagiotis Tsiotras
AstroSLAM - A Robust and Reliable Visual Localization and Pose Estimation Architecture for Space Robots in Orbit2101250
124Vázquez, Marynel (Yale University)CAREER: Modeling Group Human-Robot Interactions: Towards A Unified Data-Driven Perspective2143109
125Vázquez, Marynel (Yale University)NRI: FND: Spatial Patterns of Behavior in HRI Under Environmental Spatial Constraints1924802
126Vougioukas, Stavros (University of California, Davis)NRI: INT: COLLAB: Tree Fruit Harvesting with Arrays of Vision-Guided Linear Robot Arms1925385
127Walker, Ian (Clemson University)NRI:FND: 3D Concrete Printing with Macro-Micro Cable-Driven Robots1924721
128Wang, Long (Stevens Institute of Technology)ERI: Tool Grasping Compliance and Stability of Underactuated Hands in Model-Mediated Telemanipulation2138896
129Webster-Wood, Victoria (Carnegie Mellon University)CAREER: Adaptive Actuation and Control in Embodied Biohybrid Robots2044785
130Webster-Wood, Victoria (Carnegie Mellon University)Collaborative Research: FRR: Adaptive Mechanics, Learning and Intelligent Control Improve Soft Robotic Grasping2138923
131Wei, Ermin (Northwestern University)Robotic Shepherding for Flow Control in Uncertain Dynamic Environments2024774
132Xie, Biyun (University of Kentucky)Autonomous Fault-Tolerant Operation of Redundant Robotic Arms2205292
133Xu, Yunjun (University of Central Florida)NRI: INT: COLLAB: Distributed Co-Robots for Strawberry Harvesting1924622, 1924662, 1924640
134Xu, Xu (North Carolina State University)A Novel Intervention Method to Promote Workers' Safety Awareness and Mental Health During Human-Robot Collaboration2024688
135Yin, Zhaozheng (Stony Brook University)NRI: INT: COLLAB: Manufacturing USA: Intelligent Human-Robot Collaboration for Smart Factory1954548, 1830479, 1830383, 1830295
136Yin, Jie (North Carolina State University)Collaborative Research: NRI: Smart Skins for Robotic Prosthetic Hand2221479, 2221102, 2221190
137Young, Aaron (Georgia Institute of Technology)Robotic Human Enhancement Enabled through Wearable Hip Exoskeletons Capable of Community Ambulation1830215
138Zhang, Yuming (University of Kentucky)Intelligent Co-robots for Complex Welding Manufacturing through Learning and Generalization of Welders Capabilities2024614
139Zhang, Wenlong (Arizona State University)NRI: FND: Scalable and Customizable Intent Inference and Motion Planning for Socially-Adept Autonomous Vehicles1925403
140Zhang, Yu ("Tony") (Arizona State University)When Reality Fails Expectations: Containing Reflective Domain Models for Human-Aware Planning and Learning of Robotic Teammates2047186
141Zhang, Shiqi (SUNY Binghamton)NRI: FND: Knowledge-Based Robot Sequential Decision Making Under Uncertainty1925044
142Zhao, Ye (Georgia Institute of Technology)CAREER: Interactive Decision-Making and Resilient Planning for Safe Legged Locomotion and Navigation2144309
143Zhao, Ye (Georgia Institute of Technology)NRI: FND: Robust and Scalable Planning for Agile and Collaborative Robot Teammates in Complex Environments1924978
144Zhao, Jianguo (Colorado State University)Tuning the Energy Landscape of Soft Robots for Reconfigurable Shapes and Motions2126039
145Zheng, Minghui (University at Buffalo)CAREER: Facilitating Autonomy of Robots Through Learning-Based Control2046481
146Zhou, Mingxi (University of Rhode Island)Robotic Iceberg Sentinels2221617
147Amato, Chris (Northeastern University)Coordinating and Incorporating Trust in Teams of Humans and Robots with Multi-Robot Reinforcement Learning1734497
148Whitney, Peter (Northeastern University) 
Presenter: Robert Platt
NRI: FND: Controllable Compliance: A New Robotic Arm for Contact-Rich Manipulation1830425
149Duncan, Brittany (University of Nebraska–Lincoln)NRI: Collaborative Research: Adaptive Multi-Robot Configurable Teams Investigating Changing Ecosystems2221648, 2221649
150Duncan, Brittany (University of Nebraska–Lincoln)NRI: INT: COLLAB: Leveraging Environmental Monitoring UAS in Rainforests    1925368
151Shepherd, Robert (Cornell University)Ubiquitos Soil Sampling Robots for Confluent Soil Monitoring    2021-67021-33843
152Fazeli, Nima (University of Michigan)NRI: Integrating Perception and Manipulation of Deformable Objects by Learning Implicit Representations    2220876
153Righetti, Ludovic (New York University)NRI: FND: Action-perception loops over 5G millimeter wave wireless for cooperative manipulation    1925079
154Majewicz Fey, Ann (UT Austin)NRI: FND: Customizable Haptic Co-Robots For Training Emergency Surgical Procedures2102250
155Travers, Matthew (Carnegie Mellon University)Self-Assembly of Modular Robots Constructed using DNA    2132886
156Sinapov, Jivko (Tufts University)CAREER: Learning and Sharing Transferable Grounded Object Knowledge for Collaborative Robots2239764
157Chaudhari, Pratik (University of Pennsylvania)NRI: Robotics, Science and Technology for ForestryUSDA-584401
158Wang, Dongyi (University of Arkansas)Multimodal Sensors Guided Robotic Chicken Grasping and Rehanging for Integrated and Autonomous Poultry Processing2023-67022-39074, 2023-67022-39075, 2023-67021-39072
159Choset, HowieSearch-Based Multi-Agent Multi-Objective Multi-Target Path Planning    2120219, 2120529    



Presenting both days (May 2nd & 3rd) 

#Lead PI/ Alt Co-PresentersPoster TitleAward Number(s)
Camilli, Richard (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution)
Hsiao-Wecksler, Elizabeth (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Kim, Myunghee (University of Illinois, Chicago)
2024863, 2024742
Lenzi, Tomasso (University of Utah)
Loianno, Giuseppe (New York University)
Peek, Nadya (University of Washington)
Rubenstein, Michael (Northwestern University)


Aspiring PIs Posters

Presenting both days (May 2nd & 3rd) 

#Lead PI/ Alt Co-PresentersPoster Title
Alam, Tauhidul (Louisiana State University Shreveport)
Antonova, Rika (Stanford University)
Bolívar-Nieto, Edgar (University of Notre Dame)
Choudhury, Sanjiban (Cornell University)
Coad, Margaret (University of Notre Dame)
Culbertson, Preston (Caltech)
Das, Sambeeta (University of Delaware)
Dorsey, Kris (Northeastern University)
Gan, Zhenyu (Syracuse University)
Higgins, Taylor (Florida State University)
Kantaros, Yiannis (Washington University in St. Louis)
Kousik, Shreyas (Georgia Institute of Technology)
Li, Jiachen (Stanford University)
Mavrogiannis, Christoforos (University of Michigan)
Mykhailyshyn, Roman (The University of Texas at Austin)
Narayan, Meenakshi (Miami University)
Otte, Michael (University of Maryland)
Poonawala, Hasan (University of Kentucky)
Roberts, Sonia (Wesleyan University)
Roy, Sayanti (Purdue University NorthWest)
Sabelhaus, Andrew (Boston University)
Saldana, David (Lehigh University)
Tabib, Wennie (Carnegie Mellon University)
Tucker, Maegan (California Institute of Technology)
Vasile, Cristian (Lehigh University)
Velez Cuervo, Camilo (University of California, Irvine)
Wang, Xueju (University of Connecticut)
Xiao, Xuesu (George Mason University)
Xu, Nicole (University of Colorado Boulder and the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory)
Yao, Ningshi (George Mason University)
Yel, Esen (Stanford University)
Yuan, Sichen (University of Alabama)
Zhou, Lifeng (Drexel University)
Corah, Micah (Carnegie Mellon University)