2012 SaTC PI Meeting - Poster Session
PITitlePoster Session Presenter(s)
Alessandro Acquisti (CMU)Evolutionary Approaches to Privacy and Information SecurityAlessandro Acquisti
Bonnie Anderson (Brigham Young University)Using Neuroscience to Explain User Responses to Malware WarningsBonnie Anderson
Terrence AugustA Comparative Analysis of Software Liability PoliciesTerrence August
Clark Barrett (New York University)CVC4: A Tool for Automatically Reasoning About Programs and SystemsClark Barrett
Jim Basney (NCSA)Distributed Web Security for Science GatewaysJim Basney
Elisa Bertino (Purdue University)A Comprehensive Provenance ModelElisa Bertino
Alexandra Boldyreva (Georgia Institute of Technology)Efficiently Searchable Symmetric EncryptionAlexandra Boldyreva
Wayne P. Burleson (University of Massachusetts Amherst)E-cash for Intelligent Public TransportationWayne P. Burleson
Justin Cappos (NYU Poly)Seattle: An Educational Platform For Systems ClassesJustin Cappos
Sandra Carpenter (The University of Alabama in Huntsville)Psychological Attacks and MitigationsSandra Carpenter
Hao Chen (University of California, Davis)Detecting Cloned Applications on Android MarketsHao Chen
Yan Chen (Northwestern UniversityReal-Time Private Information Leakage Detection on Android without System ModicationYan Chen
Yingying Cheng (Stevens Institute of Technology)CAREER: EASE: Enhancing the Security of Pervasive Wireless NetworksYingying Cheng
Yu Cheng (Illinois Institute of Technology)Intrusion Detection for Multimedia Communications over 802.11 Based Wireless Networks: An Analytical ApproachYu Cheng
Kimberly Claffy (CAIDA, UCSD)Detection and Analysis of Large-Scale Internet Infrastructure OutagesAlberto Dainotti
Chris CliftonGeneralizing Text to Protect PrivacyChris Clifton
Reza Curtmola (NJIT)Remote Data Integrity Checking for Cloud StorageReza Curtmola
Ram Dantu (University of North Texas)Another Free App: Does It Have the Right Intentions?Ram Dantu
Yingfei Dong (University of Hawaii)Experimental Study of Accountability in Existing Anonymous NetworksYingfei Dong
Wenliang Du (Syracuse University)Web Security: Re-Designing the Web’s Security InfrastructureWenliang Du
Tudor Dumitras (Symantec Research Labs)WINE: Data-Intensive Experiments in SecurityTudor Dumitras
Shantanu Dutt (University of Illinois at Chicago)Trusted FPGA Design using Non-Integrated and Fully-IntegratedShantanu Dutt
Sonia Fahmy (Purdue University)Scaling Network Security ExperimentsSonia Fahmy
Nelly Fazio (Graduate Center & City College of CUNYAnonymous, Secure and Robust Multi-Recipient CommunicationNelly Fazio
Wu-chang Feng (Portland State University)kaPoW Web Plug-insWu-Chang Feng
Errin Fulp (Wake Forest University)An Evolutionary-Inspired Approach for Moving Target DefensesErrin Fulp
Johannes Gehrke (Cornell University)Controlling Disclosure in App EcosystemsJohannes Gehrke
Sharon Goldberg (Boston University)A Strategy for Transitioning to BGP SecuritySharon Goldberg
Luanne Goldrich (JHU APL)DART3: DHS Assistant for R&D Tracking and Technology TransferLuanne Burns Goldrich,Christina Selby, Thomas Longstaff
Luanne Goldrich (JHU APL)SCORE-Sponsored Cyber Integrated DemonstrationsrLuanne Goldrich, Tanner Allen
Venu Govindaraju (SUNY Buffalo)Integrating Privacy Preserving Biometric Templates and Efficient Indexing MethodsVenu Govindaraju
Guofei Gu (Texas A&M University)Using Enemies' Strength Against ThemGuofei Gu
Mina Guirguis (Texas State University)Securing Mobile CPSs Against Stealthy AttacksMina Guirguis
Andreas Haeberlen (University of Pennsylvania)Secure Network ProvenanceAndreas Haeberlen
Drew Hamilton (Auburn University)A Digital Forensics Cyberinfrastructure Workforce Training Initiative for America’s VeteransDrew Hamilton
Matthew Hashim (University of Arizona)Collaboration, Interdependency, and Transfer PricingMatthew Hashim
Haibo He (University of Rhode Island)Secure the Electrical Power Grid: Smart Grid versus Smart AttacksHaibo He
Raquel Hill (Indiana University)Privacy Risks in Social Science DatasetsRaquel Hill
Shuyuan Mary Ho (Florida State University)Organic Social Firewall: A Human-Computational Study of Trustworhty CommunicationsShuyuan Mary Ho
Adele Howe (Colorado State University)Computer Security for the Home UserAdele Howe
Ted Huffmire (Naval Postgraduate School)3Dsec: Trustworthy System Security through 3D Integrated HardwareTed Huffmire
Trent Jaeger (Pennsylvania State University)Comprehensive System Verification in Cloud Computing EnvironmentsTrent Jaeger
Niraj Jha (Princeton University)Enhancing the Safety and Trustworthiness of Medical DevicesNiraj K. Jha and Anand Raghunathan
Ping Ji (City University of New York (CUNY) – John Jay College)Security Monitoring for Wireless Network ForensicsPing Ji
Murat Kantarcioglu (University of Texas at Dallas)Efficient Similarity Search over Encrypted DataMurat Kantarcioglu
Sang Wu Kim (Iowa State University)Securing Wireless Network Coding against Pollution Attack at the Physical LayerSand Wu Kim
David Kotz (Dartmouth College)Trustworthy Information Systems in HealthcareDenise Anthony
Adam Lee (University of Pittsburgh)Foundations of Application-Sensitive Access Control EvaluationAdam J. Lee
Janne Lindqvist (Rutgers University)Redesigning Mobile PrivacyJanne Lindqvist
Anna Lysyankskaya (Brown University)Reconciling Privacy and AccountabilityAnna Lysyanskaya
Dan Massey (Colorado State University)BGP Monitoring and SecurityDan Massey
Nasir Memon (Polytechnic Institute of New York University)Investigating Multi-touch Gestures as a Novel Biometric ModalityNasir Memon
Jelena Mirkovic (USC/ISI)Critter@home: Content-Rich Traffic Trace Repository from Real-Time, Anonymous, User ContributionsJelena Mirkovic
Antonio Nicolosi (Stevens Institute of Technology)Provable Security from Group Theory and ApplicationsAntonio R. Nicolosi
Leon Osterweil (University of Massachusetts Amherst)Process Model-Based Continuous Improvement of Election Process Quality and RobustnessLeon Osterweil
Xinming Ou (Kansas State University)Classification of UDP Traffic for DDoS DetectionAlexandru G Bardas
Xinming Ou (Kansas State University)Prioritizing Intrusion Analysis Using Dempster-Shafer TheoryLoai Zomlot
Roberto Perdisci (University of Georgia)Malware Defense via Download Provenance ClassificationRoberto Perdisci
Corin Pitcher (DePaul University)Compositional Declarative ForensicsCorin Pitcher
Donald Porter (Stony Brook University)Hardware Isolation from an Untrustworthy OSDonald Porter
Michael Pozmantier (DHS S&T Cyber Security Division)Transition to PracticeMichael Pozmantier
Atul Prakash (University of Michigan)Information Confinement on Commodity SystemsAtul Prakash
Lisa PytlikZillig (University of Nebraska Public Policy Center)Designing Cyber-Spaces & Promoting Cyber-Cultures to Reduce SPEC-Inspired HacktivismLisa M. PytlikZillig (PI), Tonya K. Bernadt, Michael J. Hayes, Ashok Samal, Leen-Kiat Soh, Alan J. Tomkins, Shiyuan Wang
H. Raghav Rao (University of Buffalo)Distrust of the Internet in Older AdultsH. Raghav Rao
Narasimha Reddy (Texas A&M University)Detecting Spammers on TwitterNarasimha Reddy
Kui Ren (State University of New York at Buffalo)Privacy-preserving Search and Computation for Cloud DataKui Ren
Norman Sadeh (Carnegie Mellon University)User-Controllable Learning of Security and Privacy PoliciesNorman Sadeh
Andre Scedrov (University of Pennsylvania)Declarative Privacy Policy: Finite Models and Attribute–Based EncryptionAndre Scedrov
Andre Scedrov (University of Pennsylvania)Towards an Automated Assistant for Clinical InvestigationsAndre Scedrov
Patrick Schaumont (Virginia Tech)Foundations for Future On-chip FingerprintsPatrick Schaumont
Simha Sethumadhavan (Columbia University)Trustworthy Hardware from Untrustworthy HardwareSimha Sethumdhavan
Zhong Shao (Yale University)Making OS Kernels Crash-Proof by Design and CertificationZhong Shao
Radu Sion (Stony Brook University)NFSv4: An Extensible Security Layer for Network StorageRadu Sion
Adam Smith (Pennsylvania State University)Analyzing Graphs with Node-level Differential PrivacyAdam Smith
Jon Solworth (University of Illinois at Chicago)Why Johnny's Application Is Not SecureJon Solworth
Gary Stoneburner (JHU/APL)New Journal for Non-Public Cybersecurity ResearchGary Stoneburner
Aaron Striegel (University of Notre Dame)On Cell Phones and Punishment: Encouraging Secure Mobile Behavior Through MoralityAaron Striegel
Berk Sunar (Worcester Polytechnic Institute)Homomorphic Encryption for Cloud PrivacyBerk Sunar
Patrick Tague (Carnegie Mellon University)Constrainted Adaptive Jamming and Anti-JammingPatrick Tague
Gang Tan (Lehigh University)Rocksalt: A Formally Verified Machine Code Security CheckerGang Tan
Shambhu Upadhyaya (University at Buffalo)Designing Mission Survivable Systems Using Proactive SchemesShambhu Upadhyaya
Joseph Urban (Texas Tech University)An Innovative Interdisciplinary Cybersecurity Education Program for Protecting Critical InfrastructureVittal Rao
Anthony Vance (Brigham Young University)Deterring Unauthorized Access by Insiders: Raising Perceptions of Accountability in End Users Through User Interface ArtifactsAnthony Vance
Weichao Wang (UNC Charlotte)Exploring the Security Capabilities of Physical Layer Network Coding (PNC) in Wireless NetworksWeichao Wang
Susanne Wetzel (Stevens Institute of Technology)Privacy-preserving Reconciliation Protocols on Ordered SetsSusanne Wetzel
Tilman Wolf (University of Massachusetts Amherst)Securing the Router Infrastructure of the InternetTilman Wolf
Matthew Wright (University of Texas at Arlington)Persea: A Sybil-Resistant Social DHTMatthew Wright
Rebecca Wright (Rutgers University)Accountability and IdentifiabilityAaron Jaggard and Rebecca Wright
Li Xiong (Emory University)Real-time Aggregate Monitoring with Differential PrivacyLi Xiong
Heng Xu (Pennsylvania State University)Privacy-by-ReDesign: Alleviating Users’ Privacy Concerns for Third-Party ApplicationsHeng Xu
Yuan Xue (Vanderbilt University, Institute for Software Integrated Systems)iSEE: Integrated Simulation and Emulation Platform for Cyber-Physical System Security ExperimentationYuan Xue
Yaling Yang (Virginia Tech)SDR Spectrum Monitoring Through Power Finger PrintingYaling Yang
Danfeng (Daphne) Yao (Virginia Tech)Storytelling Security: Semantic and Structural Causal AnalysisDanfeng (Daphne) Yao
Ben Zhao (UC Santa Barbara)Social Turing Tests: Crowdsourcing Sybil DetectionBen Zhao
Huiyang Zhou (North Carolina State University)Architecting Against Software Cache-Based Side Channel AttacksHuiyang Zhou
Lina Zhou (University of Maryland Baltimore County)Online Deception Behavior and its Automatic DetectionLina Zhou
Heng Yin (Syracuse University)Virtualization and Binary Centric Approach to Malware AnalysisHeng Yin