End-to-End Security for the Internet of Things


Abstract: The Internet of Things is emerging as a critical technology of the next decade, but no-one has yet asked what a security-driven architecture for these applications would look like. The web has shown us that applying existing technologies and a rush to development lead to tremendous security flaws that have piecemeal solutions. Examining the problem of secure applications holistically, from hardware design to application processing to user interfaces to cryptographic primitives, will lead to new, important understandings of the tradeoffs and limitations that a trillion networked devices will bring.

Philip Levis is an Associate Professor in the computer science and electrical engineering departments of Stanford University. He researches embedded systems, distributed systems, and more recently, secure systems. He's published some papers and won some awards. He likes his students a lot and so tries to buy them snacks very often. He loves great engineering and has a self-destructive aversion to low-hanging fruit.

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