iFM 2014

Submitted by Anonymous on

11th International Conference on integrated Formal Methods, iFM 2014

Co-located with the 11th International Symposium on  Formal Aspects of
Component Software, FACS 2014

FACS 2014

Submitted by Anonymous on

The 11th International Symposium on Formal Adspects of Comonent Software

Co-located with iFM 2014: The 11th International Conference on Integrated Formal Methods   Component-based software development is a paradigm that has been proposing sound engineering principles and techniques for coping with the complexity of software-intensive systems.

TAP 2014

Submitted by Anonymous on

8th International Conference on TESTS AND PROOFS


The TAP conference is devoted to the synergy of proofs and tests,
to the application of techniques from both sides and their combination


Submitted by Anonymous on

Tenth International Summer School on
Advanced Computer Architecture and Compilation for High-Performance and Embedded Systems

Fiuggi, Italy
Sunday July 13 - Saturday July 19, 2014

MES 2014

Submitted by Anonymous on

Second ACM International Workshop on Manycore Embedded Systems (MES)

in conjunction with the 41st Internat

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