CPS: TTP Option: Frontiers: Collaborative Research: Software Defined Control for Smart Manufacturing Systems
Lead PI:
Sibin Mohan
Software-Defined Control (SDC) is a revolutionary methodology for controlling manufacturing systems that uses a global view of the entire manufacturing system, including all of the physical components (machines, robots, and parts to be processed) as well as the cyber components (logic controllers, RFID readers, and networks). As manufacturing systems become more complex and more connected, they become more susceptible to small faults that could cascade into major failures or even cyber-attacks that enter the plant, such as, through the internet. In this project, models of both the cyber and physical components will be used to predict the expected behavior of the manufacturing system. Since the components of the manufacturing system are tightly coupled in both time and space, such a temporal-physical coupling, together with high-fidelity models of the system, allows any fault or attack that changes the behavior of the system to be detected and classified. Once detected and identified, the system will compute new routes for the physical parts through the plant, thus avoiding the affected locations. These new routes will be directly downloaded to the low-level controllers that communicate with the machines and robots, and will keep production operating (albeit at a reduced level), even in the face of an otherwise catastrophic fault. These algorithms will be inspired by the successful approach of Software-Defined Networking. Anomaly detection methods will be developed that can ascertain the difference between the expected (modeled) behavior of the system and the observed behavior (from sensors). Anomalies will be detected both at short time-scales, using high-fidelity models, and longer time-scales, using machine learning and statistical-based methods. The detection and classification of anomalies, whether they be random faults or cyber-attacks, will represent a significant contribution, and enable the re-programming of the control systems (through re-routing the parts) to continue production. The manufacturing industry represents a significant fraction of the US GDP, and each manufacturing plant represents a large capital investment. The ability to keep these plants running in the face of inevitable faults and even malicious attacks can improve productivity -- keeping costs low for both manufacturers and consumers. Importantly, these same algorithms can be used to redefine the production routes (and machine programs) when a new part is introduced, or the desired production volume is changed, to maximize profitability for the manufacturing operation.
Performance Period: 08/23/2016 - 09/10/2017
Institution: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Sponsor: National Science Foundation
Award Number: 1544901
CPS: Frontier: Collaborative Research: VeHICaL: Verified Human Interfaces, Control, and Learning for Semi-Autonomous Systems
Lead PI:
Richard Murray
This NSF Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) Frontier project "Verified Human Interfaces, Control, and Learning for Semi-Autonomous Systems (VeHICaL)" is developing the foundations of verified co-design of interfaces and control for human cyber-physical systems (h-CPS) --- cyber-physical systems that operate in concert with human operators. VeHICaL aims to bring a formal approach to designing both interfaces and control for h-CPS, with provable guarantees. The VeHICaL project is grounded in a novel problem formulation that elucidates the unique requirements on h-CPS including not only traditional correctness properties on autonomous controllers but also quantitative requirements on the logic governing switching or sharing of control between human operator and autonomous controller, the user interface, privacy properties, etc. The project is making contributions along four thrusts: (1) formalisms for modeling h-CPS; (2) computational techniques for learning, verification, and control of h-CPS; (3) design and validation of sensor and human-machine interfaces, and (4) empirical evaluation in the domain of semi-autonomous vehicles. The VeHICaL approach is bringing a conceptual shift of focus away from separately addressing the design of control systems and human-machine interaction and towards the joint co-design of human interfaces and control using common modeling formalisms and requirements on the entire system. This co-design approach is making novel intellectual contributions to the areas of formal methods, control theory, sensing and perception, cognitive science, and human-machine interfaces. Cyber-physical systems deployed in societal-scale applications almost always interact with humans. The foundational work being pursued in the VeHICaL project is being validated in two application domains: semi-autonomous ground vehicles that interact with human drivers, and semi-autonomous aerial vehicles (drones) that interact with human operators. A principled approach to h-CPS design --- one that obtains provable guarantees on system behavior with humans in the loop --- can have an enormous positive impact on the emerging national ``smart'' infrastructure. In addition, this project is pursuing a substantial educational and outreach program including: (i) integrating research into undergraduate and graduate coursework, especially capstone projects; (ii) extensive online course content leveraging existing work by the PIs; (iii) a strong undergraduate research program, and (iv) outreach and summer programs for school children with a focus on reaching under-represented groups.
Performance Period: 09/01/2016 - 08/31/2021
Institution: California Institute of Technology
Sponsor: National Science Foundation
Award Number: 1544714
Toward 21st Century Cyber-Physical Systems Education
Lead PI:
Jon Eisenberg
Cyber-physical systems (CPS), are smart networked systems that have cyber technologies, both hardware and software, deeply embedded in, and interacting with, physical components. CPS represent a core opportunity area and source of competitive advantage for the U.S. innovation economy in the 21st century. A highly skilled science and engineering workforce is needed to design and build CPS, in which cyber and physical components must be tightly integrated into complex, networked systems that must respond in real (physical) time and interoperate safely and securely. This NSF award supports a study, conducted by the Computer Science and Telecommunications Board under the auspices of the National Research Council of the National Academies, that will examine current and future needs in education for Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS). Two workshops are being convened to gather input and foster dialogue, yielding a brief interim report prepared to highlight emerging themes. The committee's final report will articulate a vision for a 2l-st century CPS-capable U.S. workforce. It will explore the corresponding educational requirements, examine efforts already under way, and propose strategies and programs to develop faculty and teachers, materials, and curricula. It would consider core, cross-domain, and domain-specific knowledge. It would consider the multiple disciplines that are relevant to CPS and how to foster multidisciplinary study and work. In conducting the study, the committee would focus on undergraduate education and also consider implications for graduate education, workforce training and certification, community colleges, the K-12 pipeline, and informal education. It would emphasize the skills needed for the CPS scientific, engineering, and technical workforce but would also consider broader needs for CPS fluency.
Performance Period: 06/15/2013 - 09/30/2017
Institution: National Academy of Sciences
Sponsor: National Science Foundation
Award Number: 1341078
CPS: Small: A Convex Framework for Control of Interconnected Systems over Delayed Networks
Lead PI:
Matthew Peet
Recent years have seen an explosion in the use of cellular and wifi networks to deploy fleets of semi-autonomous physical systems, including unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), self-driving vehicles, and weather stations to perform tasks such as package delivery, crop harvesting, and weather prediction. The use of cellular and wifi networks has dramatically decreased the cost, energy, and maintenance associated with these forms of embedded technology, but has also added new challenges in the form of delay, packet drops, and loss of signal. Because of these new challenges, and because of our limited understanding of how unreliable communication affects performance, the current protocols for regulating physical systems over wireless networks are slow, inefficient, and potentially unstable. In this project we develop a new computational framework for designing provably fast, efficient and safe protocols for the control of fleets of semi-autonomous physical systems. The systems considered in this project are dynamic, defined by coupled ordinary differential equations, and connected by feedback to a controller, with a feedback interconnection which has multiple static delays, multiple time-varying delays, or is sampled at discrete times. For these systems, we would like to design optimal and robust feedback controllers assuming a limited number of sensor measurements are available. Specifically, we seek to design a class of algorithms which are computationally efficient, which scale to large numbers of subsystems, and which, given models of the dynamics, communication links, and uncertainty, will return a controller which is provably stable, robust to model uncertainty, and provably optimal in the relevant metric of performance. To accomplish this task, we leverage a new duality result which allows the problem of controller synthesis for infinite-dimensional systems to be convexified. This result allows the problem of optimal and robust dynamic output-feedback controller synthesis to be reformulated as feasibility of a set of convex linear operator inequalities. We then use semidefinite programming to parametrize the set of feasible operators and thereby test feasibility of the inequalities with little to no conservatism. In a similar manner, estimator design and optimal controller synthesis are recast as semidefinite programming problems and used to solve the problems of sampled-data and systems with input delay. The algorithms will be scalable to at least 20 states and the controllers will be field-tested on a fleet of wheeled robotic vehicles.
Performance Period: 09/15/2017 - 08/31/2020
Institution: Arizona State University
Sponsor: National Science Foundation
Award Number: 1739990
CPS: Medium: Collaborative Research: Against Coordinated Cyber and Physical Attacks: Unified Theory and Technologies
Lead PI:
Naira Hovakimyan
Coordinated cyber-physical attacks (CCPA) have been touted as a serious threat for several years, where "coordinated" means that attackers have complete knowledge of the physical plant and status, and sometimes can even create physical defects, to assist cyber attacks, and vice versa. In recent years, these attacks have crept from theory to reality, with attacks on vehicles, electrical grids, and industrial plants, which have the potential to cause destruction and even death outside of the digital world. CCPA raise a unique challenge with respect to cyber-physical systems (CPS) safety. Historically, technologies to defend cyber attacks and physical attacks are developed separately under different assumptions and models. For instance, cyber security technologies often require the complete profile of the physical dynamics and the observation of the system state, which may not be available when physical defects exist. Similarly, existing system control techniques may efficiently compensate for the physical damage, but under the assumption that the control software and the sensor data are not compromised. There is a lack of unified approaches against CCPA. With this observation, this project focuses on the development of unified models with coherent set of assumptions, supported by integrated technologies, upon which CCPA can be defended much more effectively. To establish theoretical foundations and engineering principles for resilient CPS architectures, this project will investigate unified models and platforms that represent the scientific understanding of resilient CPS against CCPA. Engineering of CPS will be addressed through the development and integration of complexity-reduced software architectures, along with their design principles, which lead to verifiable and certifiable architectures with higher level of system resilience. Technology of CPS will be addressed through the design of new attack detection, isolation, and recovery tools as well as timing and control techniques to ensure appropriate responses to CCPA. The proposed inherently interdisciplinary research will ensure predictable performance for resilient CPS, by leveraging the disciplinary advances in (i) the design and evaluation of robust fault-tolerant control systems yielding significantly enhanced levels of safety in highly unpredictable environments; (ii) the design and implementation of complexity reduction architecture yielding a significant reduction in the verification time from hours to seconds; (iii) the development of multi-rate sampled-data control and robust reachability-based attack detection techniques ensuring that the sensor data is reliable; and (iv) the development of cyber-physical co-adaptation that optimizes control performance and computation task scheduling to guarantee system safety and efficient recovery from CCPA. The target application of this project is unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). The research results will be evaluated in three different testbeds: UAV testbed, generic transportation model (GTM) aircraft, and power system virtual testbed (VTB). The technological advancement from this project will provide solutions for the safety and reliability issues faced by today's CPS and deliver dependable CPS that are applicable without sacrificing functionality or accessibility in complex and potentially hostile networked environment. The results of this project will be communicated in archival journal publications, conference venues and various workshops and lectures, and will be integrated at different academic levels.
Naira Hovakimyan

Naira Hovakimyan received her MS degree in Theoretical Mechanics and Applied Mathematics in 1988 from Yerevan State University in Armenia. She got her Ph.D. in Physics and Mathematics in 1992, in Moscow, from the Institute of Applied Mathematics of Russian Academy of Sciences, majoring in optimal control and differential games. In 1997 she has been awarded a governmental postdoctoral scholarship to work in INRIA, France. In 1998 she was invited to the School of Aerospace Engineering of Georgia Tech, where she worked as a research faculty member until 2003. In 2003 she joined the Department of Aerospace and Ocean Engineering of Virginia Tech, and in 2008 she moved to University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, where she is a professor, university scholar and Schaller faculty scholar of Mechanical Science and Engineering. She has co-authored a book and more than 250 refereed publications.  She is the recipient of the SICE International scholarship for the best paper of a young investigator in the VII ISDG Symposium (Japan, 1996), and also the 2011 recipient of AIAA Mechanics and Control of Flight award. She is an associate fellow and life member of AIAA, a Senior Member of IEEE, and a member of SIAM, AMS and ISDG. Her research interests are in the theory of robust adaptive control and estimation, control in the presence of limited information, networks of autonomous systems, game theory and applications of those in safety-critical systems of aerospace, mechanical, electrical, petroleum and biomedical engineering.

Performance Period: 09/01/2017 - 08/31/2020
Institution: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Sponsor: National Science Foundation
Award Number: 1739732
CAREER: Theoretical Foundations of the UAS in the NAS Problem (Unmanned Aerial Systems in the National Air Space)
Lead PI:
Kristin Yvonne Rozier

Due to their increasing use by civil and federal authorities and vast commercial and amateur applications, Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) will be introduced into the National Air Space (NAS); the question is only how this can be done safely. Today, NASA and the FAA are designing a new, (NextGen) automated air traffic control system for all aircraft, manned or unmanned. New algorithms and tools will need to be developed to enable computation of the complex questions inherent in designing such a system while proving adherence to rigorous safety standards. Researchers must develop the tools of formal analysis to be able to address the UAS in the NAS problem, reason about UAS integration during the design phase of NextGen, and tie this design to on-board capabilities to provide runtime System Health Management (SHM), ensuring the safety of people and property on the ground. This proposal takes a holistic view and integrates advances in the state of the art from three intertwined perspectives to address safe integration of unmanned systems into the national airspace: from on-board the vehicle, from the environment (NAS), and from the underlying theory enabling their formal analysis. There has been rapid development of new UAS technologies yet few of them are formally mathematically rigorous to the degree needed for FAA safety-critical system certification. This project bridges that gap, integrating new UAS and air traffic control designs with advances in formal analysis. Within the wealth of promising directions for autonomous UAS capabilities, this project fills a unique need, providing a direct synergy between on-board UAS SHM, the NAS environment in which they must operate, and the theoretical foundations common to both of these. This research will help to build a safer NAS with increased capacity for UAS and create broadly impactful capabilities for SHM on-board UAS. Advancements will require theoretical research into more scalable model checking and debugging of safety properties. Safety properties express the sentiment that "something bad does not happen" during any system execution; they represent the vast majority of the requirements for NextGen designs and all requirements researchers can monitor on-board a UAS for system heath management during runtime. This research will tackle new frontiers in embedding health management capabilities on-board UAS. Collaborations with aerospace system designers at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and tool designers at the Bruno Kessler Foundation will aid real-life utility and technology transfer. Broader impact will be achieved by involving undergraduate students in the design of an open-source, affordable, all-COTS and 3D-printable UAS, which will facilitate flight testing of this project's research advances. An open-UAS design for academia will be useful both for classroom demonstrations and as a research platform. Further impact will be achieved by using this UAS and the research it enables in interactive teaching experiences for K-12, undergraduate, and graduate students and in mentoring outreach specifically targeted at girls achieving in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) subjects.

Performance Period: 08/31/2016 - 01/31/2024
Institution: Iowa State University
Sponsor: National Science Foundation
Award Number: 1664356
CPS: Medium: Enabling Multimodal Sensing, Real-time Onboard Detection and Adaptive Control for Fully Autonomous Unmanned Aerial Systems
Lead PI:
Qinru Qiu
The goal of this project is to investigate a low-cost and energy-efficient hardware and software system to close the loop between processing of sensor data, semantically high-level detection and trajectory generation in real-time. To safely integrate Unmanned Aerial Vehicles into national airspace, there is an urgent need to develop onboard sense-and-avoid capability. While deep neural networks (DNNs) have significantly improved the accuracy of object detection and decision making, they have prohibitively high complexity to be implemented on small UAVs. Moreover, existing UAV flight control approaches ignore the nonlinearities of UAVs and do not provide trajectory assurance. The research thrusts of this project are: (i) FPGA implementation of DNNs: both fully connected and convolutional layers of deep (convolutional) neural networks will be trained using (block-)circulant matrix and implemented using custom designed universal Fast Fourier Transform kernels on FPGA. This research thrust will enable efficient implementation of DNNs, reducing memory and computation complexity from O(N2) to O(N) and O(NlogN), respectively; (ii) autonomous detection and perception for onboard sense-and-avoid: existing regional detection neural networks will be extended to work with images taken from different angles, and multi-modal sensor inputs; (iii) real-time waypoint and trajectory generation - an integrated trajectory generation and feedback control scheme for steering under-actuated vehicles through desired waypoints in 3D space will be developed. For efficient implementation and hardware reuse, both detection and control problems will be formulated and solved using DNNs with (block-)circulant weight matrix. Deep reinforcement learning models will be investigated for waypoint generation and to assign artificial potential around the obstacles to guarantee a safe distance. The fundamental research results will enable onboard computing, real-time detection and control, which are cornerstones of autonomous and next-generation UAVs.
Performance Period: 10/01/2017 - 09/30/2019
Institution: Syracuse University
Sponsor: National Science Foundation
Award Number: 1739748
CPS: Breakthrough: Mobile Automated Rovers Fly-By (MARS-FLY) for Bridge Network Resiliency
Lead PI:
Nassim Uddin
This proposal is for research on the Mobile Automated Rovers Fly-By (MARS-FLY) for Bridge Network Resiliency. Bridges are often in remote locations and the cost of installing electricity and a data acquisition system in hundreds of thousands of bridges is prohibitive. The MARS-FLY project will develop a cyber-physical system (CPS) designed to monitor the health of highway bridges, control the loads imposed on bridges by heavy trucks, and provide visual inspectors with quantitative information for data-driven bridge health assessment requiring no electricity and a minimum of data acquisition electronics on site. For fly-by monitoring, GPS-controlled auto-piloted drones will periodically carry data acquisition electronics to the bridge and download the data from the sensors at a close range. Larger Imaging drones carrying infrared (IR) cameras will be used to detect detail damages like concrete delamination. The research objectives will be accomplished first, by wireless recharging of remote sensor motes by drone to enhance the sensor operational lifetime whereas wireless recharging of drone battery will extend the operational efficiency, payload, and drone range. The novel multi-coil wireless powering approach will provide an investigation of an engineered material i.e. metamaterial with the resonant link to enhance the power level and link distance, otherwise unachievable. Next, by a major scientific breakthrough in the utilization of small quantities of low quality sensor data and IR images to determine damage information at all levels: detection of a change in behavior, location, and magnitude; streamlining of reliability analysis to incorporate the new information of damage into the bridge's reliability index based on combined numerical and probabilistic approaches such as Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition with the Hilbert Transform; and finally detection of nonlinearities in the signals in a Bayesian Updating framework. Moreover, an instrumented drive-by vehicle will complement damage detection on the bridge. A Bayesian updating framework will be used to update the probability distribution for bridge condition, given the measurements. Image processing of the infrared images to distinguish between the environmental effects and the true bridge deterioration (e.g. delamination in concrete) will be used to develop a better method of site-specific and environment-specific calibration.
Performance Period: 05/01/2017 - 04/30/2020
Institution: University of Alabama at Birmingham
Sponsor: National Science Foundation
Award Number: 1645863
CPS: Breakthrough: Solar-powered, Long-endurance UAV for Real-time Onboard Data Processing
Lead PI:
Marco Caccamo
In recent years, there has been a substantial uptrend in the popularity of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). These aircraft find application in several areas such as precision farming, infrastructure and environment monitoring, surveillance, surveying and mapping, search and rescue missions, rapid assessment of emergency situations and natural disasters, next generation Internet connectivity, weather determination and more. Given the wide range of possibilities, UAVs represent a growing market in CPS and they are perceived as an "enabling technology" to re-consider the human involvement in many military and civil applications on a global scale. One of the major challenges in enabling this growth is UAV endurance. This is directly related to the amount of energy available to the UAV to perform its mission. This proposal looks to increase UAV endurance by trading off UAV performance with energy efficient computing. This requires mapping of mission and goals into energy needs and computational requirements. The goal of the project is to show that this trade can enable long-duration flight especially when solar energy is utilized as a primary energy source. The ambitious plan is to develop a light weight and efficient aircraft capable of maneuver-aware power adaptation and real-time video/sensor acquisition and processing for up to 12 hours of continuous flight (this limit being set by daylight hours). This project aims to expanding the theoretical and practical foundations for the design and integration of UAVs capable of real-time sensing and processing from an array of visual, acoustic and other sensors. The traditional approach for small size UAVs is to capture data on the aircraft, stream it to the ground through a high power data-link, process it remotely, perform analysis, and then relay commands back to the aircraft as needed. Conversely, this research targets a solar-powered UAV with a zero-carbon footprint that carries a high performance embedded computer system payload capable of budgeting at run-time the available power between the propulsion/actuation subsystems and the computing and communication subsystems. First, a set of accurate power models for the considered UAV will be constructed to establish a mapping between different flight modes (aircraft maneuvers) and the corresponding power requirements at the propulsion/actuation subsystem. Second, software and hardware-level power adaptation mechanisms will be developed to devise a novel Power Adaptive Integrated Modular Avionic (PA-IMA) architecture suitable for UAVs. Safe temporal/spatial partitioning among applications and flexible scheduling to handle unpredictable power/load variations in flight represent key requirements. Once an accurate characterization is available for flight and computation modes, a higher-level supervisory logic will be developed to distribute the available power budget between the propulsion/actuation subsystem and the computation/communication subsystem. While precision farming and land/infrastructure monitoring will immediately benefit from such a technology, the long-term impact of this research is much broader since it explores the very foundations of environment-aware power and computation management. In general, the developed theory will be applicable to autonomous vehicles and robots whose power budget is limited and variable: these are common challenges faced when harvesting solar and wind energy.
Performance Period: 01/01/2017 - 12/31/2019
Institution: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Sponsor: National Science Foundation
Award Number: 1646383
CPS: Medium: Collaborative Research: Demand Response & Workload Management for Data Centers with Increased Renewable Penetration
Lead PI:
Steven Low
The confluence of two powerful global trends, (1) the rapid growth of cloud computing and data centers with skyrocketing energy consumption, and (2) the accelerating penetration of renewable energy sources, is creating both severe challenges and tremendous opportunities. The fast growing renewable generation puts forth great operational challenges since they will cause large, frequent, and random fluctuations in supply. Data centers, on the other hand, offer large flexible loads in the grid. Leveraging this flexibility, this project will develop fundamental theories and algorithms for sustainable data centers with a dual goal of improving data center energy efficiency and accelerating the integration of renewables in the grid via data center demand response (DR) and workload management. Specifically, the research findings will shed light on data center demand response while maintaining their performance, which will help data centers to decide how to participate in power market programs. Further, the success of data center demand response will help increase renewable energy integration and reduce the carbon footprint of data centers, contributing to global sustainability. The PIs will leverage fruitful collaboration to eventually bring the research to bear on ongoing industry standardization and development efforts. The PIs teach courses spanning networks, games, smart grid and optimization, and are strongly committed to promoting diversity by providing research opportunities to underrepresented students. Built on the PIs expertise on data centers and the smart grid, this project takes an interdisciplinary approach to develop fundamental theories and algorithms for sustainable data centers. The research tasks are organized under two well-coordinated thrusts, namely agile data center DR and adaptive workload management. The strategies and decisions of data center DR will be made based on the workload management algorithms that balance quality of service and energy efficiency and determine the supply functions. The workload management algorithms will optimize quality of service under the electric load constraints imposed by DR accordingly. This project will make three unique contributions: (1) new market programs with strategic participation of data centers in DR, instead of passive price takers, (2) fundamental understanding of the impacts of power network constraints on data center DR and new distributed algorithms for solving optimal power flow with stochastic renewable supplies, and (3) high-performance dynamic server provisioning and load balancing algorithms for large scale data centers under time-varying and stochastic electric load constraints and on-site renewable generation.
Performance Period: 09/01/2017 - 08/31/2020
Institution: California Institute of Technology
Sponsor: National Science Foundation
Award Number: 1739355
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