Theoretical aspects of cyber-physical systems.
International Workshop on Agent-based Modeling and Applications with SARL (SARL-17) Madeira, Portugal | May 16-19, 2017 | In conjunction with the 8th International Conference on Ambient Systems, Networks, and Technologies (ANT 2017).
Submitted by Anonymous on October 25th, 2016
ANT 2017
The 8th International Conference on Ambient Systems, Networks and Technologies (ANT-2017) in conjunction with the 7th International Conference on Sustainable Energy Information Technology (SEIT 2017) The 8th International Conference on Ambient Systems, Networks and Technologies (ANT-2017) is a leading international conference for researchers and industry practitioners to share their new ideas, original research results and practical development experiences from all Ambient Systems, Networks and Technologies related areas.
Submitted by Anonymous on October 17th, 2016
IUBT 2017
The 7th International Symposium on Internet of Ubiquitous and Pervasive Things (IUPT 2017) To be held in conjunction with Ambient Systems, Networks and Technologies Conference (ANT'17)
Submitted by Anonymous on October 17th, 2016
Computing Conference 2017 Computing Conference (formerly called Science and Information (SAI) Conference) is a research conference held in London, UK since 2013. The conference series has featured keynote talks, special sessions, poster presentation, tutorials, workshops, and contributed papers each year.
Submitted by Anonymous on October 12th, 2016
ACM International Conference on Computing Frontiers 2017 (CF'17) Computing Frontiers is an eclectic, collaborative community of researchers who investigate emerging technologies in the broad field of computing: our common goal is to drive the scientific breakthroughs that transform society.
Submitted by Anonymous on October 12th, 2016
2nd International Workshop on Advanced Interconnect Solutions and Technologies for Emerging Computing Systems (AISTECS) Associated with the 12th HiPEAC Conference on High Performance Embedded Architectures and Compilers.
Submitted by Anonymous on October 12th, 2016
VMCAI 2017
18th International Conference on Verification, Model Checking, and Abstract Interpretation (VMCAI 2017) VMCAI provides a forum for researchers from the communities of Verification, Model Checking, and Abstract Interpretation, facilitating interaction, cross-fertilization, and advancement of hybrid methods that combine these and related areas. Scope
Submitted by Anonymous on October 5th, 2016

Dear colleagues,

First of all, it is a distinct pleasure to introduce a stable version of the shiny new KeYmaera X theorem prover for hybrid systems.

If you're around beautiful Cyprus in November, please also come to the KeYmaera X tutorial at FM 2016

We will be demonstrating how to conduct hybrid systems verification with KeYmaera X as well as a reasonable subset of its new features.

Submitted by Anonymous on October 5th, 2016
Cyber-physical systems (CPS) encompass the next generation of computerized control for countless aspects of the physical world and interactions thereof. The typical engineering process for CPS reuses existing designs, models, components, and software from one version to the next. For example, in automotive engineering, it is common to reuse significant portions of existing model-year vehicle designs when developing the next model-year vehicle, and such practices are common across CPS industries, from aerospace to biomedical. While reuse drastically enhances efficiency and productivity, it leads to the possibility of introducing unintended mismatches between subcomponents' specifications. For example, a 2011 US National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) recall of over 1.5 million model-year 2005-2010 vehicles was due to the upgrade of a physical transmission component that was not appropriately addressed in software. A mismatch between cyber and physical specifications may occur when a software or hardware upgrade (in effect, a cyber or physical specification change) is not addressed by an update (in effect, a matching specification change) in the other domain. This research will develop new techniques and software tools to detect automatically if cyber-physical specification mismatches exist, and then mitigate the effects of such mismatches at runtime, with the overall goal to yield more reliable and safer CPS upon which society increasingly depends. The detection and mitigation methods developed will be evaluated in an energy CPS testbed. While the evaluation testbed is in the energy domain, the methods are applicable to other CPS domains such as automotive, aerospace, and biomedical. The educational goals will bridge gaps between computer science and electrical engineering, preparing a diverse set of next-generation CPS engineers by developing education platforms to enhance CPS engineering design and verification skills. The proposed research is to develop new techniques and tools to automatically identify and mitigate the effects of cyber-physical specification mismatches. There are three major research objectives. The first objective is to identify cyber-physical specification mismatches. To identify mismatches, a detection problem will be formalized using the framework of hybrid input/output automata (HIOA). Offline algorithms will be designed to find candidate specifications from models and implementations using static and dynamic analyses, and then identify candidate mismatches. The second objective is to monitor and assure safe CPS upgrades. As modern CPS designs are complex, it may be infeasible to determine all specifications and mismatches between all subcomponents at design time. Runtime monitoring and verification methods will be developed for inferred specifications to detect mismatches at runtime. When they are identified, a runtime assurance framework building on supervisory control and the Simplex architecture will assure safe CPS runtime operation. The third objective is to evaluate safe CPS upgrades in an example CPS. The results of the other objectives and their ability to ensure safe CPS upgrades will be evaluated in an energy CPS testbed, namely an AC electrical distribution microgrid that interfaces DC-producing renewables like photovoltaics to AC.
University of Texas at Arlington
National Science Foundation
Taylor Johnson Submitted by Taylor Johnson on October 3rd, 2016
This project designs algorithms for the integration of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PEVs) into the power grid. Specifically, the project will formulate and solve optimization problems critical to various entities in the PEV ecosystem -- PEV owners, commercial charging station owners, aggregators, and distribution companies -- at the distribution / retail level. Charging at both commercial charging stations and at residences will be considered, for both the case when PEVs only function as loads, and the case when they can also function as sources, equipped with vehicle-to-home (V2H) or vehicle-to-grid (V2G) energy reinjection capability. The focus of the project is on distributed decision making by various individual players to achieve analytical system-level performance guarantees. Electrification of the transportation market offers revenue growth for utility companies and automobile manufacturers, lower operational costs for consumers, and benefits to the environment. By addressing problems that will arise as PEVs impose extra load on the grid, and by solving challenges that currently impede the use of PEVs as distributed storage resources, this research will directly impact the society. The design principles gained will also be applicable to other cyber-physical infrastructural systems. A close collaboration with industrial partners will ground the research in real problems and ensure quick dissemination of results to the marketplace. A strong educational component will integrate the proposed research into the classroom to allow better training of both undergraduate and graduate students.
California Institute of Technology
National Science Foundation
Submitted by Vijay Gupta on September 28th, 2016
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