Design, development and manufacture of motor vehicles, towed vehicles, motorcycles and mopeds.
Today, efficiency is the new formula for success essential to propel the next generation of automobiles.
Submitted by Anonymous on March 4th, 2013
Submitted by Anonymous on February 21st, 2013
Submitted by Anonymous on February 12th, 2013
Data-driven intelligence is an essential foundation for physical systems in transportation safety and efficiency, area surveillance and security, as well as environmental sustainability. This project develops new computer system infrastructure and algorithms for self-sustainable data-driven systems in the field. Research outcomes of the project include (a) a low-maintenance, environmentally-friendly hardware platform with solar energy harvesting and super capacitor-based energy storage, (b) virtualization software infrastructure for low-power nodes to enable inter-operability among distributed field nodes and from/to the data center, and (c) new image and data processing approaches for resource-adaptive fidelity adjustment and function partitioning. The synergy between the self-sustainable hardware, system software support, wireless communications management, and application data processing manifests through global coordination for quality-of-service, energy efficiency, and data privacy. In broader impacts, this project enables data-driven intelligence in the field for important physical system domains. Integration of the technologies involved is accomplished through real-world system deployment and experimentation, including an intelligent campus traffic and parking management system and collaborative work with industry collaborators. The results of this project will further enhance the technological competitiveness for US industries in key areas such as intelligent transportation. The education component includes cross-disciplinary curriculum enhancements and the development of a new instructional platform for realistic experiments with cyber-physical systems. Within the scope of this project, the PIs perform mentoring and outreach activities to recruit/retain women and minorities in science and engineering.
University of Rochester
National Science Foundation
Kai Shen
Kai Shen Submitted by Kai Shen on December 11th, 2012
Symposia dedicated to promising research in resilient systems that will protect cyber-physical infrastructures from unexpected and malicious threats--securing our way of life.
Craig Rieger Submitted by Craig Rieger on September 18th, 2012
The 9th IEEE International Conference on Embedded Software and Systems (ICESS) 2012
Katie Dey Submitted by Katie Dey on April 16th, 2012
Katie Dey Submitted by Katie Dey on April 16th, 2012
Katie Dey Submitted by Katie Dey on April 16th, 2012
This session focuses on methods and design tools for the exploration, analysis, simulation, selection, synthesis, and optimization of E/E automotive architectures (e.g., software, hardware, communication, wiring harness, and power architectures). These methods and tools apply to technologies such as multi-core processors, distributed systems, AUTOSAR, Flexray, CAN, Ethernet, and DSRC among others. The methods and tools are usually (but not limited to) model-based.
Submitted by Anonymous on April 16th, 2012
The SAE 2012 World Congress theme is Get Connected. It represents the new and diverse connections that will drive significant advancements in the auto industry of tomorrow. Not only does the theme symbolize literal connections, such as those between vehicles, infrastructure, the Internet, and the nation’s electrical grid, but also demonstrates the most fundamental of connections; the connections and relationships between engineers who are developing the next generation vehicle technology.
Submitted by Anonymous on April 16th, 2012
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