Applications of CPS technologies involving the power generation and/or energy conservation.

To address the challenges imposed by the rapidly evolving global energy market, ARPA-E seeks to support transformational research in all areas of energy R&D, including resource identification, extraction, transportation and use, and energy generation, storage, transmission and use in both the transportation and stationary power sectors. Areas of research responsive to this FOA include (but are not limited to) electricity generation by both renewable and non-renewable means, electricity transmission, storage, and distribution; energy efficiency for buildings, manufacturing and commerce, and personal use; and all aspects of transportation, including the production and distribution of both renewable and non-renewable fuels, electrification, and energy efficiency in transportation.

  • Letter of Intent Submission Deadline: 3/30/2012 5:00 PM ET
  • Concept Paper Submission Deadline: 4/12/2012 5:00 PM ET
  • Full Application Submission Deadline: 7/13/2012 5:00 PM ET

Detailed information available on the ARPA-E Site.

General Announcement
Not in Slideshow
Submitted by Anonymous on March 16th, 2012

NIST is soliciting proposals for financial assistance for FY 2012 under the following nine programs: (1) Material Measurement Laboratory (MML) Grant Program; (2) Physical Measurement Laboratory (PML) Grant Program; (3) Engineering Laboratory (EL) Grant Program; (4) Fire Research Grant Program; (5) Information Technology Laboratory (ITL) Grant Program; (6) NIST Center for Neutron Research (NCNR) Grant Program; (7) Center for Nanoscale Science and Technology (CNST) Grant Program; (8) Standards Services Group (SSG) Grant Program; and (9) Office of Special Programs (OSP) Grant Program. Details of each program can be found in the Full Announcement for 2012-NIST-MSE-01.


Eligible Applicants

Others (see text field entitled "Additional Information on Eligibility" for clarification)

Additional Information on Eligibility:

Institutions of higher education; hospitals; non-profit organizations; commercial organizations; state, local, and Indian tribal governments; foreign governments; organizations under the jurisdiction of foreign governments; and international organizations.

Agency Name

National Institute of Standards and Technology

Link to Full Announcement

2012-NIST-MSE-01 Full Announcement

If you have difficulty accessing the full announcement electronically, please contact:

Christopher Hunton
Grants Technical Assistant
Phone 301-975-5718 Agency Contact
Document Type: Grants Notice
Funding Opportunity Number: 2012-NIST-MSE-01
Opportunity Category: Discretionary
Posted Date: Dec 07, 2011
Creation Date: Dec 07, 2011
Original Closing Date for Applications: For all programs listed in this FFO, proposals will be considered on a continuing/rolling basis. For all programs except the Fire Research Grant Program, proposals received after 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time on June 1, 2012 may be processed and considered for funding under this FFO in the current fiscal year or in the next fiscal year until a new FFO is posted on the Web site (, subject to the availability of funds. For the Fire Research Grant Program, proposals received after 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time on January 30, 2012 may be processed and considered for funding under this FFO in the current fiscal year or in the next fiscal year until a new FFO is posted on, subject to the availability of funds. Proposers should allow up to 90 days processing time.
Current Closing Date for Applications: For all programs listed in this FFO, proposals will be considered on a continuing/rolling basis. For all programs except the Fire Research Grant Program, proposals received after 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time on June 1, 2012 may be processed and considered for funding under this FFO in the current fiscal year or in the next fiscal year until a new FFO is posted on the Web site (, subject to the availability of funds. For the Fire Research Grant Program, proposals received after 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time on January 30, 2012 may be processed and considered for funding under this FFO in the current fiscal year or in the next fiscal year until a new FFO is posted on, subject to the availability of funds. Proposers should allow up to 90 days processing time.
Archive Date:  
Funding Instrument Type: Cooperative Agreement
Category of Funding Activity: Science and Technology and other Research and Development
Category Explanation:  
Expected Number of Awards:  
Estimated Total Program Funding:  
Award Ceiling:  
Award Floor:  
CFDA Number(s): 11.609  --  Measurement and Engineering Research and Standards
Cost Sharing or Matching Requirement: No
Synopsis Modification History: There are currently no modifications for this opportunity.

Any inconsistency between the original printed document and the disk or electronic document shall be resolved by giving precedence to the printed document.

General Announcement
Not in Slideshow
Katie Dey Submitted by Katie Dey on January 26th, 2012
Submitted by Jim BRAZELL on January 25th, 2012
This project addresses the impact of the integration of renewable intermittent generation in a power grid. This includes the consideration of sophisticated sensing, communication, and actuation capabilities on the system's reliability, price volatility, and economic and environmental efficiency. Without careful crafting of its architecture, the future smart grid may suffer from a decrease in reliability. Volatility of prices may increase, and the source of high prices may be more difficult to identify because of undetectable strategic policies. This project addresses these challenges by relying on the following components: (a) the development of tractable cross-layer models; physical, cyber, and economic, that capture the fundamental tradeoffs between reliability, price volatility, and economic and environmental efficiency, (b) the development of computational tools for quantifying the value of information on decision making at various levels, (c) the development of tools for performing distributed robust control design at the distribution level in the presence of information constraints, (d) the development of dynamic economic models that can address the real-time impact of consumer's feedback on future electricity markets, and finally (e) the development of cross-layer design principles and metrics that address critical architectural issues of the future grid. This project promotes modernization of the grid by reducing the system-level barriers for integration of new technologies, including the integration of new renewable energy resources. Understanding fundamental limits of performance is indispensable to policymakers that are currently engaged in revamping the infrastructure of our energy system. It is critical that we ensure that the transition to a smarter electricity infrastructure does not jeopardize the reliability of our electricity supply twenty years down the road. The educational efforts and outreach activities will provide multidisciplinary training for students in engineering, economics, and mathematics, and will raise awareness about the exciting research challenges required to create a sustainable energy future.
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
National Science Foundation
Meyn, Sean
Sean Meyn Submitted by Sean Meyn on December 6th, 2011
Holonic Multi-Agent Control of Intelligent Power Distribution Systems This project will demonstrate a Holonic Multiagent System Architecture capable of adaptively controlling future electrical power distribution systems (PDS), which are expected to include a large number of renewable power generators, energy storage devices, and advanced metering and control devices. The project will produce a general, extensible, and secure cyber architecture based on holonic multiagent principles to support adaptive PDS. It will produce new analytical insights to quantify the impact of information delay, quality and flow on the design and analysis of the PDS architecture. Finally, it will develop a novel approach to automating PDS with high penetration of distributed renewable resources for higher efficiency, reliability, security, and resiliency. The complex nature of future PDS will require them to adapt reactively and proactively to normal and anomalous modes of operation. The architecture produced by this project will be capable of optimizing performance and maintaining the system within operating limits during normal and minor events, such as cloud cover that reduces solar panels output. The architecture will also allow the operation of a distribution system as an island in emergencies, such as hurricanes/earthquakes, grid failures, or terrorist acts. The project will inspire future engineers via a simulation that will allow students to inject faults, failures, and weather events to see how an intelligent PDS will respond. These activities will combine cyber- and physical expertise, thus creating a workforce prepared for tomorrow?s cyber-physical system challenges. Existing university programs will be used to involve under-represented minorities and U.S. veterans in the project.
Kansas State University
National Science Foundation
Pahwa, Anil
Anil  Pahwa Submitted by Anil Pahwa on December 6th, 2011
The national transmission networks that deliver high voltage electric power underpin our society and are central to the ongoing transformation of the American energy infrastructure. Transmission networks are very large and complicated engineering systems, and "keeping the lights on" as the transformation of the American energy infrastructure proceeds is a fundamental engineering challenge involving both the physical aspects of the equipment and the cyber aspects of the controls, communications, and computers that run the system. The project develops new principles of cyber-physical engineering by focusing on instabilities of electric power networks that can cause blackouts. It proposes novel approaches to analyze these instabilities and to design cyber-physical control methods to monitor, detect, and mitigate them. The controls must perform robustly in the presence of variability and uncertainty in electric generation, loads, communications, and equipment status, and during abnormal states caused by natural faults or malicious attacks. The research produces cyber-physical engineering methodologies that specifically help to mitigate power system blackouts and more generally show the way forward in designing robust cyber-physical systems in environments characterized by rich dynamics and uncertainty. Education and outreach efforts involve students at high school, undergraduate, and graduate levels, as well as dissemination of results to the public and the engineering and applied science communities in industry, government and universities.
University of Wisconsin-Madison
National Science Foundation
Dobson, Ian
Ian Dobson Submitted by Ian Dobson on December 6th, 2011
The national transmission networks that deliver high voltage electric power underpin our society and are central to the ongoing transformation of the American energy infrastructure. Transmission networks are very large and complicated engineering systems, and "keeping the lights on" as the transformation of the American energy infrastructure proceeds is a fundamental engineering challenge involving both the physical aspects of the equipment and the cyber aspects of the controls, communications, and computers that run the system. The project develops new principles of cyber-physical engineering by focusing on instabilities of electric power networks that can cause blackouts. It proposes novel approaches to analyze these instabilities and to design cyber-physical control methods to monitor, detect, and mitigate them. The controls must perform robustly in the presence of variability and uncertainty in electric generation, loads, communications, and equipment status, and during abnormal states caused by natural faults or malicious attacks. The research produces cyber-physical engineering methodologies that specifically help to mitigate power system blackouts and more generally show the way forward in designing robust cyber-physical systems in environments characterized by rich dynamics and uncertainty. Education and outreach efforts involve students at high school, undergraduate, and graduate levels, as well as dissemination of results to the public and the engineering and applied science communities in industry, government and universities.
Carnegie-Mellon University
National Science Foundation
Sinopoli, Bruno
Bruno Sinopoli Submitted by Bruno Sinopoli on December 6th, 2011
This project addresses the impact of the integration of renewable intermittent generation in a power grid. This includes the consideration of sophisticated sensing, communication, and actuation capabilities on the system's reliability, price volatility, and economic and environmental efficiency. Without careful crafting of its architecture, the future smart grid may suffer from a decrease in reliability. Volatility of prices may increase, and the source of high prices may be more difficult to identify because of undetectable strategic policies. This project addresses these challenges by relying on the following components: (a) the development of tractable cross-layer models; physical, cyber, and economic, that capture the fundamental tradeoffs between reliability, price volatility, and economic and environmental efficiency, (b) the development of computational tools for quantifying the value of information on decision making at various levels, (c) the development of tools for performing distributed robust control design at the distribution level in the presence of information constraints, (d) the development of dynamic economic models that can address the real-time impact of consumer's feedback on future electricity markets, and finally (e) the development of cross-layer design principles and metrics that address critical architectural issues of the future grid. This project promotes modernization of the grid by reducing the system-level barriers for integration of new technologies, including the integration of new renewable energy resources. Understanding fundamental limits of performance is indispensable to policymakers that are currently engaged in revamping the infrastructure of our energy system. It is critical that we ensure that the transition to a smarter electricity infrastructure does not jeopardize the reliability of our electricity supply twenty years down the road. The educational efforts and outreach activities will provide multidisciplinary training for students in engineering, economics, and mathematics, and will raise awareness about the exciting research challenges required to create a sustainable energy future.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
National Science Foundation
Dahleh, Munther
Munther Dahleh Submitted by Munther Dahleh on December 6th, 2011
The electric grid in the United States has evolved over the past century from a series of small independent community-based systems to one of the largest and most complex cyber-physical systems today. However, the established conditions that made the electric grid an engineering marvel are being challenged by major changes, the most important being a worldwide effort to mitigate climate change by reducing carbon emissions. This research investigates key aspects of a computation and information foundation for future cyber-physical energy systems?the smart grids. The overall project objective is to support high penetrations of renewable energy sources, community based micro-grids, and the widespread use of electric cars and smart appliances. The research has three interconnected components that, collectively, address issues of computation architecture, information hierarchy, and experimental modeling and validation. On computation architecture, the framework based on cloud computing is investigated for the scalable, consistent, and secure operations of smart grids. The research aims to quantify fundamental design tradeoffs among scalability, data consistency, security, and trustworthiness for emerging applications of smart grids. On information hierarchy, temporal and spatial characteristics of information hierarchy are investigated with the goal of gaining a foundational understanding on how information should be partitioned, collected, distributed, compressed, and aggregated. The research also develops an open and scalable experimental platform (SmartGridLab) for empirical investigations and testing of algorithms and concepts developed in this project. SmartGridLab integrates the hardware testbed with a software simulator so that software virtual nodes can interact with physical nodes in the testbed. This research also includes a significant education component aimed at integrating frontier research with undergraduate and graduate curricula.
Georgia State University Research Foundation, Inc.
National Science Foundation
Song, WenZhan
WenZhan Song Submitted by WenZhan Song on December 6th, 2011
The electric grid in the United States has evolved over the past century from a series of small independent community-based systems to one of the largest and most complex cyber-physical systems today. However, the established conditions that made the electric grid an engineering marvel are being challenged by major changes, the most important being a worldwide effort to mitigate climate change by reducing carbon emissions. This research investigates key aspects of a computation and information foundation for future cyber-physical energy systems?the smart grids. The overall project objective is to support high penetrations of renewable energy sources, community based micro-grids, and the widespread use of electric cars and smart appliances. The research has three interconnected components that, collectively, address issues of computation architecture, information hierarchy, and experimental modeling and validation. On computation architecture, the framework based on cloud computing is investigated for the scalable, consistent, and secure operations of smart grids. The research aims to quantify fundamental design tradeoffs among scalability, data consistency, security, and trustworthiness for emerging applications of smart grids. On information hierarchy, temporal and spatial characteristics of information hierarchy are investigated with the goal of gaining a foundational understanding on how information should be partitioned, collected, distributed, compressed, and aggregated. The research also develops an open and scalable experimental platform (SmartGridLab) for empirical investigations and testing of algorithms and concepts developed in this project. SmartGridLab integrates the hardware testbed with a software simulator so that software virtual nodes can interact with physical nodes in the testbed. This research also includes a significant education component aimed at integrating frontier research with undergraduate and graduate curricula.
Cornell University
National Science Foundation
Tong, Lang
Lang Tong Submitted by Lang Tong on December 6th, 2011
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