Applications of CPS technologies used in manufacturing.
ERTS2 2014
ERTS² 2014 Embedded Real Time System and Software Congress The ERTS2 Congress is a unique European cross sector event on Embedded Software and Systems, a platform for top-level scientific with representatives from universities, research centers and industries. The previous editions gathered more than 100 talks, 500 participants and 60 exhibitors. ERTS2 is:
Submitted by Anonymous on August 14th, 2013
2013 PHM Society Conference Data Challenge
Submitted by Anonymous on August 13th, 2013
International Conference on Convergence and Hybrid Information Technology (ICHIT 2013)    October 25th ~ 26th, 2013, Hannam University, Daejeon, Korea   Since 2006, ICHIT has been focused on various aspects of advances in Convergence and Hybrid Information Technology.
Submitted by Anonymous on August 13th, 2013


NIST AMTech Program Announces Grants for Industry-led Consortia to Explore Issues Hampering Advanced Manufacturing in U.S.
From NIST Tech Beat: July 24, 2013

Contact: Mark Bello 

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) today announced a competition for grants to support new or existing industry-driven consortia to develop research plans that address high-priority challenges impeding the growth of advanced manufacturing in the United States.

NIST's new Advanced Manufacturing Technology Consortia (AMTech) Program anticipates awarding $4 million in two-year planning grants in fiscal year 2013. Grants will range between about $250,000 and $500,000, subject to the availability of funds.

Nonprofit U.S. organizations as well as accredited institutions of higher education and state, tribal and local governments are eligible to apply for the program. Teaming and partnerships that include broad participation by companies of all sizes, universities and government agencies, driven by industry, are encouraged.

Funded by Congress this fiscal year, AMTech will spur consortia-planned and led research on long-term, pre-competitive industrial research needs. The program aims to eliminate barriers to advanced manufacturing and to promote domestic development of an underpinning technology infrastructure.

AMTech is designed to address an economically damaging weakness in the nation's so-called innovation ecosystem, an issue identified by the National Science and Technology Council (NSTC), the President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology, and other bodies.

According to the NSTC, there is a gap between R&D activities and the deployment of technological innovations in the domestic production of goods, which is contributing significantly, for example, to the growing trade deficit in high-value-added, advanced-technology products.

Once fully implemented, it is envisioned that AMTech will provide funding in two broad areas: planning awards and implementation awards. In FY 2013, NIST will fund planning awards only. In the future, AMTech may provide funding opportunities that help to support activities that advance the research agenda.

Full details of the solicitation, including eligibility requirements, selection criteria, legal requirements and the mechanism for submitting proposals are found in an announcement of Federal Funding Opportunity (FFO) posted at under funding opportunity number 2013-NIST-AMTECH-01.


Applications will only be accepted through the website. The deadline for full applications is 11:59 p.m. Eastern time, Oct. 21, 2013.

NIST will host two webinars on the AMTech funding opportunity on August 15, 2013, and on August 20, 2013, at 2:00 p.m. Eastern time. The events will offer guidance on the AMTech program and preparing proposals and will provide an opportunity to answer questions from the public about the program. Participation in the free event is not required to apply, but participants are required to register in advance. Registration forms are available at (Aug. 15) and (Aug. 20). Further details are available at


General Announcement
Not in Slideshow
Submitted by Anonymous on August 13th, 2013
DSM 13
An upward shift in abstraction leads to a corresponding increase in productivity. In the past this has occurred when programming languages have evolved towards a higher level of abstraction. Today, domain-specific languages provide a viable solution for continuing to raise the level of abstraction beyond coding, making development faster and easier.
Submitted by Anonymous on July 23rd, 2013
ECYPS’2013 - the EUROMICRO/IEEE Workshop on Embedded and Cyber-Physical Systems will be held in the scope of MECO’2013 - the 2nd Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing and SS_on_ECYPS’2013 - the 2013 Summer School on Embedded and Cyber-Physical Systems, June 16-20
Submitted by Anonymous on April 4th, 2013
The 2nd Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing (MECO 2013) is a continuation of very successful MECO-2012 event. It is an International Scientific Forum aimed to present and discuss the leading achievements in the modeling, analysis, design, validation and application of embedded computing systems. MECO 2013 will provide an opportunity for scientists, engineers and researchers to discuss new applications, design problems, ideas, solutions, research and development results, experiences and work-in-progress in this important technological area. 
Submitted by Anonymous on April 4th, 2013
CPSNA 2013
The 1st IEEE International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems, Networks, and Applications Overview
Amy Karns Submitted by Amy Karns on April 4th, 2013
This grant provides funding for the development of Cyber Enabled Manufacturing (CeMs) process control for small lot manufacturing that incorporates a model of the process directly into the control algorithm. Such a model can be used to accommodate changes in the physical product and the manufacturing process and thus the manufacturing monitoring and control algorithm, so that changing conditions are easily accommodated without extensive additional experiments. A set of objectives of this physics and cyber-enabled manufacturing process control system are rational setting of manufacturing tolerances, real time prediction of manufacturing defects, real time control of process to eliminate defects, and real time monitoring and control for small lot manufacturing. The methodologies we propose to achieve these goals are high fidelity, physics based models including models of faults/defects, uncertainty quantification, reduced order models that run in real time, measurement, real time prediction, real time computer architecture, real time control with inverse solutions, and automating the CeMs process for generic manufacturing processes If successful, the results of this research will greatly reduce cycle time in producing new or modified products and improve the quality of manufacturing processes with accompanying reduction in waste, energy use, and cost. The development of such accurate control algorithms and their application to manufacturing processes can provide a competitive edge to US manufacturers. Perhaps more importantly, the education of engineers involved this research will supply US industry with employees who can apply this technology to many industrial processes.
University of Texas at Austin
National Science Foundation
Joseph Beaman
Submitted by Joseph Beaman on December 11th, 2012
Katie Dey Submitted by Katie Dey on April 16th, 2012
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