Applications of CPS technologies used in manufacturing.
CBSE 2014
Submitted by Anonymous on February 3rd, 2014
ETFA 2014
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Submitted by Anonymous on February 3rd, 2014
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FMTV’ 14
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FM 2014
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WFCS 2014
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Submitted by Anonymous on October 15th, 2013
RTAS 2014
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Submitted by Anonymous on October 15th, 2013
SECURITY FABRIC SPECIAL INTEREST GROUP TO HOLD FORMATIVE MEETING IN NEW BRUNSWICK, NJ Part of Object Management Group’s quarterly technical meeting   Needham, MA—The Object Management Group (OMG®) will be hosting the formative meeting of a Security Fabric Special Interest Group (SFSIG) at its quarterly technical meeting at the Hyatt Regency in New Brunswick, NJ on Wednesday, September 25th at 1:30pm EST.  
Submitted by Anonymous on September 12th, 2013


This talk is part of the Triangle Computer Science Distinguished Lecturer Series


Cyber-physical systems (CPS) represent a tight integration of computing and communications with the physics and real-time dynamics of engineered systems.  They will revolutionize many sectors including transportation, critical infrastructures, manufacturing, healthcare and medical devices, aerospace and defense.   In this talk, we will present some grand challenges that can be met by advances in cyber-physical systems.   This will be followed by a detailed description of 3 areas of CPS research projects that the speaker is working on: (1) Planetary-scale sensor-actuator networks with applications to the smart grid, (2) Smart Surveillance systems, and (3) Autonomous Driving Systems.   Current status of each project will be complemented by a description of research challenges that need to be addressed.   These systems will hopefully offer insights into why the integration of engineering and computer science into a master discipline that can enrich both domains while yielding significant, perhaps even revolutionary, practical benefits.

Short Bio:

Dr. Raj Rajkumar is a Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, and Robotics Institute at Carnegie Mellon University.  He also serves as a Co-Director for the General Motors-Carnegie Mellon Vehicular Information Technology Collaborative Research Lab, Co-Director of the General Motors-Carnegie Mellon Autonomous Driving Collaborative Research Lab and as a Director of the Real-Time and Multimedia Systems Laboratory at Carnegie Mellon University.  He has served as General Chair and/or Program Chair of multiple conferences including the IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium, the IEEE Real-Time Technologies and Applications Symposium, the ACM/SPIE Symposium on Multimedia Computing and Networks, International Symposium on International Symposium on Vehicular Computing Systems and the International Conference on Networked Sensing Systems. He has chaired or co-chaired 5 NSF-sponsored workshops targeting a national research initiative on cyber-physical systems.  He is also currently serving as the Chair of the IEEE Technical Committee on Real-Time Systems. He obtained his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from Carnegie Mellon University in 1986 and 1989 respectively.   He has given several keynote talks and has 4 Best Paper Awards.  Dr. Rajkumar's research interests include all aspects of embedded real-time systems.  Some of his current research projects include FireFly wireless networks, resource kernels for guaranteed enforcement of throughput, timeliness and power-consumption in real-time operating systems, vehicular networks, and methodologies for model-based design and development.

Raj Rajkumar
Ragunathan  Rajkumar Submitted by Ragunathan Rajkumar on August 14th, 2013
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