A body of knowledge containing laws, axioms and provable theories relating to some aspect of system security.
HumanSys 2017
1st International Workshop on Human-centered Sensing, Networking, and Systems (HumanSys 2017)
Co-located with ACM SenSys 2017
DSS 2017
The 3rd International Workshop on Data-driven Self-regulating Systems (DSS 2017)
In conjunction with 11th IEEE International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems (SASO),
Proceedings appear in IEEE Digital Library
SETTA 2017
The 3rd Symposium on Dependable Software Engineering: Theories, Tools and Applications (SETTA 2017)
October 23-25, 2017 | Changsha, China | http://lcs.ios.ac.cn/setta2017/
Invited Speakers
Cliff Jones (Newcastle University)
Rupak Majumdar (Max Planck Institute for Software Systems)
Sanjit Seshia (University of California, Berkeley)
Program Chairs:
CASES 2017
International Conference on Compilers, Architectures, and Synthesis for Embedded Systems (CASES 2017)
at the Embedded System Week (ESWeek)
October 15-20, 2017 | Seoul, South Korea | http://www.esweek.org/cases/
ERTS² 2018
Embedded Real Time Software and Systems ( ERTS² 2018)
The ERTS2 congress created by the late Jean-Claude Laprie in 2002 is a unique European cross sector event on Embedded Software and Systems, a platform for top-level scientists with representatives from universities, research centres, agencies and industries. The previous editions gathered more than 100 talks, 500 participants and 60 exhibitors. ERTS2 is both:
PSCare 2017
The Fourth International Workshop on Privacy and Security in HealthCare 2017 (PSCare 2017)
in conjunction with the 7th International Conference on Current and Future Trends of Information and Communication Technologies in Healthcare (ICTH-2017)
EDCC 2017
13th European Dependable Computing Conference (EDCC 2017)
Geneva, Switzerland | 4-8 September 2017 | http://edcc2017.unige.ch/
CyberC 2017
CyberC 2017 : The 9th International Conference on Cyber-Enabled Distributed Computing and Knowledge Discovery
Nanjing, China | October 12 - 14, 2017 | www.Cyberc.org
Cosponsors: IEEE Communication Society (technically - under approve), IEEE Big Data Initiative, IEEE SDN (Software Defined Networks) Initiative, IEEE Communications Society (ComSoc) Technical Committee on Big Data (TCBD)
Scope :
BDNT 2017
International Workshop on Big Data and Networks Technologies (BDNT’2017)
Held in parallel with The 12th International Conference on Future Networks and Communications
The 2017 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS'17)
The 2017 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems, ICUAS'17, will be held in Miami, FL, on June 13-16. The conference venue is the Miami Marriott, Biscayne Bay hotel. The hotel is close to the Miami Arts, Wynwood and Design districts and just minutes from the Miami Beach Convention Center. It is the only marina-front downtown hotel with incredible bay views. ICUAS'17 is fully sponsored by the ICUAS Association, a non-profit organization.