Re-examines the fundamentals of composition in heterogeneous systems, develops foundations and tools for system integration and validates the results in experiments using experimental platforms.
An abstract describing one facet of our research.
Ivan Ruchkin Submitted by Ivan Ruchkin on October 11th, 2012
                        Call for papers: CRTS 2012        5th Workshop on Compositional Theory and Technology for                   Real-Time Embedded Systems (CRTS 2012)               
Submitted by Anonymous on August 3rd, 2012
ISORC 2012
15th IEEE International Symposium on Object/component/service-oriented Real-time distributed Computing
Katie Dey Submitted by Katie Dey on April 16th, 2012
  The 10th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (SenSys 2012) solicits innovative research papers on the systems issues of networked, embedded sensing and control. The conference brings together academic, industry, and government professionals to a premier single-track, highly selective forum on sensor network design, implementation, and application.
Anne Dyson Submitted by Anne Dyson on April 16th, 2012
IEEE DEST 2012 (June 18-20 2012, Campione, ITALY) has a track on Cyber Physical Energy Systems:
Submitted by Peter Palensky on April 16th, 2012
SenSys 2011
The 9th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (SenSys 2011) is a highly selective, single-track forum for the presentation of research results on systems issues in the area of embedded, networked sensors. Distributed systems based on networked sensors and actuators with embedded computation capabilities allow for an instrumentation of the physical world at an unprecedented scale and density, thus enabling a new generation of monitoring and control applications.
Janos Sztipanovits Submitted by Janos Sztipanovits on April 16th, 2012
The goal of the Analytic Virtual Integration of Cyber-Physical Systems (AVICPS) workshop is to explore architecture design patterns, tools and the theoretical analytical foundations for creating common system-wide composition models where key properties can be studied and guarantees provided before the start of actual development. Of particular interest are the case studies on the challenges of expressing the properties of the final product in terms of component properties and the architecture that governs their interactions. Both solutions and/or open problems are welcome.
Janos Sztipanovits Submitted by Janos Sztipanovits on April 16th, 2012
This session focuses on methods and design tools for the exploration, analysis, simulation, selection, synthesis, and optimization of E/E automotive architectures (e.g., software, hardware, communication, wiring harness, and power architectures). These methods and tools apply to technologies such as multi-core processors, distributed systems, AUTOSAR, Flexray, CAN, Ethernet, and DSRC among others. The methods and tools are usually (but not limited to) model-based.
Submitted by Anonymous on April 16th, 2012
The SDL 2011 International Conference addresses system and software modelling, specification, and analysis of distributed systems, embedded systems, communication systems, and real-time systems.
Submitted by Anonymous on April 16th, 2012
Workshop on the Design, Modeling and Evaluation of Cyber Physical Systems (CyPhy'11) CyPhy aims to bring together researchers and practitioners working in the areas of modeling, simulation, and evaluation of cyber-physical systems. In 2011, CyPhy will take a broad interpretation of these areas. The priority for this first instance of this workshop is to bring together expertise from as diverse set of disciplines as possible.
Chris vanBuskirk Submitted by Chris vanBuskirk on April 16th, 2012
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