Independent procedures that are used together for checking that a product, service, or system meets requirements and specifications and that it fulfills its intended purpose.
VECoS 2015
9th International Workshop on Verification and Evaluation of Computer and Communication Systems (VECoS 2015) Important dates Paper submission: May 15, 2015 Decision notification: July 12, 2015 Camera-ready submission: July 23, 2015 Workshop: September 10-11, 2015 Aims and scope
Submitted by Anonymous on March 10th, 2015
ABZ 2016
5th International ABZ 2014 Conference (ASM, Alloy, B, TLA, VDM, Z) May 23-27, 2016 -- Linz, Austria
Submitted by Anonymous on March 2nd, 2015
13th International Conference on Formal Modeling and Analysis of Timed Systems Objective
Submitted by Anonymous on March 2nd, 2015
GCM 2015
Sixth International Workshop on Graph Computation Models Co-located with ICGT 2015 Part of STAF 2015 Background and Aims
Submitted by Anonymous on March 2nd, 2015
VSTTE 2015
7th Working Conference on Verified Software: Theories, Tools, and Experiments The Seventh Working Conference on Verified Software: Theories, Tools, and Experiments follows a successful inaugural working conference at Zurich in 2005 followed by conferences in Toronto (2008), Edinburgh (2010), Philadelphia (2012), Atherton (2013) and Vienna (2014). The goal of this conference is to advance the state of the art in the science and technology of software verification, through the interaction of theory development, tool evolution, and experimental validation.
Submitted by Anonymous on February 24th, 2015
MES 2015
Third ACM International Workshop on Manycore Embedded Systems in conjunction with the 42nd International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA 2015)  
Submitted by Anonymous on February 18th, 2015
25th International Symposium on Logic-Based Program Synthesis and Transformation Co-located with PPDP 2015 Conference Description
Submitted by Anonymous on February 18th, 2015
International Workshop on Recent Advances in the DependabIlity AssessmeNt of Complex systEms (RADIANCE)
Submitted by Anonymous on February 5th, 2015
F-IDE 2015
2nd Workshop on Formal-IDE A satellite workshop of FM2015 General theme: “Formal Integrated Development Environment (F-IDE) for joint construction of an application and its correctness proof upon its formalized specification”. Aims
Submitted by Anonymous on February 5th, 2015
SETS 2015
2nd International Workshop about Sets and Tools (SETS 2015) Affiliated to FM 2015, Oslo - Norway The workshop aims at bringing together researchers interested in set theory, especially to design tools for dealing with set theory, such as interactive or automated theorem provers, proof checkers, theories for general purpose proof tools, constraint solvers, programming languages etc. See the call for papers for more details regarding the scope of this workshop.
Submitted by Anonymous on January 28th, 2015
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