Independent procedures that are used together for checking that a product, service, or system meets requirements and specifications and that it fulfills its intended purpose.

12th International Conference on integrated Formal Methods, iFM 2016 | June 1-5, 2016 - Reykjavík, Iceland


Prospective workshop organizers are invited to submit proposals for workshops to be affiliated to iFM 2016, on topics related to the conferences main subjects.

About iFM

iFM 2016 is concerned with how the application of formal methods may involve modelling different aspects of a system which are best expressed using different formalisms. Correspondingly, different analysis techniques may be used to examine different system views, different kinds of properties, or simply in order to cope with the sheer complexity of the system. The iFM conference series seeks to further research into hybrid approaches to formal modelling and analysis; i.e., the combination of (formal and semi-formal) methods for system development, regarding modelling and analysis, and covering all aspects from language design through verification and analysis techniques to tools and their integration into software engineering practice.

One day workshops will be held in conjunction with the main events. Prospective workshop organizers are requested to follow the guidelines below and are encouraged to contact the workshop chairs if any questions arise.

The purpose of the workshops is to provide participants with a,friendly, interactive atmosphere for presenting novel ideas and.discussing their application.

The workshops take place on June 4-5, 2016.

Important Dates

  • Submission of workshop proposals: by July 20, 2015
  • Notification: by August 3, 2015
  • Workshops: June 4-5, 2016

Submission via e-mail

Marcel Kyas <> - Workshop chair

Proposal and Submission Guidelines

Workshop proposals must be written in English, not exceed 5 pages with a reasonable font and margins, and be submitted in PDF format via email to Marcel Kyas (

Proposals should include:

  • The name and the preferred date of the proposed workshop
  • A short description of the workshop.
  • If applicable, a description of past versions of the workshop, including dates, organizers, submission and acceptance counts, and attendance.
  • The publicity strategy that will be used by the workshop organizers to promote the workshop.
  • The participant solicitation and selection process.
  • The target audience and expected number of participants.
  • Approximate budget proposal (see section Budget below for details).
  • The equipment and any other resource necessary for the organization of the workshop.
  • The name and short CV of the organizer(s).
  • The publication plan (only invited speakers, no published proceedings, pre-/post-proceedings published with EPTCS/ENTCS/...).

Organizers Responsibilities

The scientific responsibility of organizing a workshop goes to the workshop organizers. In particular, they are responsible for the following items:

  • A workshop description (200 words) for inclusion n the iFM site.
  • Hosting and maintaining web pages to be linked from the iFM site. Workshop organizers can integrate their pages into the main iFM pages.
  • Workshop proceedings, if any. If there is sufficient interest, the organizer of iFM 2016 may contact the editor-in-chief of the Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science ( for having a common volume dedicated to the workshops of iFM 2016.
  • Workshop publicity (possibly including call for papers, submission and review process).
  • Scheduling workshop activities in collaboration with the iFM workshop chair.


The iFM organization will provide registration and organizational support for the workshops (including link from the conferences web sites, set-up of meeting space, on-line and on-site registration). Registration fees must be paid for all participants, including organizers and invited guests.

To cover lunches, coffee breaks and basic organizational expenses, all workshops will be required to charge a minimum participation fee (the precise amount is still to be determined). Each workshop may increase this fee to cover additional expenses such as publication charges, student scholarships, costs for invited speakers, etc. All fees will be collected by the iFM organizers as part of the registration, then additional funds will be redistributed to the individual workshop organizers.

Evaluation Process

The proposals will be evaluated by the iFM organizing committee on the basis of their assessed benefit for prospective participants of iFM 2016. Prospective organizers may wish to consult the web pages of previous satellite events as examples:

  • iFM 2014:
  • iFM 2013:
  • iFM 2012:
  • iFM 2010:
  • iFM 2009:


iFM 2016 will take place at the Campus of Reykjavík University, Iceland. The campus at Reykjavík University is set in one of the most beautiful areas next to Iceland's only geothermal beach. The building has well equipped classrooms.

Further Information and Enquiries

Please contact the workshop chair Marcel Kyas <>

General Announcement
Not in Slideshow
Submitted by Anonymous on June 29th, 2015
GTTSE 2015
The 5th Summer School on Grand Timely Topics in Software Engineering (GTTSE) Registration is open for participants! There is a students' workshop to which one may submit. List of speakers
Submitted by Anonymous on June 23rd, 2015

ICCD 2015: Call for Special Sessions

The International Conference on Computer Design (ICCD) encompasses a wide range of topics in the research, design, and implementation of computer systems and their components. ICCD's multi-disciplinary emphasis provides an ideal environment for developers and researchers to discuss practical and theoretical work covering system and computer architecture, test, verification and security, design and technology, and tools and methodologies.

ICCD 2015 will be held in New York City, NY, USA (October 19-21, 2015).

Researchers both from academia and industry are invited to submit proposals for special sessions. A special session could consists of a set of individual presentations or a panel. The special sessions should aim at providing a complementary experience with respect to the regular sessions. Hence, sessions focusing on hot topics of interest to the community that may also go beyond disciplines traditionally represented at ICCD are particularly welcome.

The theme for ICCD 2015 is "Hardware and Embedded Security".
Organizers are encouraged to incorporate this theme into the rationale for their proposals.

Submission details:

A single PDF file including the following information:

  • Title of the special session.
  • Rationale of the need for the special session at ICCD. The rationale should stress the novelty of the topic and/or its multidisciplinary flavor, and must explain how it is different from the subjects covered by the regular sessions.
  • Short biography of the organizers.
  • List of three (3) contributed presentations (including titles, presenters, contact information of the corresponding presenter, and an abstract of each contribution). For panel proposals, list three to five panelists and their area of expertise.

Proposals are due on or before June 21, 2015 11:59pm and should be sent via e-mail to both ICCD-2015 Special Session Chairs:

  •    Luca Carloni, Columbia University, US, <>
  •    Christian Pilato, Columbia University, US, <>

Each presenter of accepted special sessions will have the opportunity to submit a 4-page paper to be included in the proceedings.

Important dates:

  • Special Session proposal due: June 21, 2015
  • Acceptance notification: July 21, 2015
  • Camera-ready version due: August 22, 2015

For more information, contact the Special Session Chairs and visit the ICCD website:

General Announcement
Not in Slideshow
Submitted by Anonymous on May 26th, 2015
ReCoSoC 2015
10th International Symposium on Reconfigurable Communication-centric Systems-on-Chip (ReCoSoC 2015) During the past decade, ReCoSoC has established itself as a reference international event for researchers in the areas of reconfigurable and communication-centric systems-on-chip. Its informal and dynamic philosophy encourages the technical and scientific interactions between senior academics and young researchers. ReCoSoC 2015 will take place from 29.6. to 1.7.2015 in Bremen, Germany.   
Submitted by Anonymous on April 7th, 2015
DMCC 2015
The 7th International Workshop on Dependable Many-Core Computing (DMCC 2015) As part of The International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation (HPCS 2015)  or  July 20 – July 24, 2015  |  The Hilton Amsterdam Hotel  |  Amsterdam, The Netherlands 
Submitted by Anonymous on April 6th, 2015
Ptolemy Miniconference Eleventh Biennial Ptolemy Miniconference will be held on Friday October 16, 2015 at the Bancroft Hotel Great Hall near the University of California, Berkeley campus. The Ptolemy project ( studies modeling, simulation, and design of concurrent, real-time, embedded systems. The focus is on assembly of concurrent components.
Submitted by Anonymous on March 31st, 2015
ECSA 2015
9th European Conference on Software Architecture SCOPE The European Conference on Software Architecture (ECSA) is the premier European software architecture conference, providing researchers, practitioners, and educators with a platform to present and discuss the most recent, innovative and significant findings and experiences in the field of software architecture research and practice. The conference will feature a research track, an industrial track, an education and training track, keynotes, workshops, tutorials, tool and demonstrations, and panels.
Submitted by Anonymous on March 18th, 2015
2nd International Workshop on Cyber-Physical Systems (IWCPS’15) E-mail: We would like to cordially invite you to consider contributing a paper to IWCPS 2015 - held as a part of the Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems (FedCSIS 2015).
Submitted by Anonymous on March 18th, 2015
DeCPS 2015
Second International Workshop on Challenges and new Approaches for Dependable and Cyber-Physical Systems Engineering (DeCPS2015) in conjunction with the international conference on reliable software technologies -  Ada-Europe 2015 Madrid, Spain | June 23, 2015
Submitted by Anonymous on March 16th, 2015
GraMSec 2015
The Second International Workshop on Graphical Models for Security (GraMSec 2015) Co-located with CSF 2015 Graphical security models provide an intuitive but systematic methodology to analyze security weaknesses of systems and to evaluate potential protection measures. Formal methods and computer security researchers, as well as security professionals from industry and government, have proposed various graphical security modeling schemes.
Submitted by Anonymous on March 10th, 2015
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