SETTA 2017
The 3rd Symposium on Dependable Software Engineering: Theories, Tools and Applications (SETTA 2017) October 23-25, 2017 | Changsha, China | http://lcs.ios.ac.cn/setta2017/   Invited Speakers Cliff Jones (Newcastle University) Rupak Majumdar (Max Planck Institute for Software Systems) Sanjit Seshia (University of California, Berkeley) Program Chairs:
Submitted by Anonymous on June 20th, 2017
GPCE 2017
16th International Conference on Generative Programming: Concepts & Experiences (GPCE 2017) co-located with SPLASH 2017 GPCE is a programming languages conference focusing on techniques and tools for code generation, language implementation, and product-line development. GPCE seeks conceptual, theoretical, empirical, and technicalcontributions to its topics of interest, which include but are not limited to:
Submitted by Anonymous on June 20th, 2017
ARM 2017
Adaptive and Reflective Middleware Workshop (ARM 2017)  Colocated with ACM/IFIP/USENIX Middleware 2017 Dec 11-15, 2017 in Las Vegas The Adaptive and Reflective Middleware (ARM) workshop series started together with the ACM/IFIP/USENIX International Middleware Conference, with which it has been co-located every year since this first edition.
Abhishek Dubey Submitted by Abhishek Dubey on June 20th, 2017
EXE 2017
3nd International Workshop on Executable Modeling (EXE 2017) co-located with MODELS 2017 --------------------------- Scope and Topics ---------------------------
Submitted by Anonymous on June 9th, 2017
CPS Summer School 2017 Designing Cyber-Physical Systems – From concepts to implementation Multi-objective Methodologies and Tools for Self-healing and Adaptive Systems Porto Conte Ricerche, Alghero - Sardinia - Italy | September 25-30, 2017 | http://www.cpsschool.eu
Submitted by Anonymous on June 9th, 2017
CASES 2017
International Conference on Compilers, Architectures, and Synthesis for Embedded Systems (CASES 2017) at the Embedded System Week (ESWeek) October 15-20, 2017 | Seoul, South Korea | http://www.esweek.org/cases/
Submitted by Anonymous on June 9th, 2017
14th HONET-ICT International Conference "Smart Cities: Improving Quality of Life-Using ICT & IoT" Scope:
Submitted by Anonymous on May 8th, 2017
DaLí 2017
Workshop DaLí – Dynamic Logic: new trends and applications  Brasília | 24 September, 2017  |   co-located with FROCOS TABLEAUX and ITP 2017)             
Submitted by Anonymous on May 5th, 2017
ASYNC 2017
23rd IEEE International Symposium on Asynchronous Circuits and Systems May 21-24 2017, San Diego, California, US The International Symposium on Asynchronous Circuits and Systems (ASYNC) is the premier forum for researchers to present their latest findings in the area of asynchronous design. Besides a regular paper track, the conference will also hold a special industrial papers track and a "fresh ideas" workshop. The symposium will be hosted in San Diego, California, US, in May 21-24 2017. Keynote Speakers
Submitted by Anonymous on May 5th, 2017
PSCare 2017
The Fourth International Workshop on Privacy and Security in HealthCare 2017 (PSCare 2017) in conjunction with the 7th International Conference on Current and Future Trends of Information and Communication Technologies in Healthcare (ICTH-2017)
Submitted by Anonymous on May 5th, 2017
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