The terms denote technology areas that are part of the CPS technology suite or that are impacted by CPS requirements.
SiPS 2017
IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Systems (SiPS 2017) IEEE SiPS is a premier international forum collecting researchers and practitioners from industry and academia for exchanging the latest scientific and technical advances in the area of design and implementation of signal processing systems. It addresses current and future challenges and new directions in research and development of these systems. Prospective authors are invited to submit manuscripts on topics including, but not limited to:
Submitted by Anonymous on March 6th, 2017
BDNT 2017
CALL FOR PAPERS International Workshop on Big Data and Networks Technologies (BDNT’2017) Held in parallel with The 12th International Conference on Future Networks and Communications
Submitted by Anonymous on March 6th, 2017
27th International Symposium on Power and Timing Modeling, Optimization and Simulation (PATMOS) 25 - 27 September 2017 | Thessaloniki, Greece | PATMOS is Technically Sponsored by IEEE CASS. The conference proceedings will be included in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library.
Submitted by Anonymous on March 6th, 2017



Hsinchu, Taiwan | August 16-18, 2017 |

The IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications (RTCSA) is the premier conference of the IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Real-Time Systems located in Asia. The 23rd edition will take place in Hsinchu, Taiwan, from August 16th to 18th, 2017.

The purpose of the workshops are:

  • to strengthen interactions between the real-time community and other related research areas;
  • to create a stimulating environment that facilitates the discussion of open or hot research topics.

Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit workshop proposals. Proposals should consist of two parts. First, a short scientific justification of the proposed topic, its significance, and the particular benefits of the workshop to the research community, as well as a list of previous or related workshops (if any). Second, an organizational part should include:

  • contact information of the workshop organizers;
  • estimate of the audience size;
  • proposed format (contributed short papers or long abstracts, invited papers, open discussion, keynote speakers, etc.);
  • potential invited speakers, if any;
  • proposed sponsorships, if any;
  • procedures for selecting papers and participants, if any (program committee, review process, etc.);
  • plans for dissemination, if any (website, special issues of journals, etc.);
  • special technical or audio/video needs;
  • any other relevant information.

Submission of proposals should be made by sending an email to Vincent Nelis (

Important dates:

  • Workshop proposal deadline: March 25th, 2017 (Extended to April 5!)
  • Notification of workshop acceptance: April 5th
  • Workshop website on-line and CFP out: April 30st (+/- few days)
  • Workshop papers submission deadline: May 31th (+/- few days)
  • Workshop papers notification of acceptance: June 10th (+/- few days)
  • Camera ready deadline: July 7th
  • Workshop date: to be decided by the RTCSA program chairs according to the conference room allocation.

RTCSA 17: August 16th-18th

General Announcement
Not in Slideshow
Submitted by Anonymous on March 6th, 2017
THE 23RD IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EMBEDDED AND REAL-TIME COMPUTING SYSTEMS AND APPLICATIONS RTCSA 2017 is going to be held in Hsinchu, Taiwan and organized by NCTU. The RTCSA conference series carry on with the tradition and bring together researchers and developers from academia and industry for advancing the technology of embedded and real-time systems and their emerging applications, including the Internet of things and cyber-physical systems.
Submitted by Anonymous on March 6th, 2017
The 2017 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS'17) The 2017 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems, ICUAS'17, will be held in Miami, FL, on June 13-16. The conference venue is the Miami Marriott, Biscayne Bay hotel. The hotel is close to the Miami Arts, Wynwood and Design districts and just minutes from the Miami Beach Convention Center. It is the only marina-front downtown hotel with incredible bay views. ICUAS'17 is fully sponsored by the ICUAS Association, a non-profit organization.
Submitted by Anonymous on March 6th, 2017
FedCSIS 2017
Submitted by Anonymous on March 6th, 2017
15th IEEE/ACM Symposium on Embedded Systems for Real-Time Multimedia (ESTIMedia 2017) A next edition of the symposium on Embedded Systems for Real-Time Multimedia (ESTIMedia) will be organized in 2017. The workshop will be held as part of the Embedded Systems Week ( The papers will be published in the ACM digital library.
Submitted by Anonymous on February 21st, 2017
CODES+ISSS: International Conference on Hardware/Software Codesign and System Synthesis The International Conference on Hardware/Software Codesign and System Synthesis (CODES+ISSS) is the premier event in system-level design, modeling, analysis, and implementation of modern embedded and cyber-physical systems, from system-level specification and optimization down to system synthesis of multi-processor hardware/software implementations.
Submitted by Anonymous on February 20th, 2017
DUHDe 2017
DUHDe – 4th Workshop on Design Automation for Understanding Hardware Designs Friday Workshop W03 at DATE 2017
Submitted by Anonymous on February 20th, 2017
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