Software designed for computational processes that interact with the physical processes.
RAC 2016
First International workshop on Resource Aware Computing (RAC2016) An ETAPS2016 Event.  |  ENTCS publication. RAC2016 is supported by ICT COST Action IC1202 Timing Analysis on Code-Level (TACLe). WORKSHOP OBJECTIVES AND SCOPE
Submitted by Anonymous on December 4th, 2015
ACM International Conference on Computing Frontiers 2016 (CF'16) May 16 - 18, 2016, Como, Italy |
Submitted by Anonymous on November 10th, 2015
International Workshop on Model Based System Engineering and PLM (MBSE PLM 2015) Aims and scope This workshop caters to both practitioners and academics, providing a forum to exchange ideas and experiences on technology, methodology, applications, study cases, and practical experiences of MBSE and PLM. It aims at promoting MBSE and PLM in academia and industry.
Submitted by Anonymous on November 10th, 2015
Amy Karns Submitted by Amy Karns on November 10th, 2015
The 14th ACM International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services ACM MobiSys 2016 seeks to present innovative and significant research on the design, implementation, usage, and evaluation of mobile computing and wireless systems, applications, and services. This conference builds on the success of the previous thirteen MobiSys conferences. It is sponsored by ACM SIGMOBILE. Important Dates
Submitted by Anonymous on November 3rd, 2015
DAC 2016
Design Automation Conference 2016 Austin Convention Center, Austin, Texas | June 5 - 9, 2016 |
Submitted by Anonymous on November 3rd, 2015
STAF 2016
Software Technologies: Applications and Foundations (STAF 2016) Software Technologies: Applications and Foundations (STAF) is a federation of leading conferences on software technologies. The participating conferences focus on practical and foundational advances in software technology covering a wide range of aspects including formal foundations of software technology, testing and formal analysis, graph transformations and model transformations, model driven engineering, and tools.  
Submitted by Anonymous on November 3rd, 2015
ICGT 2016
9th International Conference on Graph Transformation (ICGT 2016) Graphs are used almost everywhere when representing or modelling structures and systems, not only in applied and theoretical computer science, but also in, e.g., natural and engineering sciences. Graph transformation and graph grammars are the fundamental modelling paradigms for describing, formalizing, and analyzing graphs that change over time when modelling, e.g., dynamic data structures, systems, or models.
Submitted by Anonymous on November 3rd, 2015
RAW 2016
23rd Reconfigurable Architectures Workshop Important Dates:
Submitted by Anonymous on October 8th, 2015
HiRES 2016
Call for Papers 4th Workshop on High-performance and Real-Time Embedded Systems (HiRES 2016) To be held in conjunction with the 11th International Conference on High-Performance and Embedded Architectures and Compilers (HiPEAC 2016) Goal of the Workshop
Submitted by Anonymous on October 8th, 2015
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